Team:Potsdam Bioware/Lab/Labjournal/June


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==AID-Group=====<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">1st Labday 2012-06-09</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Planing the wildtype AID construct (BBa_K929000)</p><b>Investigators:</b> Tom S., Chris, Basia, Rico, Mario, Kevin <br><Br>'''Aim:''' planing the construction of the wildtype AID in pSB1C3<Br><Br>'''Material:''' Genious <Br><Br>'''Results:'''* pSB1C3 with CMV -> (cut with SpeI and PstI) 2715 bp (CMV insert+backbone) + 18 bp (rest)* pSB1A3 with AID -> (cut with XbaI and PstI) 626 bp (AID insert) + 2061 bp (backbone)* pSB1C3 with hGH -> (cut with XbaI and PstI) 505 bp (hGH insert) + 2053 bp (backbone)[[File:UP12_WildtypAID.JPG|300px|AID_Wirkorte]]<Br>'''Further tasks:'''* practice part<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Planing the modified AID construct (BBa_K929002)</p><b>Investigators:</b> Tom S., Chris, Basia, Rico, Mario, Kevin <br><Br>'''Aim:''' planing the modified AID with Kozak sequence, NLS and without NES, Primer design<Br><Br>'''Material:''' Genious <Br><Br>'''Results:''' <br>[[File:UP12_superAID.JPG|300px]]* reverse primer without NES<Br>'''Further tasks:'''* design of the forward primer* design of the practice part===<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-24</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: Preparation of overnight culture of <i>E. coli</i> strain XL-1 Blue</p><b>Investigators:</b>Basia <br><b>Aim:</b>preparation of competent cells of <i>E. coli</i> strain XL-1 Blue<br><b>Materials:</b>LB Medium, Tetracycline, XL-1 Blue stock<br><b>Method:</b>Competent <i>E. coli</i> -> Standard protocols<br><b>Results:</b><br>culture grew<br><b>Further tasks:</b><br>further preparation of competent cells with MgCl2 and CaCl2.<Br><Br>===<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-25</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: making competent XL1 Blue <i>E. coli</i></p><b>Investigators:</b>Sascha, Maria, Tarek, Chris <br><b>Aim:</b>get competent <i>E. coli</i> Xl1 Blue<br><b>Materials:</b>CaCl2, Glycerol, overnight culture<br><b>Method:</b>Competent <i>E. coli</i> -> Standard protocols<br><b>Results:</b><br>* ca. 80 (100 µL) Stocks frozen competent <i>E. coli</i> XL1 Blue* location: competent <i>E. coli</i> Xl1 Blue in -80°C Freezer<b>Further tasks:</b><br>* testing ability for transformation of competent cells===<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-27</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: Picking clones/start overnight culture: AID(BBa_K103001); start overnight culture with pcdna5/ftr</p><b>Investigators:</b>Chris, Mario <br><b>Aim:</b>Picking clones/start 5 mL culture: 2 * 5 mL, 1*20 mL for Miniprep AID(BBa_K103001) & glycerolstock; 1 * 5 mL (Plasmid Sascha:pcdna5/frt) per competent cell line ("good", "bad" and "AG")<br><b>Materials:</b><i>E. coli</i> colonies from agar-plates (antibiotic: Amp), test tubes+ 5 mL LB+1:1000 AMP, 37 °C shaker<br><b>Method:</b>picking clones, inoculate in 5 mL fresh LB-media with Ampicilin (1:1000), incubation over night<br><b>Results:</b><br>ready for Miniprep: 2*5 mL and 1*20 mL <i>E. coli</i> XL1 with AID(BBa_K103001); 1 * 5 mL (Plasmid Sascha:pcdna5/frt) per competent cell line ("good", "bad" and "AG")* location: incubator 37 °C<br><b>Further tasks:</b><br>*Preparation of glycerol stocks (one of XL1 with AID (BBa_K103001), one of XL1 with pcdna5/frt)*Miniprep Thursday 28.06.2012===<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-28</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: MiniPrep of AID(BBa_K103001) and pcdna5/frt + preparation of cryostocks of the cells</p><b>Investigators:</b>Basia <br><br><b>Aim:</b>Miniprep & glycerol stock AID(BBa_K103001); Miniprep and cryostock of pcdna5/frt per competent cell line ("good", "bad" and "AG")<br><br><b>Materials:</b>Cells grown in test tubes, Miniprep Kit, glycerin, centrifuge<br><br><b>Method:</b>Glycerol stock: 500 µL of 100 % Glycerin + 500 µL of the liquid overnight cultureMiniPrep: according to the manual<br><br><b>Results:</b><br>ready plasmids AID(BBa_K103001) and pcdna5/frt per competent cell line ("good", "bad" and "AG")* location: Plasmids: AID(BBa_K103001)- 4th drawer in the -20 °C freezer, pcdna5/frt per competent cell line ("good", "bad" and "AG")-2nd drawer in the -20 °C freezerGlycerolstocks-box in -80 °C freezer marked with the green tape with a label(BM 28.6.2012, iGEM, AID, pcdna5/FRT)<br><b>Further tasks:</b><br>Gel electrophoresis for AID to check if it is intact.