Team/CINVESTAV-IPN-UNAM MX/Acknowledgments.htm
We would like to thank all the people who helped us through our project and our panic attacks:
MBA .Gerónimo Villanueva
For his outstanding support
Juan Carlos Martínez García PhD.
For his support in mathematical modeling.
Ing. Susana Ruiz.
For her support in Molecular Biology Techniques.
Ana Lilia Hernández.
For her support in Molecular Biology Techniques.
Norma Silvia Sánchez Sánchez QFB, UNAM.
For her advices and support.
Heliodoro Celis Sandoval PhD.
For allow us to work in his Lab at IFC-UNAM.
Karen Nava Castro PhD.
For her advices and help in Flow Citometry.
Jorge Morales Montor PhD.
For his support in the project and allow us to work in his lab at IIB, UNAM.
Msc. Libertad Pantoja Hernández.
For her support in mathematical modeling.
Jorge Vázquez Ramos PhD., Perla Castañeda López PhD., Raúl Garza Velasco QFB, Guadalupe Castorena Adame QFB, Luz del Carmen Castellanos Román M.Sc., Rodolfo Pastelín Palacios PhD., Verónica Ramón Lic.
For their support in our panic moments Ö.
Hector Silva-Gutierrez, Eduardo Moreno-Rodríguez, Cesar Villavicencio-Cordova.
For their valuable collaboration.
Veronica Jazmin Sánchez Ortiz, Manuel Camacho Zaragoza, Angelica Montes Trujillo, Javier De la Mora, Teresa Ballado, Alejandro "Buds". For helping us in our panic moments Ö
Abiel Treviño Garza
For his advices about wiki design.
Wiki Design:
Ing. Alejandra Bartolo Gervacio
Ing. José Adolfo Martínez Olmedo
Rhodofactory 2012