
Here is our diary. This is where we have written about meetings and highlights during the process.31.01.12:
The first part of the team was created.
Supervisor meeting
Official information meeting about iGEM 2012
Some of our advisors met with everyone interested in joining this years team to tell us about iGEM and how to join the team.
The final team participants were decided.
Information meeting for the participants
Two of our advisors had a meeting with us to talk about our previous experiences and our expectations.
The first meeting with only team members.
We talked about scheduling and organization. It was important for us to have a common communication platform that is easy to use and works well with several users. We decided that Facebook would work for now, for discussions and announcements, and Google Docs/Drive for documents. For scheduling meetings we decided to use Doodle.
In addition, we also discussed different subjects for our project, talked about the teams expectations and how to help each other.
iGEM team registration accepted and registration fee paid.
Registration of team members individually
Team Meeting
We discussed and limited our subjects and problems. We talked about the wiki site and how we would like it to look.
Team Meeting
Talking and discussing the different topics. We voted for the best topic and began a discussion about how it should be approached.
Team Meeting
Project organization. The team met to discuss our subjects before meeting with our supervisors. We tried to limit our subject choices. When our supervisors joined the meeting, we did a round of “meet and greet” between the participants and the supervisors. Afterwards, we did a short presentation for the supervisors of our chosen subjects. We decided that the aim of our next meeting should be to decide on our final subject for the project. The team members all chose an idea they wanted to present for the rest of the team so that we could make our decision. Team Bielefeld-Germany asked whether or not we would like to be sparring team with them, which we of course said yes to. We also plan to visit them during the summer.
Team Building :)
We gathered for a night of pizza, fun and games!