==Antikörper=====<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">2012-06-11</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Culture of CHO-Flp-In Cells</p><b>Investigators:</b> Stefan, Tarek <br><br><b>Aim:</b> Thawing of CHO-Flp-In Cells <br><br><b>Date/Time:</b> 2012-06-11,11-20:00 <br><br><b>Materials:</b><br>* Cryostock of CHO-Flp-In Cells* Complete Medium (Ham´s F12 + 10% FBS + 1% Pen/Strep + 2 mM L-Glutamin)* Zeocin* 75 cm² culture flask<br><b>Method:</b><br>Growth and Maintenance of Flp-In Cell Lines (Invtrogen):* incubation of thawed cells in 12 ml complete medium without Zeocin for 3h* change of medium (get rid of DMSO) and incubation overnight 37°C , 5% CO2<br><b>Results:</b><br>* 1x 75cm² culture flask with attached cells<br><b>Further tasks:</b><br>* change medium against medium with 100 µg/ml Zeocin (done on 2012-06-12)* change medium after 2-3 days (done on 2012-06-14)* get the cells to 80-90% confluence (daily check) for splitting===<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">2012-06-13</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Plasmid DNA Purification</p><b>Investigators:</b> Kerstin, Maria<br><br><b>Aim:</b> Purification of Plasmids pFRT/lacZeo,pcDNA5/FRT, pOG44<br><br><b>Date/Time:</b> 2012-06-13,12:00-14.00 <br><br><b>Materials:</b> Macherey-Nagel Purification Kit<br>* E.coli XL-1 blue culture transformed with pFRT/lacZeo, pcDNA5/FRT, pOG44* 2 clones of each plasmid* 2 ml of each culture taken<br><b>Method:</b> Plasmid purification (Miniprep)<br>Protocol-at-a-glance (Macherey-Nagel)* pellet of 2 ml from each culturevariation: centrifugation steps 1 min instead of 30 sec<br><br><b>Results:</b><br>Plasmids pFRT/lacZeo, pcDNA5/FRT, pOG44<br>* location: freezer -20°, Box2<br><b>Further tasks:</b><br>* measurement of DNA concentration* control with restriction digest===<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">2012-06-15</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Culture of CHO-Flp-In Cells</p><b>Investigators:</b> Tarek <br><br><b>Aim:</b> Splitting of CHO-Flp-In Cells <br><br><b>Date/Time:</b> 2012-06-15, 14-16:00 <br><br><b>Materials:</b><br>* 1 x 75 cm² flask with confluent CHO-Flp-In Cells* 8 x 75 cm² culture flasks* complete Medium with Zeocin* PBS* Trypsin/EDTA<br><b>Method:</b><br>Growth and Maintenance of Flp-In Cell Lines (Invitrogen):* remove medium and wash the cells with 10 ml PBS* Add 2 ml Trypsin/EDTA solution (ca. 3 min ´til the cells detached)* Add 8 ml of complete medium (+Zeocin), and briefly resuspend the cells* 1 x 2 ml of the cellsuspension in 13 ml complete medium (1:5 splitting)* 7 x 1 ml of the cellsuspension in 14 ml complete medium (1:10 splitting)* incubation 37°C, 5% CO2<br><b>Results:</b><br>* 1 x 1:5 CHO-Flp-In Cells* 7 x 1:10 CHO-Flp-In Cells<b>Further tasks:</b><br>* get the cells to 90% confluence* freezing cells===<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">2012-06-19</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Culture of CHO-Flp-In Cells</p><b>Investigators:</b> Stefan, Tarek <br><br><b>Aim:</b> Freezing and passaging cultured CHO-Flp-In Cells <br><br><b>Date/Time:</b> 2012-06-19, 10-12:00 <br><br><b>Materials:</b><br>* confluent CHO-Flp-In Cells* Complete Medium* Freezing Medium (90% Complete Medium + 10% DMSO)* PBS* Trypsin/EDTA* Neubauerzählkammer* Falcon-tubes (15ml + 50ml)<br><b>Method:</b><br>Growth and Maintenance of Flp-In Cell Lines (Invitrogen);Freezing Cells:* prepare 20 ml of Freezing medium; label cryovials* trypsinate the cells (like 2012-06-15); 5 x 75 