Team:UNAM Genomics Mexico/Notebook/ANDMetal

Cadmium/Heavy metals AND Gate
Our group is in charge of building part of the “and” construction. We started analyzing if the plasmid we have with P4 actually had what we needed.
The plasmid PRMn25 contains the protein P4. It has Amp100 resistance and comes in Escherichia coli NFI. Cells were lysed to make sure the plasmid was present in these cells (5000bp). We ran a gel with 3 lysis, a sample from the plasmid PFRC54 (A3 promoter) and a sample of total DNA from the strain from which PFRC54 was obtained.
Plasmid PRMn25 was digested with SpeI and EcoRI. We do not have the sequence of the plasmid, but there seem to be several restriction sites for SpeI and just one site for EcoRI. The digestions were left for 4 hours and they were plused in the microwave 3 times, 10 seconds each time. Only Dulce’s digestion worked, even though it was the “dirtiest” sample.
We repeated the lysis of PRMn25.
Digestions (20 µl)
H2O 12 µl
Enzime 1 µl
Buffer 10x 2 µl
Plasmid 5 µl
PRMn25 was digested with EcoRi and BamHI. Since we don’t have the sequence we used these enzyme to confirm the restriction sites mentioned in Rojo et al. (1990). These sites were corroborated and the vector was linearized. We recycled the gel used for the PRMn25 lysis, which is why the gel seems out of phase.
The lysis worked so we transformed PRMn25 in DH5α. We performed a lysis on these cells to see if they had been transformed correctly with PRMn25.
We designed primers for our project. (Note from 07/10/12: we redesigned the primer for LasR, since the sequence was incorrect.)
OLIGOS 14/06/12
UPPER 5'-3'
LOWER 5'-3'
P4 5'-3'
lower 5'-3'
UPPER 5'-3'
LOWER 5'-3'
UPPER 5'-3'
LOWER 5'-3'
UPPER 5'-3'
LOWER 5'-3'
ARAC without LVA (version 2 registry part: BBa_C0080)
UPPER 5'-3'
LOWER 5'-3'
We obtained the terminator from the 2012 distribution (plate 2 24C) and we transformed the DNA in DH5α TRANSFORMATION PROTOCOL. The terminator (BBa_B0014) comes in the PSBIAK3 plasmid with resistance to Amp and Km. The RFP (BBa_E1010) comes in the plasmid PSBI2K3 with resistance to Amp and we obtained it from the 2012 distribution plate 2 (17E). We obtained the purified plasmid of the RFP from the AraC AND team. (Diego, Jonathan, and Abiel).
Due to the failed digestions, we did the RFP and terminator lysis again.
The AraC team has the terminator plasmid purified, we are thinking of using that one.
We used the RFP that we transformed and the RFP that the AraC team did as a positive control. The terminator still looks strange, since we can’t observe supercoling which is normally observed.
We are waiting for our primers, and the team will be going to a math modeling course for a week.
We did 2 PCRs, since the primers have arrived. We purified by miniprep RFP and P4. With this PCR we will add the prefix (EcoRI and XbaI) and RBS to the beginning of the sequence, and suffix (restiction sites for SpeI asn PstI).
RFP LW 75.5 ºC
P4 UP 73.6 ºC
P4 LW 73.9ºC
Taking into account both TM’s, we used the same amplification program for both, thermocycle B progam iGEM.
We ran a gel and we observed fragments that correspond to the RFP and P4, we can also observe other fragments which means we will have to purify the bands.
We used Roche kit for band purification.
The P4 purification turned out slightly dirty and the RFP turned out completely dirty. We repeated the purifications by loading the previously “purified” sample and repeating the procedure.
We repeated the gel where we checked the re-purification, and indeed we need to repeat P4’s PCR.
The PCR worked, but a band purification will be needed. We fused all of the PCR product and loaded it.
We grew bacterial culture in antibiotics for LasR lysis.
Rfp+terminator ligation LIGATION PROTOCOL
Cells were transformed with DH5α with RFP+terminator ligation.TRANSFORMATION PROTOCOL
LasR lysis were digested. We ran a gel with LasR PCRs to add RBS prefix and suffix.
We ran LasR’s PCRs again, the last PCR didn’t work, which is why we lowered the temperature to 65ºC. We left the digestions all night. PCR PROTOCOL
Since they didn’t work, we decided to do it directly from the distribution from 2012 and 2010.
