This file is part of the cambridge 2011 igem team's wiki. nothing is guaranteed.
Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2011 Haydn King
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- MediaWiki 'monobook' style sheet for CSS2-capable browsers.
- Copyright Gabriel Wicke -
- License: GPL (
- Loosely based on by Big John
- and the Plone 2.0 styles, see (Alexander Limi,Joe Geldart & Tom Croucher,
- Michael Zeltner and Geir Bækholt)
- All you guys rock :)
- All iGEM-related content removed by Haydn King, iGEM Cambridge, 2011
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* The content div contains all of the contents of the page - provided by mediawiki ****************************************************************************************************/
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- the main content area
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- content styles
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- classes for special content elements like town boxes
- intended to be referenced directly from the wiki src
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- User styles
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- keep the whitespace in front of the ^=, hides rule from konqueror
- this is css3, the validator doesn't like it when validating as css2
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