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            The iGEM Team of University of Southern Denmark 2012
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<!-- /// velkomst ////-->
<h2> Fair - At the beginning of the school year<h2>
<p>The studies fair is a great exhibition with around 3000 visitors. It stretches over two days where both companies and unions from industry, associations and cultural life are represented.<br/>
The fair is a free service for students and other interested parties. We had the opportunity to create a great first impression of what we can offer students at the university interested in either joining next year's team or maybe even help us this year. We did this both to spread the word about iGEM and to raise awareness for students and staff at the university.<br/>
We got a great benefit from the fair, since we got a lot of attention from students from other faculties who also thought it would be exciting to be involved in iGEM for example, to help with the wiki, modeling, ethics, public relations and much more. In addition to this, there were of course many science students who were interested in being involved next year, to them we had made ​​a Facebook group where we update with information about registration, etc.<br/><br/>
<h2> Flyers & Posters - On the university<h2>
In addition to the fair we have also been hanging up posters and giving out flyers about iGEM on the university. This year iGEM did not have any enrollments from other than us who are on the team. Although it was great to all who wanted to be with, it would be nice with some more attention to the concept. Therefore we decided to do a campaign to increase interest in iGEM at university.<br/><br/>
<h2> Street Science<h2>
In Bielefeld we participated in “Street Science” as a part of their outreach. You can read more about this here (link) on our collaboration page.
<div id="contentcolumleft">
            <h2>Welcome to My Online Portfolio, Have a Look Around.</h2>
            <p>Commoveo wisi nulla pala illum melior quis. Et luptatum validus wisi ingenium humo quidne, eros lucidus dolore ea vel amet. Capto, praemitto singularis tation duis consequat. Jus vulputate ingenium mauris ut, vero. Enim suscipit exerci eligo dolus decet elit transverbero. </p>
            <p>Opto tego, distineo luptatum, amet virtus ideo bene in, vindico eum. Voco, proprius, tation jugis dolore consequat, adipiscing iusto eu, ingenium augue nimis, nostrud, lucidus. Qui tristique uxor ibidem iriure bis praesent os. Consequat zelus pagus abdo augue demoveo odio jus vel. </p>
            <h2>Opto tego, distineo luptatum</h2>
            <p>Commoveo wisi nulla pala illum melior quis. Et luptatum validus wisi ingenium humo quidne, eros lucidus dolore ea vel amet. Capto, praemitto singularis tation duis consequat. Jus vulputate ingenium mauris ut, vero. Enim suscipit exerci eligo dolus decet elit transverbero. </p>
            <p>Opto tego, distineo luptatum, amet virtus ideo bene in, vindico eum. Voco, proprius, tation jugis dolore consequat, adipiscing iusto eu, ingenium augue nimis, nostrud, lucidus. Qui tristique uxor ibidem iriure bis praesent os. Consequat zelus pagus abdo augue demoveo odio jus vel. </p>
<div id="contentcolumleft">
<h2>This is a test</h2>
<p> and now to put some text in </p>
<p>Commoveo wisi nulla pala illum melior quis. Et luptatum validus wisi ingenium humo quidne, eros lucidus dolore ea vel amet. Capto, praemitto singularis tation duis consequat. Jus vulputate ingenium mauris ut, vero. Enim suscipit exerci eligo dolus decet elit transverbero. </p>
<p>Opto tego, distineo luptatum, amet virtus ideo bene in, vindico eum. Voco, proprius, tation jugis dolore consequat, adipiscing iusto eu, ingenium augue nimis, nostrud, lucidus. Qui tristique uxor ibidem iriure bis praesent os. Consequat zelus pagus abdo augue demoveo odio jus vel. </p>
<h2>Opto tego, distineo luptatum</h2>
<p>Commoveo wisi nulla pala illum melior quis. Et luptatum validus wisi ingenium humo quidne, eros lucidus dolore ea vel amet. Capto, praemitto singularis tation duis consequat. Jus vulputate ingenium mauris ut, vero. Enim suscipit exerci eligo dolus decet elit transverbero. </p>
<p>Opto tego, distineo lupt
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Revision as of 21:53, 23 September 2012