We noticed our mistake…. The sequence we designed our primers for was an incorrect sequence!
We need to redo LasR primers.
Our ligation didn’t work.
We redid RFP+terminator ligation and left it for the weekend. LIGATION PROTOCOL
We transformed the RFP+terminator ligation in DH5α and plated it in LB Km30. TRANSFORMATION PROTOCOL
We digested RFP with EcoRI and SpeI. DIGESTION PROTOCOL
By 9am we didn’t observe colonies in our LB Km30 with yesterday’s transformation, so using yesterday’s RFP digestions we redid the ligation.
We did another PCR of RFP because we ran out of it.
We ran a gel with the dephosphated terminator and digested RFP.
The PCR turned out ok except for some non-specific bands, we will need to extract the correct DNA band.
We loaded the whole PCR product from the PCR.
>We took a picture of the gel to check the purification elutions but we did not observe anything so we quantified it on the nanodrop.
Sample 1) 5.9 ng/µl
Sample 2) 2.5 ng/µl
>With the RFP digested with EcoRI and SpeI we did another ligation with the terminator digested with EcoRI and XbaI and left it at 22ºC.
>We transformed yesterday’s ligation in DH5α and plated it in LB Km30. Since our ligations have not worked we decided to redo the digestions on the terminator (E0014). We asked the other AND team to give us the purified plasmid, but it wasn’t enough so we streaked 2 plates LB Km30 so we could have the strain with the terminator. Tomorrow we will put liquid cultures and do lysis.
>We did digestions in another vector to see the efficiency of the enzymes as a test. We used PBBR-GusA with 5 µl of PBBR GusA, one digestion with 1.5 µl of EcoRI, one with 1 µl of SpeI and one with 1 µl of SpeI and 1.5 µl of EcoRI.
We left them at 37ºC.
>We did 5 new RFP PCRs.
>We streaked again the following strains:
-DH5α +PRFc54
-DH5α +Terminator
The PCRs seem to show the band we need, we will have to extract them.
We checked the transformations from the ligation “3” from RFP+terminator. We didn’t observe colonies.
>We transformed the ligation “4” RFP+terminator in DH5α, they were plated in LB Km30 .
>We ran a gel with GusA digestions.
>We digested 80 µl of the purified RFP with EcoRI and SpeI DIGESTION PROTOCOL.
>We left liquid cultures in LB Km30 so we can do an alkaline lysis of the plasmid containing the terminator (B0014).
>We did alkaline lysis of the terminator cultures from last night. We ran it and they all look ok, but we’ll use the first one because it seems to be the cleanest.
We ligated RFP/terminator and ran a gel to see RFP and the terminator. LIGATION PROTOCOL.
>We checked the transformations and didn’t see colonies.
We ran a gel with the RFP digestion, the purified terminator, and the RFP terminator ligation that was left for the whole weekend. (GEL NOT SHOWN)
>We digested the terminator with EcoRI and XbaI DIGESTION PROTOCOL.
> We digested RFP 1 with EcoRI and SpeI DIGESTION PROTOCOL.
In the gel we can see that the terminator digestion in ok, although it is still partial. We need to leave it for the whole night. We can’t see the RFP digestion; it is possible that it degraded. We will concentrate RFP.
We ran 6 50 µl reactions of the PCR to amplify RFP. We will use as DNA RFP from the lysis, one from 2012, and one from 2010. We will make a dilution, use 1 µl of lysis and diluted them in H2O.
PCR protocol.
>We can still observe bands in the purification, we will try to do a better PCR.
>We digested the terminator lysis with EcoRI and XbaI and we decided to switch buffers. We used buffer 2 even though EcoRI might have a star effect. DIGESTION PROTOCOL
We did a PCR using hot star and without MgCl2. HOT START PCR PROTOCOL
We left an RFP digestion and took the DNA from the RFP PCR which looked good. PCR PROTOCOL
From these PCR products we left the PCR digestion with EcoRI and SpeI and used enzymes from the same company. DIGESTION PROTOCOL
From the three RFP digestions we left yesterday we ran a gel to prove that our DNA wasn’t being degraded, as it had been happening.
> Our DNA wasn’t degraded, we will use these digestions to do the ligation.
