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Team ULB-Brussels, our team!


Who we are and what we did

The official team profil is accessible here.

1. Advisors

         Laurence Van Melderen    Gilles Vanwalleghem                 Dimitri Gilis

2. Undergrads

2.1. Wetlab team

The wetlab team is composed of two Master students in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, Research Focus - 2nd year: Arnaud and Melody. And four Master students in BioEngineering in Chemistry And Bio-Industry - 1st year: Benjamin, Corentin, Guillaume and Olivier.


Arnaud Selvais    Benjamin Wacquier     Corentin Spinelli   

    Guillaume Dionkre     Melody Cools         Olivier Tuypens          

2.2. Modelisation team

The modelisation team is composed of three Master students in Mathematic Sciences - 1st year: Laurent, Mitia and Philippe.

Mitia Duerinckx  Philippe Schram

3. Localisation

Where we're from

ULB Belgium!

ULB is a university localised in Brussels. However, we actually work in a laboratory situated in Gosselies. ULB's research center we have been working in is called IBMM (Institut de Biologie et de Médecine Moléculaire) and is specialised in Biology and Molecular Medicin.

IBMM, ULB Gosselies

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La Plaine campus, ULB Brussels

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