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Home Team Official Team Profile Project Parts Submitted to the Registry Modeling Notebook Safety Attributions

You should make use of the calendar feature on the wiki and start a lab notebook. This may be looked at by the judges to see how your work progressed throughout the summer. It is a very useful organizational tool as well.


Monday, May 15

List of useful contacts on the google doc, including DowAgro

Begin to list the different devices/constructs that will be used in our project

Attachment (adhesion)

  • Modularize the sequence so we can test individually (e.g. but GFP, RFP, YFP at the end of each segment – construct silica binding protein first with constitutive promoter/repressible promoter to produce promoter and make sure it does what you think it should)
  • Investigate multiple silica binding protein (surface protein – silica binding peptide);must choose several top candidates for each element.


Perfecting the FFL

Modeling and Experimental

  • Communication in terms of data (e.g. kinetic parameters)
  • Review Characterization Data Sheets (look in the DropBox for an uploaded link from Sean )
  • Strong integration of modeling translates to a strong performance in the competition.

List of things we need

  • Competent Cells (Laris Avramova (core molecular biologist, 222), Tarun (electron microscopy)may have the needed cells)
  • Antibiotics (AMP, tetracycline)
  • Enzymes (Pst1, Xba1, EcoR1, Spe1, Ligase, polymerase/PCR reagents, T5exonuclease )
  • Parts (available in the registry)
    • Constitutive promoter (orthogonal t7 promoter)
    • Signaling Promoters (investigate the precedent for construction FFL)
    • RBS –(B0034)
      • Thermodynamic models for designing RBSs, etc (Voights model)
    • Terminators
    • Proteins Transcription Factors

Monday, May 21

  • We're all looking forward to an exciting iGEM summer! Our SURF students have just arrived and are gradually being introduced to synthetic biology and iGEM.
  • Sean gave a crash course on synthetic biology to Mrudula, Rachel, Amanda and August. The powerpoint is available here, compiled by our wonderful graduate mentor, Janie.

Tuesday, May 22

  • First Journal Club Meeting - Identified the reducible elements of our system
  • Detailed outline of the project to the SURF students
  • What is the advantage of using this entire process? Is not it kind of roundabout?

For the NEXT MEETING Tuesday 29th May :

- Identify, in these teams:

a. What Adhesion system we want to use (Amanda, Peter, Mrudula)

b. Which silica-binding system we want to use (Rachel, August)

c. Control Elements (Max, Mrudula, Rachel, Sean)

d. Find strain auxotrophic for RSC (gene which breaks down arabinose) (Jim)


- Be ready to explain your assigned element of the project (starting generally and moving more specifically)

- Read the introductory/background elements of the thesis that Dr. Rickus will put in the dropbox General Announcements

- Be ready to work the BioBuilder HighSchool Teacher iGEM workshop during the week of June 4th – June 8th (more details to come)

- Everyone is welcome to visit Drs. Rickus and Clase’s lab group meeting on Thursday at 12PM

Tuesday, May 29

Overview of small group presentations

Adhesion Proteins – Amanda, Mrudula, and Peter

  • Ag43 : [University of Queensland 2009] PROS: makes chains instead of aggregates, works well in flow, in the registry, abiotic adherence CONS: not concomitant
  • TibA: PROS: modular, concomitant, auto-transport CONS: not in the registry
  • AIDA-1: PROS: binds Ag43 and self, in registry, higher shear tolerance CONS: only expressed in certain cells, blocked by Fimbriae (due to length)
  • FimA-H: [Michigan 2010] PROS: forms chains, compatible w/ E. coli, shear resistant, grows in constant flow, binds well to glycoproteins CONS: inhibits function of other proteins
  • Curli: [Lyons 2011] PROS: well characterized in registry, amyloid fibers CONS: inhibits Ag43 and AIDA-1
  • primary: AIDA-1 [order from registry and improve bad sequencing or re-synthesize] ====
  • secondary (if AIDA-1 proves unfeasible): TibA [with goal of characterizing part, must synthesize]

Silica Binding Proteins – Rachel and August

  • INP – Silicatein [MN 2011] – PROS: CONS: very large, no data on viability, not biobrick compatible.
  • OmpA-Silicatein alpha fusion – PROS: shorter than INP-Silicatein, active in neutral pH, no illegal sites, known to work CONS: must construct fusion peptide vector NOTES: optimum at low temperatures [OmpA - K103006]
  • R5 peptide: PROS: active at neutral pH, small, has been used in E. coli CONS: part of a larger protein (no silaffin post-translational modifications), contains EcoRI site

Modeling the Network Motif - Max, Mrudula, Rachel, and Sean

  • Modeled the simplified system
  • Matlab and MathCad Model
  • Need concrete entry parameters for more robust models

For Next week:

  • Construct your parts in DNA 2.0 and anything in registry start detailing