>We did lysis of the terminator cultures by miniprep. LYSIS PROTOCOL
We ligated RFP+terminator. LIGATION PROTOCOL
We transformed the ligation. TRANFORMATION PROTOCOL
We observed two colonies, we put them in liquid LB.
We made a lysis of the ligation using miniprep.
>We did the following digestions
•EcoRI/PstI ligation
•EcoRI ligation
•PstI ligation
The results indicate that the vector only ligated with itself.
We put B0014 and E1010 digestions. DIGESTION PROTOCOL
Boo14 EcoRI
B0014 EcoRI/XbaI
E1010 EcoRI
E1010 SpeI
E1010 EcoRI/SpeI
We dephosphated the B0014-E/X digestion. DEPHOSPHORYLATION PROTOCOL
>We inactivated every digestion 10 minutes at 70ºC. We ran an agarose gel at 100 volts.
We put 4 ligations: LIGATION PROTOCOL
B0014 dephosphated + E1010
B0014 + E1010
B0014 dephosphated
At 9:30 we still didn’t observe colonies of the ligation transformation.
At 1:35 20 colonies were cultivated so we could digest them (XbaI/PstI) DIGESTION PROTOCOL.
In the previous gel we observed that cultures grown were actually re-ligated vectors.
We need to put ligations again.
>E1010 doesn’t look as it should, we’ll extract from band. GEL EXTRACTION PROTOCOL
We ligated B0014+E1010 LIGATION PROTOCOL.
>We transformed the ligations.
E1010+B0014 dephosphated.
B0014 dephosphated.
Negative Control.
The colonies from the transformation grew well, though we believe the dephosphatase isn’t working properly.
We took 103 colonies and put 18 cultures to do the alkaline lysis.
We digested with XbaI and PstI colonies 3,5,8,9,14.
1. 1 kb ladder.
2, 5. 02 CI EcoRI.
3. 02 CI XbaI.
4. 02 CI EcroRI/XbaI.
6. 02 CI PstI.
7. 02 CI PstI/EcoRI.
8. 97 CZrA_ArsR EcoRI.
9. 97 CZrA_ArsR PstI
. 10. 97 CZrA_ArsR EcoRI/PstI.
11. 98 CZrA_ArsR EcoRI.
12. 98 CZrA_ArsR PstI.
13. 98 CZrA_ArsR EcoRI/PstI.
14. 99 CZrA_ArsR EcoRI.
15. 99 CZrA_ArsR PstI.
16. 99 CZrA_ArsR EcoRI/PstI.
>P4 Purification.
We ligated CI+P4 and plated in Cm25. LIGATION PROTOCOL
>We transformed the CI+P4 ligation in DH5α and plated it in Cm25. TRANSFORMATION PROTOCOL¬.
>We purified LasR PCRs so we could have linear LasR.
We digested LasR* with EcoRI and SpeI. DIGESTION PROTOCOL
We ligated CI+LasR.
We plated CI+LasR ligation in Cm25.
>We only obtained colonies in the CI+LasR plates and not in the CI.
> We put cultures so we could then do the P4+CI and CI+LasR lysis.
>We did CI+P4 and CI+LasR lysis by miniprep. Lysis protocol.
> We digested the lysis to free the fragment with EcoRI, EcoRI/PstI, PstI. DIGESTION PROTOCOL.
We did lysis of the rest of the colonies for the P4CI and LasRCI ligation.
>From these lysis we left digestions with EcoRI and PstI. DIGESTION PROTOCOL
We put digestions for these lysis with E/P. DIGESTION PROTOCOL
1. 1 kb ladder.
2. LasRCI * lysis 2.
3. LasRCI * lysis 3.
4. LasRCI * lysis 4.
5. LasRCI lysis 4.
6. LasRCI lysis 6.
7. CI lysis.
>We decided to use BcuI instead of SpeI because SpeI is not working properly.
1.1 kb ladder.
2.B0014/E1010 * ExoRI/XbaI.
3.B0014/E1010 ExoRI/XbaI.
4.P4CI EcoRI/BcuI.
1.LasR PCR.
2.1 kb ladder.
3.LasR PCR.
4.LasR PCR.
5.LasR * PCR.
6.LasR control PCR.
7.97 promoter XbaI/PstI.
8.97 promoter XbaI/PstI.
9.1 kb ladder.
10.99 promoter X/P.
11-18.LasRCI 1 lysis.
19.1 kb ladder.
1. -
2-9. LasRCI digestions EcoRI/PstI.
