Team:UC Chile/Cyano/Notepad/week20
Monday: Today is suppose to be a holiday, I'm not really sure why, but the team is still working. The building seems abandoned and we are the only ones in here muajuajuajuajua (evil laughter).
About our work in progress: we have our second arduino project. It is a photoresistor able to measure the intensity of light inputs. The arduino program is linked to a c# aplication so we can see a graph of the data in real time. We have only tried it with LEDs so far and the system proved to be sensible enough. The next step is to measure bacterial biolumniscence. We hope to do so tomorrow. We transformed e. coli with lux brick (at race speed) in order to have a really nice shining flask and check if our arduino system can sense bacterial produced light properly.
Tuesday: We had a videoconference with Copenhagen and Valencia teams. As we are working in very similiar projects we decided to establish a collaborative alliance. Eventually, we will share our constructs to compare their performance in the different systems. Go teams go!!!