
Revision as of 15:39, 16 November 2012 by Kim (Talk | contribs)

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feedback available to teams

Feedback available

Feedback to teams is now available on the feedback page. After you've had a look through your scores from the regional jamborees and the world championship, please take a moment to give us your own thoughts and fill out the iGEM 2012 Survey.

November 14, 2012

we want feedback!

all wikis thawed

Calling all teams! We want your feedback. Please take a moment and fill out the iGEM 2012 Survey. This is your chance to tell us what you think!

November 14, 2012

all wikis thawed

all wikis thawed

Forgot to add something before the last wiki freeze? Still working on your project? Team wikis are now thawed!

Remember, if you want to continue working on your project you should have your PI apply for an iGEM lab. All iGEM labs get the same resources as iGEM teams but they do not "expire."

November 09, 2012

iGEM 2012 World Championship Jamboree is now over!

iGEM logo

The iGEM 2012 World Championship Jamboree is now over!

Congratulations to all of the teams!

Watch the Official Results page and the Jamborees page for detailed results coming soon!

November 6, 2012
(News post archive)