10. 1 kb ladder.
11. LasR 1 purification
. 12. LasR 1 putification.
13. LasR 1 purification.
14. LasR purification from PCR which was done twice in the same batch.
1.LasRCI 1.
2.1 kb Ladder.
3.LasRCI 2.
4.LasRCI 3.
>We repeated LasR PCR but it didn’t work.
>We ligated RFP terminatr (E1010+B0014)+P4+CI(97/98/99) amyE 5’. LIGATION PROTOCOL
> We transformed this ligation. TRANSFORMATION PROTOCOL
We removed the plates from 37ºC.
We plated the colonies from the ligation P4CI+E1010+B0014 in Km30. We put liquid cultures of LB Km30 so we can do the lysis.
1. 1 kb ladder.
2-19. P4CI+E1010B0014 lysis.
20. E1010B0014 lysis.
21. 1 kb ladder.
22-39. P4CI+E1010B0014 lysis.
40. E1010B0014 lysis.
We did alkaline lysis LYSIS PROTOCOL of P4CI+E1010B0014.
>We did digestions of the lysis with EcoRI and PstI DIGESTION PROTOCOL.
1.1 kb ladder.
2 - 19.AmyE 5’ 97 E1010 B0014 lysis E/P digestion.
20.AmyE 5’ lysis
21.1 kb ladder.
1.1 kb ladder.
2.LasR digested with E/S.
3.CI digested with E/X.
1. 1 kb ladder.
2-7. AmyE 5’ 99 E/P .
8-13. AmyE 5’ 97 E/P .
14-19. AmyE 5’ 98 E/P .
20. AmyE 5’ E/P .
1.1 kb ladder.
2-19.P4+CI+RFPterm E/P digestion I.
20.RFPterm E/P digestion.
We ligated LasRCI at 20 µl. LIGATION PROTOCOL.
1.1 kb ladder.
2-3.AmyE 5’ 99 lysis from kit.
4-5.AmyE 5’ 98 lysis from kit.
6-7.AmyE 5’ 97 lysis from kit.
8-11.P4 CI + E1010 B0014 Lysis from kit.
12.CI 02 lysis from kit.
13.AmyE 5’ lysis from kit.
We transformed the LasRCI ligation previously plated on Cm25. TRANSFORMATION PROTOCOL
We digested in 20µl with EcoRI/PstI AmyE’5 promoter lysis. DIGESTION PROTOCOL
We counted and took LasRCI colonies and re-plated them.
1-2. AmyE 5’ 97 digestion E/P.
3-4. AmyE 5’ 98 digestion E/P.
5-6. AmyE 5’ 99 digestion E/P.
7. AmyE 5’ digestion E .
8. 1 kb ladder.
9-12. P4CI E1010 B0014 E/P digestion I.
13. 02 CI E/P.
14. 1 kb ladder.
15. BcuI 99 digestion.
16. SpeI/PstI 99 digestion.
17. S/P 98 digestion.
18. S/P 97 digestion.
1. 1 kb ladder.
2. Arsr-CzrA 97 promoter S/P.
3. Arsr-CzrA 98 promoter S/P.
4. Arsr-CzrA 99 promoter S/P.
We digested the promoters with S/P to ligate it with GFP+terminator so we could characterize them. DIGESTION PROTOCOL
We left cultures with LasRCI to make lyses.
>We ran a gel with the promoter’s digestions with S/P to extract and ligate to E0040B0014. LIGATION PROTOCOL GEL EXTRACTION PROTOCOL.
1. 1 kb ladder.
2-12. LasRCI lysis.
13. CI 02 lysis I.
14. 1 kb ladder.
15-25. LasR CI lysis XII.
26. CI 02 lysis.
We digested these lysis DIGESTION PROTOCOL with EcoRI and PstI.
1.1 kb ladder.
2-23.E/P LasRCI digestion.
>The fragment is not being freed. (LasRCI=1499 bp expected size). We will do a PCR to obtain more LasR since we have run out.
1.1 kb ladder.
2.LasR PCR 1.
4.LasR PCR 2.
1. 1 kb ladder.
2. LasR1 purified.
3. LasR2 purified.
1.1 kb ladder.
2.CI digested with E/X I.
3.CI digested with E/X II.
4.P4CI E1010 B0014 E/X I.
5.P4CI E1010 B0014 E/X II.
