- Our team pushed forward an experiment while making trial and error every day.
Creating parts of Methylation
Creating parts of Tar
Creating parts of EnvZ
Creating parts of Azurin
Creating parts of Tar methylation region
- Date:8/9 Colony PCR
- Date:8/11 The purified DNA
- Date:8/13 Confirmed of electrophoresis by PCR product and Ligation of the TA vector
- Date:8/14 Transformation
- Date:8/25 Miniprep
- Date:8/30 Electrophoresis,Refinement of DNA,PCR,Nanodrop
- Date:9/1 Miniprep,PCR,Elecrtophoresis
- Date:9/2 Meeting
- Date:9/5 Miniprep,Nanodrop
- Date:9/6 Miniprep,PCR,Electrophoresis
- Date:9/10 Colony PCR,Refinement of DNA,Ligation,Miniprep
- Date:9/11 Primer design
- Date:9/12 Miniprep,Ligation
- Date:9/13 Electrophoresis,Refinement of DNA
- Date:9/14 Colony PCR
- Date:9/15 Ligation
- Date:9/16 PCR,Ligation
- Date:9/17 PCR,Ligation
- Date:9/19 Ligation
- Date:9/20 Enzyme inactivation,Ligation
- Date:9/22 Transformation,Colony PCR,Electrophoresis,Miniprep
- Date:9/23 Colony PCR,Electrophoresis,Streak
- Date:9/25 Colony PCR
Creating parts of azurin
- Date:8/16 Colony PCR,Ligation
- Date:8/18 Colony PCR
- Date:8/20 DNA extraction and purification of P.aeruginosa
- Date:8/30 Electrophoresis,Refinement of DNA,PCR
- Date:9/1 Electrophoresis
- Date:9/3 Ligation,Transformation,PCR,Nanodrop