Team:Uppsala University/Team


Revision as of 14:40, 10 September 2012 by Agynna (Talk | contribs)

Team Uppsala University – iGEM 2012

Standard backbones

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Registry IDName Ori Resistance Insert Status
pSB4A15 pSC101AmppUC-redFinished
pSB4C15 pSC101CmpUC-redFinished
pSB4K15 pSC101KanpUC-redPlanning
pSB4S15 pSC101SpecpUC-redFinished
pSB4T15 pSC101TetpUC-redFinished

LaqIq backbones

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For expression of toxic genes, or simply genes where you want to be able to tune the expression level, we constructed a series of lacIq bacbones. Including the lacIq casette on the plasmid ensures that the copy number of the repression always follows that of your inserted genes, providing guranteed strong repression without inducing unneccessary metabolic load.

Registry IDName Ori Resistance Insert Status
pSB4A15Iq pSC101AmppUC-redPlanning
pSB4C15Iq pSC101CmpUC-redPlanning
pSB4K15Iq pSC101KanpUC-redPlanning
pSB4S15Iq pSC101SpecpUC-redPlanning
pSB4T15Iq pSC101TetpUC-redPlanning

LaqIq backbones

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We have made special low copy backbones for recombination onto the bacterial chromosome. The antibiotic resistance casette is flanked by Flp recombinase recognition target sites (FRT sites), meaning that the casette can be flipped out of the chromosome after integration and selection. Since low copy plasmids still have a higher copy number than one, it can be also useful to to repress toxic genes during cloning work with the lacIq system.

Registry IDName Ori Resistance Insert Status
pSB4A15Flp pSC101AmppUC-redFinished
pSB4C15Flp pSC101CmpUC-redFinished
pSB4K15Flp pSC101KanpUC-redFinished
pSB4S15Flp pSC101SpecpUC-redFinished
pSB4T15Flp pSC101TetpUC-redFinished
pSB4A15FlpIq pSC101AmppUC-redPlanning
pSB4C15FlpIq pSC101CmpUC-redPlanning
pSB4K15FlpIq pSC101KanpUC-redPlanning
pSB4S15FlpIq pSC101SpecpUC-redPlanning
pSB4T15FlpIq pSC101TetpUC-redPlanning


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