6.LasR SpeI.
7.AmyE 5’ 97 SpeI III.
8.AmyE 5’ 98 SpeI V.
9.AmyE 5’ 99 SpeI V.
>We extracted from gel GEL EXTRACTION PROTOCOL.
We digested CI with E/P DIGESTION PROTOCOL .
We digested P4CI E1010 B0014 with EcoRI and XbaI.
LasR with SpeI.
AmyE 5’ CzrA ArsR 97,98,99 with SpeI.
>We digested AmyE 5’ CzrA-ArsR que E/S to ligate it with P4CI E1010B0014.
1.1 kb ladder.
2.E/S AmyE 5’ 97 digestion.
3.E/S AmyE 5’ 98 digestion
. 4.E/S AmyE 5’ 99 digestion.
1. 1 kb ladder.
2. Amy E 5’ 97 SpeI/EcoRI.
3. Amy E 5’ 97 SpeI/EcoRI.
4. Amy E 5’ 98 SpeI/EcoRI.
5. Amy E 5’ 98 SpeI/EcoRI.
6. Amy E 5’ 99 SpeI/EcoRI.
7. Amy E 5’ 99 SpeI/EcoRI.
1.1 kb ladder.
2.E/S AmyE 5’ 97 digestion.
3.E/S AmyE 5’ 98 digestion.
4.E/S AmyE 5’ 99 digestion.
E/S AmyE 5’ 99 digestion.
>The digestions have a low quality and concentration, which is why we’ll put new S digestions to obtain enough to extract. DIGESTION PROTOCOL
•We ligated AmyE 5’ ArsR-CzrA 97/98/99 with E0040B0014.
•We ligated linearized plasmid PSBIC3 LIGATION PROTOCOL.
1-13. 1 kb ladder.
14. AraR-CzrA 99 lysis.
15-20. ArsR-CzrA 98-E0040B0014.
21. 1 kb ladder
22-27. ArsR-CzrA 98-E0040B0014.
28. ArsR-CzrA 99
29-40. ArsR-CzrA 99-E0040B0014.
1-6.97 GFP term.
7.1 kb ladder.
8.98 GFP term I.
9.98 GFP term VII.
10.10 kb ladder.
11-15. 99 GFP term III.
•We digested PstI/EcoRI ArsR-CzrA 97/98/99+E0040B0014 DIGESTIONS PROTOCOL.
•The DNA seemed degraded.
•We made liquid cultures for the new lysis from the ligation ArsR-CzrA 97/98/99-E0040B0014 LIQUID CULTURE PROTOCOL.
•Transformed ligation AmyE 5’ ArsR-CzrA 97/98/99 + E0040B0014 LIGATION PROTOCOL.
1. 1 kb ladder.
2-7. ArsR-CzrA_97_E0040B0014.
8-13. ArsR-CzrA_98_E0040B0014 XII.
14-19. ArsR-CzrA_99_E0040B0014 XIII.
20. ArsR-CzrA 99
•We ligated AmyE 5’_97/98/99_P4CI_E0040B0014 LIGATION PROTOCOL.
•We ligated AmyE 5’_ArsR-CzrA 97/98/99_E0040B0014 again LIGATION PROTOCOL.
•We made liquid cultures of AmyE 5’_97/98/99_P4CI_E1010B0014 in Km30 ans psbIc3c3 LIQUID CULTURE PROTOCOL.
•We transformed in DH5α LasRCI ligation and AmyE 5’_ArsR-CzrA 97/98/99_E0040B0014 and ArsR-CzrA 97/98/99_E0040B0014 TRANSFORMATION PROTOCOL.
1.1 kb ladder.
2-10.AmyE 5’_ArsR-CzrA-97_P4CI_E1010B0014.
11. P4 CI B0014 E1010 lysis.
12-20. AmyE 5’_ArsR-CzrA-98_P4CI_E1010B0014.
21. 1 kb ladder.
22-30. AmyE 5’_ArsR-CzrA-99_P4CI_E1010B0014.
31. P4 CI B0014 E1010 lysis.
32-40. PSBIC3 lysis.
•Pellets grown in Km30 were pink and the plates where these were grown smell different.
•We put liquid cultures of this transformation to do lysis by kit LIQUID CULTURE PROTOCOL.
