// // worker.js // // wraps physics.js in an onMessage/postMessage protocol that the // Kernel object can deal with // importScripts('atoms.js'); importScripts('barnes-hut.js'); importScripts('physics.js'); // alias over the missing jquery utils so we can run in a worker $ = {
each:function(obj, callback){ if ($.isArray(obj)){ for (var i=0, j=obj.length; i<j; i++) callback(i, obj[i]) }else{ for (var k in obj) callback(k, obj[k]) } }, map:function(arr, fn){ var out = [] $.each(arr, function(i, elt){ var result = fn(elt, i) if (result!==undefined) out.push(result) }) return out },
isArray:function(obj){ return (obj.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array") != -1) },
inArray:function(elt, arr){ for (var i=0, j=arr.length; i<j; i++) if (arr[i]===elt) return i; return -1 }
} // endalias var PhysicsWorker = function(){
var _timeout = 20 var _physics = null var _physicsInterval = null var _lastTick = null var times = [] var last = new Date().valueOf() var that = { init:function(param){ that.timeout(param.timeout) _physics = Physics(param.dt, param.stiffness, param.repulsion, param.friction, that.tock) return that }, timeout:function(newTimeout){ if (newTimeout!=_timeout){ _timeout = newTimeout if (_physicsInterval!==null){ that.stop() that.go() } } }, go:function(){ if (_physicsInterval!==null) return
// postMessage('starting') _lastTick=null _physicsInterval = setInterval(that.tick, _timeout) }, stop:function(){ if (_physicsInterval===null) return clearInterval(_physicsInterval); _physicsInterval = null; // postMessage('stopping') }, tick:function(){ // iterate the system _physics.tick()
// but stop the simulation when energy of the system goes below a threshold var sysEnergy = _physics.systemEnergy() if ((sysEnergy.mean + sysEnergy.max)/2 < 0.05){ if (_lastTick===null) _lastTick=new Date().valueOf() if (new Date().valueOf()-_lastTick>1000){ that.stop() }else{ // postMessage('pausing') } }else{ _lastTick = null } },
tock:function(sysData){ sysData.type = "geometry" postMessage(sysData) }, modifyNode:function(id, mods){ _physics.modifyNode(id, mods) that.go() },
modifyPhysics:function(param){ _physics.modifyPhysics(param) }, update:function(changes){ var epoch = _physics._update(changes) } } return that
var physics = PhysicsWorker()
onmessage = function(e){
if (!{ postMessage("¿kérnèl?") return } if ('physics'){ var param = physics.init( return } switch({ case "modify": physics.modifyNode(, break
case "changes": physics.update( physics.go() break case "start": physics.go() break case "stop": physics.stop() break case "sys": var param = || {} if (!isNaN(param.timeout)) physics.timeout(param.timeout) physics.modifyPhysics(param) physics.go() break }