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TUDelft -Leiden iGEM 2011

dghfdgh: xfhggfhf


To stimulate ice formation, we will let our bacterium produce Ice Nucleating Proteins (INP), which stimulate the formation of ice crystals. These bacteria could be used in lakes to make the ice stronger, so maybe in future, we can once again have a "11-stedentocht" in the Netherlands. You could use this property as well for the creation of fluorescent ice on ski-slopes or for trendy cocktails with glowing ice cubes in it. Also, it would decrease ice-melting of glaciers, thereby effectively slowing global warming. An application on smaller level, is the incorporation of E.D. Frosti in the cooling system of an ice rink. In that way, ice formation can be induced at elevated temperatures (approximately -5у instead of app. -23у).

Edit: Although cgh ghdfgh