From 2012.igem.org
Methods (expand)
Inserting gene into a biobrick vecor: Cloning a PCR product into a biobrick vector protocol on OpenWetWare (http://openwetware.org/wiki/Cfrench:bbcloning) however NEB buffers were used.
DNA gel preparation: Analysing DNA by gel electrophoresis protocol on OpanWetWare (http://openwetware.org/wiki/Cfrench:AGE) however 0.5*TAE rather than 1*TAE was used.
Colony PCR screen: Screening colonies by PCR protocol on OpenWetWare http://openwetware.org/wiki/Cfrench:PCRScreening
Transformations: Preparing and using compenent E.coli cells protocol on OpenWetWare (http://openwetware.org/wiki/Cfrench:compcellprep1)
PCR reactions : Cloning parts by PCR with Kod polymerase protocol on OpenWetWare (http://openwetware.org/wiki/Cfrench:KodPCR)
Minipreps : Plasmid DNA minipreps from Escerichia coli JM109 and similar strains protocol on OpenWetWare (http://openwetware.org/wiki/Cfrench:minipreps1)
Digests to linearise the DNA frangment/determine size of insert: Analytical restriction digests protocol on OpenWetWare (http://openwetware.org/wiki/Cfrench:restriction1)
DNA purification: Purifying a PCR product from solution protocol on OpenWetWare (http://openwetware.org/wiki/Cfrench:DNAPurification1) however 165 ul NaI, 5 ul glass beads,180 ul wash buffer and 10 ul EB were used.
DNA preparation for sequencing: 2.5 ul miniprepped DNA, 2 ul water and 1 ul forward primer ( specific for biobrick prefix) or reverse primer (specific for biobrick suffix)
Nitroreductase activity assay: Overnight liquid cultures of nitroreductase strains were centrifuged at 10000 rpm for 5 mins to pellet the cells. The cells were then resuspended in 250 ul PBS and 1 ul DTT to ensure that cellular proteins are not oxidized. The solution was sonicated 6* (10 s sonication+20 s rest). The supernatant was separated from the pellet by centrifugation and used for the NADH-dependent nitroreductase activity assay.
To assess background activity NADH (5 ul) and bacterial supernatant (5 ul) were added to 0.8 ml PBS and mixed. OD340 was measured for 1 minute. DNBA(5 ul) was added to the same cuvette to start the reaction and change in OD340 was monitored for 1 minute. DMSO(5 ul) was used a control (DNBA is dissolved in DMSO)
The protein concentration of each of the supernants was estimated by by Bradford protein assay using the Pierce reagent protocol on OpenWetWare(http://openwetware.org/wiki/Cfrench:ProteinAssay)
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Works Cited (expand)
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