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Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)

This analytical method can be used for separation and identification of proteins according to their electrophoretic mobility. The mobility is a function of length of the molecular weight. Proteins that have identical charge per unit mass due to binding of SDS results in an equal electrophoretic mobility.

Pouring the polyacrylamide gel

  • Make a master mix for the stacking and separating gel without adding ammonium persulfate and TEMED.
  • Aliquote 6,5 mL for each separating and 2,5 mL for each stacking gel.
  • Add ammonium persulfate and TEMED to each separating gel aliquote and pour the solution quickly into your gel casting form. Leave about 2 centimeters below the bottom of the comb for the stacking gel.
  • Layer isopropanol on top of the gel.
  • Leave the separating gel at room temperature for >60 minutes to polymerize.
  • Remove isopropanol and wait until the surface is dry.
  • Add ammonium persulfate and TEMED to each separating gel aliquote and pour the solution quickly into your gel casting form.
  • Insert comb without getting bubbles stuck underneath
  • Leave the gel at room temperature for >60 minutes to polymerize.
  • For storage
    • Remove sealing and store the gel wrapped in moistened paper towel at 4°C.

Preparing the sample

  • Mix your protein mixture 4:1 with Laemmli-buffer (15 µL protein solution + 5 µL Laemmli-buffer)
  • Heat for 5 minutes at 95 °C.

Running the gel

  • Remove sealing, put the polymerized gel into gel box and pour SDS running buffer into the negative and positive electrode chamber.
  • Remove comp without destroying the gel pocket.
  • Pipet the sample into the gel pockets, adjusting the volume according to the amount of protein in your sample. Make sure to include a lane with molecular weight standards (5µl PageRuler Prestained Protein Ladder™ (Fa. Fermentas)) to determinate the molecular weight of your sample.
  • Connect the power lead and run the stacking gel with 10 mA until the blue dye front enters the separating gel.
  • Raise amperage up to 20 mA for running the separating gel.
  • When the distance of the lowest molecular weight standard lane to the gel end is down to 0.5 cm stop the electrophoresis by turning off the power supply.

Polyacrylamide gel staining with colloidal Coomassie Blue

Modified staining protocol from [http:// Kang et al., 2002].

  • agitate the staining solution at 37 °C over night to form the colloids
  • After finishing the SDS-PAGE remove gel from gel casting form and tranfer it in to a box.
  • Wash the gel with H2O
  • Add 100 mL of the stainig solution to your polyacrylamid gel.
  • Incubate the gel in the solution at room temperature over night. Shake the gel continuously during incubation.
  • Remove the staining solution
  • Incubate the gel in fixer solution for 30 minutes
  • Wash the gel with H2O over night.

Note: Shake the gel continuously during incubation or wash steps.

Substrate analytics


  • C18 reverse phase column
  • Isocratic method: 60 % Acetonitrile
  • Flow = 0.5 mL min-1
  • Fluorescence-detection
  • Column:
    • Eurosphere II 100-5 C18p by [ Knauer]
    • Oven temperature 30 °C
  • Software:
    • Clarity (Version by [ Data Apex]
  • Autosampler:
    • Midas by [ Spark Holland]
    • Tray cooling: 4 °C
  • Pump:
    • L-6200A Intelligent Pump by [ Hitachi]
  • Fluorescence-Detector:

Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry

This method can be used to seperate analyts to analyzed with mass-spectrometry. We used this technique to identify degradation products after the Laccase treatment to our Substrates.

For the LC-ESI-qTOF-MS we had the [ micrOTOF-Q II™] by Bruker Daltonics available.

We used this Methode to analyze degradation products of Estradiol, Estron, Ethinyl estradiol and Anthracen.

Sample preparation

Substrate preperation

Our Substrates are soluble in Methanol. We set our standarts into a concentration of 1 mg/ml. The detection limit for the LC-MS showed that a concentration of XXXX for the Substrates Esteron and Estradiol is the highest concentration of detection. Same limit of detection was used for Ethinestradiol and Anthracen for degradation. We only used thoose four Substrates. For all LC-MS preperations we used the T. versicolor Laccases.


For the degradation of our Substrates we used following standard reaction:

Material Volume
Robinson Buffer 425µL
Substrates 25µL
[ Laccase] 50µL
(ABTS 5 µL)

The activation of the T. versicolor Laccase was set into 0,1U in 50µL. ABTS was used to speed up the reaction but we did not use it for all Samples. The reactions was stoped with Methanol after degradation over night. If we used the samples directly after the degradation the samples were transered into HPLC wheels otherwise we stored them a 4°C fridge.

SPE-Column purification

To remove unwanted analytes from the samples we used [ C18E-SPE-Columns]. Since we don't know anything about the degradation products the columns were used to make a proof of concept. Therefor following steps were necessary to regenerate the column and solve the products from the column:

  • 2 ml (8:2 v/v) water-aceton,
  • 2 ml Methanol,
  • 2 ml Water,
  • 2 ml water,
  • 2 ml (8:2 v/v) water-aceton
  • and the elution with 1 ml Methanol

Activity measurements

For the measurements [ 96-well flat bottom microplates] were used. Each well contained a total sample volume of 200 µL respectively. The sample setup was pipetted as follows:

component concentration
buffer: 100 mM
Laccase 0,1 U
[ ABTS] 0,1 mM
H2O ad 200 µL

The [ Laccase of T. versicolor] we bought for standardization was diluted in water so that 140 µL would contain 0,1 U meaning 72 x 10-5 g of the enzyme. Please check the labjournal if Sodium-Acetate or Briton Robinson Buffer was used, respectively. The ABTS and laccase concentration optimum for standardization (so that the reaction was traceable nicely) was determinated during several experiments. Check the labjournal for further information.

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