Topic Selection
The team initially held a preliminary meeting to explore ideas that would lead to the decision of a project topic. We broke off into smaller teams to enable discussions to be carried out on areas that may benefit from a synthetic biology solution. From this initial meeting, the team recorded all of the discussed ideas in preparation for a final decision.The final project goal was decided from the team's second meeting. During our various meetings, the topic of healthcare arose frequently, and was clearly an area of interest to many members of the team. Various healthcare related issues were explored, and the team finally narrowed down the options to tackling C. diff infections in the human gut. The team felt it was feasible to construct a synthetic biological solution that could combat and possibly eradicate C. diff infections. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam tempor scelerisque quam sed commodo. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed condimentum nisl id nibh sagittis vulputate. Pellentesque lacus neque, euismod vel interdum sit amet, sollicitudin quis nunc. Sed a urna sit amet orci pretium condimentum. Proin nunc diam, mollis et volutpat facilisis, egestas eu nisi. Pellentesque euismod facilisis augue, a blandit magna tempor vel. Proin eget euismod purus. Nulla et odio ut turpis consectetur iaculis imperdiet a massa. Nullam molestie elementum lectus. Nunc laoreet porttitor erat. Vivamus rhoncus lectus non orci pharetra quis euismod libero rhoncus. Pellentesque faucibus dolor ligula. Nam porttitor viverra hendrerit. Nullam a sem metus, et rhoncus nisl. Vivamus accumsan lacus vitae nibh luctus fermentum. Nulla ante tortor, pulvinar a sodales non, condimentum id neque. Vivamus facilisis elit eu quam porta volutpat. Quisque iaculis quam id enim auctor placerat. Mauris vitae mi enim. In vel mattis arcu. Maecenas diam justo, pulvinar sed posuere eget, lacinia et sem. Aliquam nisi ligula, ornare a mattis elementum, venenatis id sem. Maecenas eget dui nec lectus hendrerit feugiat. Nullam posuere eleifend enim, eget pellentesque sem porttitor vitae. Nulla facilisi. Morbi vitae risus sapien, in sollicitudin nisi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse velit elit, tincidunt ut dignissim in, suscipit et neque.
Decision Rationale
The team, originating mainly from Dundee, live within the catchment area of Ninewells Hospital.
Ninewells, as well as many hospitals within the country, have faced their own problems with
C. diff outbreaks, and the challenges involved in tackling such a problem. Investigation into
the area revealed little work by way of a synthetic biology solution, so the team were attracted
to the opportunity of developing a synthetic biology foundation to attack the problem.
Furthermore, the number of factors and variables involved within tackling C. diff infection are considerable, ranging from complex cellular interactions to flow factors. This problem lent itself to a wide range of possibilities in terms of mathematical analysis and modelling of the problem area.
Furthermore, the number of factors and variables involved within tackling C. diff infection are considerable, ranging from complex cellular interactions to flow factors. This problem lent itself to a wide range of possibilities in terms of mathematical analysis and modelling of the problem area.