Team:Tokyo Tech/Sponsers.htm
Thanks to our sponsors, we were able to carry out our experiments and join the iGEM Jamborees. We really appreciate their kind help.
Aizawa Foundation
Aizawa Foundation was established by Masuo Aizawa,the ex-President of Tokyo Tech. The Foundation supports students' projects financially, especially the projects of those who belong to the Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology.
Collaboration Center for Design and Manufacturing
The Collaboration Center for Design and Manufacturing (CODAMA) is a facility that supports Manufacturing, especially the transformation of ideas into real products. It is open to the whole Tokyo Tech community
The MEDICAL&BIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES (MBL) CO.,LTD is a company that supports DNA composition, especially the transformation of ideas into real products.
Integrated Device Technology
The Integrated Device Technology (IDT) is a company that supports DNA composition, especially the transformation of ideas into real products.
COSMO BIO corporation
COSMO BIO Incorporated company provides with the donation the organization which participates in a living thing robot contest (iGEM) for the purpose of support of the young researcher who bears progress development of life science.