•We streaked what grew Km30 from LasRCI transformation in Cm25, AmyE 5’_ArsR-CzrA-97/98/99_E1010B0014 in Km30 and ArsR-CzrA-97/98/99_E1010B0014 in Cm25.
1.1 kb ladder.
1.1 kb Ladder.
2-14.LasRCI lysis I.
15.CI 02 lysis.
16-20. ---
21.1kb ladder.
22-25.Amy E 5’ 97 GFP term.
26-30.Amy E 5’ 98 GFP term I.
31-34.Amy E 5’ 99 GFP term II.
1.1 kb ladder.
2-5.LasRCI E/P.
7-8.Amy E 5’ 97 SpeI.
9-10. Amy E 5’ 98 SpeI.
11-12. Amy E 5’ 99 SpeI.
1.1 kb ladder.
2.Amy E 5’ 97 lysis from kit.
3.Amy E 5’ 98 lysis from kit.
4.Amy E 5’ 99 lysis from kit.
5.pSBIC3 lysis.
1-4.pSBIC3 E/P digestion.
5. 1 kb ladder.
6. 99 EcoRI.
7-10.Amy E 5’ 99 EcoRI.
11-14. Amy E 5’ 98 E/S.
15-18. Amy E 5’ 97 E/S.
1.Amy E 5’ 97 E/S.
2.Amy E 5’ 98 E/S.
3.Amy E 5’ 99 E/S.
4.LasR M I PCR.
5.LasR M II PCR.
6.LasR (-) PCR.
7.C0179 LasR I.
8.C0179 LasR II.
•Amy 99 EcoRI 4 times.
•Amy 98 E/S twice.
•Amy 98 E twice.
•Amy 97 E/S 4 times.
•We did another LasR PCR PCR PROTOCOL.
1.1 kb ladder.
2.LasR PCR M I.
3.LasR PCR M II.
4.LasR PCR (-).
5.1 kb ladder.
1.Amy E 5’ 98 E/S.
2.Amy E 5’ 97 E/S.
3.Amy E 5’ 97 E/S.
4.1 kb ladder.
We did a new LasR PCR with a new oligo stock PCR PROTOCOL.
1.Amy E 5’ 98 purified E/S.
2.Amy E 5’ 97 purified E/S.
3.1 kb ladder
4.CI 02 Lysis from kit.
5.ArsR-CzrA 97 lysis.
6.ArsR-CzrA 98 lysis.
7.ArsR-CzrA 99 lysis.
8.P4 lysis from kit.
9.P4 CI E1010 B0014 lysis from kit.
10.1 kb ladder.
11.LasR PCR with new primer stock without DMSO.
12.LasR PCR with new primer stock without DMSO.
13.LasR PCR with new primer stock without DMSO.
14.LasR PCR with new primer stock without DMSO (-).
15.LasR PCR with new primer stock with DMSO.
16.LasR PCR with new primer stock with DMSO.
17.PCR LasrR (-).
18.LasR PCR with new primer stock DMSO.
19.LasR PCR with new primer stock DMSO.
20.LasR PCR with new primer stock DMSO (-).
•We digested previous lysis with E/P DIGESTIONS PROTOCOL.
1.1 kb ladder.
2-5.PCR LasR.
6.PCR LasR (-).
7.P4 PCR.
8.P4 PCR.
9.P4 PCR (-).
10.97 digested with E/P.
11.98 digested with E/P.
12.99 digested with E/P.
13.CI digested with E/P.
14.1 kb ladder.
1.1 kb ladder.
2.P4CI E1010B0014 E/X I.
3.P4CI E1010B0014 E/X II.
4.Amy E 5’ 97 E/S.
5.Amy E 5’ 98 E/S.
6.Amy E 5’ 98 E/S.
7.Amy E 5’ 99 E/S.
8.Amy E 5’ 99 E/S.
1.Amy 98 E/S.
2.Amy 99 E/S.
3.Amy 99 E/S.
4.1 kb ladder.
5-9.LasR PCR.
10.LasR PCR (-).
11.P4 PCR.
12.P4 PCR.
13.P4 PCR (-).
1.Cut Amy 98 E/S.
2.Cut Amy 99 E/S.
3.Cut Amy 99 E/S.
4.1 kb ladder.
1.1 kb ladder.
2.97 E/P.
3.97 E/P.
4.98 E/P.
5.98 E/P.
6.99 E/P.
7.99 E/P.
8.CI E/P.
9.CI E/P.