Team:UNAM Genomics Mexico/HumanPractices/Future Work

Future Work
The story does not end at iGEM!!! As we have stated all this time: engaging with the community is not an activity that is performed as a checklist item or a once-in-a-lifetime activity. Is a permanent commitment and we are certainly going forward in that direction. Because of that, the activities thought in this Human Practices project will trascend the iGEM competition and will continue after the World Championship.
1. BioSintetizARTE’s exhibit will take during November, with the sponsorship of the State of Tamaulipas, where at least six cities have been booked to host the exhibit at least for two days. The exhibits will be held on public squares, trying to make people to go out to the streets again, especially on these moments when the State of Tamaulipas is facing one of the hardest waves of violence.
2. In addition to this, the talk has also been booked in the capital city of Tamaulipas, Ciudad Victoria, with an estimated audience of four hundred people. With all the insight and experience we have achieved through previous talks, we expect to generate a meaningful statistical analysis of the public perception of the public with a qualitative and quantitative approach. Other talks that are being scheduled include the city of Cuernavaca and the neighboring town of Cocoyoc.
3. Our collaborations with the non-profits Más Ciencia por México and the Morelos Academy of Science have been so successful that we will keep doing outreach videos as well.
As you can see, the world championship does not mean the end of the journey. Our compromise will take us beyond, reaching out through our newly found friends and partners to take our engagement to society beyond. We hope to see you soon in Boston, and certainly be prepared for our iGEM 2013 project.
Please, feel free to contact us if you'd like to collaborate with us in the future!