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<area shape="rect" coords="185, 247, 333, 305" href="/Team:WashU/#" title="Parts" alt="Parts" />
<area shape="rect" coords="185, 247, 333, 305" href="/Team:WashU/#" title="Parts" alt="Parts" />
<area shape="rect" coords="185, 330, 333, 388" href="/Team:WashU/#" title="Characterization" alt="Characterization" />
<area shape="rect" coords="185, 330, 333, 388" href="/Team:WashU/#" title="Characterization" alt="Characterization" />
<area shape="rect" coords="185, 393, 333, 451" href="/Team:WashU/#" title="Testing and Results" alt="Testing and Results" />
<area shape="rect" coords="185, 403, 333, 461" href="/Team:WashU/#" title="Testing and Results" alt="Testing and Results" />
<area shape="rect" coords="185, 466, 333, 524" href="/Team:WashU/#" title="Future Work" alt="Future Work" />
<area shape="rect" coords="185, 476, 333, 534" href="/Team:WashU/#" title="Future Work" alt="Future Work" />
<area shape="rect" coords="350, 28, 500, 86" href="/Team:WashU/YLC" title="YLC Outreach - Overview" alt="YLC Outreach - Overview" />
<area shape="rect" coords="350, 101, 500, 159" href="/Team:WashU/YLCLesson" title="Lesson" alt="Lesson" />
<area shape="rect" coords="350, 174, 500, 232" href="/Team:WashU/YLCExperiment" title="Experiment" alt="Experiment" />
<area shape="rect" coords="350, 247, 500, 305" href="/Team:WashU/BiologicalParts" title="Parts" alt="Parts" />
<area shape="rect" coords="350, 330, 500, 388" href="/Team:WashU/#" title="Characterization" alt="Characterization" />
<area shape="rect" coords="350, 403, 500, 461" href="/Team:WashU/YLCResults" title="Testing and Results" alt="Testing and Results" />
<area shape="rect" coords="350, 476, 500, 534" href="/Team:WashU/YLCFuture" title="Future Work" alt="Future Work" />

Revision as of 20:14, 21 June 2012

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