Nested One
Donec elementum lobortis lorem. Sed aliquet lacus vitae nibh. Sed ullamcorper pharetra augue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. -
Nested Two
Vestibulum blandit mauris elementum mauris. -
Nested Three
Morbi felis libero, porta non, sagittis ac, consectetur in, sem.
To initialize an accordion use the following code:
var accordion=new TINY.accordion.slider("accordion");
You must create a new accordion object before initialization. The parameter taken by accordion.slider is the variable name used for the object. The object.init function takes 5 parameters: the id of the accordion “ul”, the header element tag, whether the panels should be expandable independently (optional), the index of the initially expanded section (optional) and the class for the active header (optional). -
Licensing & Support
This script is provided as-is with no warranty or guarantee. It is available at no cost for any project, non-commercial or commercial. Paid support is available by clicking here