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Other activities

This page contains things the iGEM-Team Bonn did in 2012 which are not (directly) related to our work at the lab.

Translation of an English SynBio info video

We translated a video, which informs briefly about Synthetic Biology, from English to German. The translation contains a full syncronisation and not just subtitles. We also got permission to redistribute our changed version from the authors of the original video. All material is released under a [ CC-BY-SA-NC] license, as the original video is too. Here is the result of our work:

The original

watch it on YouTube

The German syncronisation

watch on YouTube

Some other German iGEM teams used the video for their presentations about Synthetic Biology at the SynBio Info Day.

SynBio Info Day

The team at our information booth

We did an Synthetic Biology information day to inform the population about the chances and possible risks that come with Synthetic Biology and to raise awareness for this awesome new technology. We created information posters and did an information booth at the city centre of Bonn. The people who came to our stand were all interested in the topic of genetic manipulation and we informed them about Synthetic Biology, a topic which was known only to very few of them. In general the demand for knowledge about genetic manipulation and what scientists really do in their labs was very high and we were able to clarify many myths which were spread about it, by providing neutral information about the topic. We also created posters informing about genetics, Synthetic Biology and the iGEM competetion.

The SynBio Info Day was an effort by us and some other German iGEM teams to inform about Synthetic Biology.