cm² flasks* counting the cells in Neubauerzählkammer = 2,3 x 10e6/ml = 2,3 x 10e7/flask = 5 Cryostocks per flask á 4,6 x 10e6 cells (min 3 x 10e6 cells/ml)* centrifugate the cells in two 50 ml falcon tubes (á 25 ml) and aspirate off the medium* resuspend the cellpellets in 10 ml freezing medium* add 1 ml cell suspension into one cryovial (x20)* place the vials in a styroporbox and freeze them in -80°C Freezer* passaging cells (2 x 75 cm² flasks) was done like on 2012-06-15<br><b>Results:</b><br>* 19 cryovials with CHO-Flp-In Cells* 2 x 1:10 CHO Flp-In Cells<b>Further tasks:</b><br>* reactivate one cryostock===<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">2012-06-20</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Culture of CHO-Flp-In Cells</p><b>Investigators:</b> Tarek <br><br><b>Aim:</b> Reactivate/Thawing CHO-Flp-In Cryostock <br><br><b>Date/Time:</b> 2012-06-20, 12-13 <br><br><b>Materials:</b><br>* Cryostock of CHO-Flp-In Cells* Complete Medium (Ham´s F12 + 10% FBS + 1% Pen/Strep + 2 mM L-Glutamin)* Zeocin* 75 cm² culture flask<br><b>Method:</b><br>Growth and Maintenance of Flp-In Cell Lines (Invitrogen):<br>changes to 2012-06-11:* resuspend the thawed cells in 12 ml complete medium and centrifugate (to save 3h), 250 g, 5 min, RT* aspirate off the medium* resuspend the cells in complete medium (5ml)* place the resuspended cells in a culture flasks with 10ml complete medium + 15 µl Zeocin<br><b>Results:</b><br>* 1 x 75 cm² flasks with reactivated crystock of CHO-Flp-In Cells<b>Further tasks:</b><br>* change medium* get reactivated cryostock to confluence* splitting cells* freeze second charge of cells===<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">2012-06-22</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Culture of CHO-Flp-In Cells</p><b>Investigators:</b> Tarek <br><br><b>Aim:</b> Splitting Cells for 2nd freezing charge <br><br><b>Date/Time:</b> 2012-06-22, 15-16:00 <br><br><b>Materials:</b><br>* confluent CHO-Flp-In Cells (reactivated cryostock)* 5 x 75 cm² culture flasks* complete medium + Zeocin* PBS* Trypsin/EDTA<br><b>Method:</b><br>like 2012-06-15<br><b>Results:</b><br>* 5 x 75 cm² CHO-flp-In Cells<b>Further tasks:</b><br>* get cells 90% confluence* freeze cells===<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">2012-06-22</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Planning the antibody construct</p><b>Investigators:</b> Maria, Sascha <br><br><b>Aim:</b> Draft for gene construct, searching appropriate Fc-part <br><br><b>Date/Time:</b> 2012-06-22, 14:00 - 16:30 <br><br><b>Materials:</b><br>* Databases* Paper<br><b>Method:</b><br>reviewing of sequences<br><br><b>Results:</b><br>* nucleotide sequence of human C-kappa1 gene<br><b>Further tasks:</b><br>* further search for sequences===<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">2012-06-27</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Planning the antibody construct</p><b>Investigators:</b> Sascha, Maria <br><br><b>Aim:</b> Draft for gene construct <br><br><b>Date/Time:</b> 2012-06-28,17:30-23:45 <br><br><b>Materials:</b><br>* Databases* Geneious* Paper<br><b>Method:</b><br>Planning and reviewing of sequence<br><br><b>Results:</b><br>* antibody construct with exon/intron structure<br><b>Further tasks:</b><br>* meeting with Dr. Kappel (Monday) and Prof. Lenhard (Wednesday) for clarification of exon/intron structure* further control* ordering of gene synthesis<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Primer-Design for GATC-sequencing of pcDNA5-FRT and pOG44; vectors for stable transfection</p><b>Investigators:</b> Sascha, Maria, Tarek <br><br><b>Aim:</b> Primer-Design for pcDNA5-FRT and pOG44 <br><br><b>Materials:</b><br>* lablife: sequences of invitrogen vectors pcDNA5-FRT and pOG44* Oligocalc to calculate Tm of primers based on GATC-requirements* Geneious<b>Results:</b><br>* forward-primer for CMV-promotor in pcDNA5-FRT and pOG44* reverse-primer for pcDNA5-FRT in hygromycin at N-terminus* reverse-primer for pOG44 in N-terminus of flp-gene<br><b>Further tasks:</b><br>* ordering of primers at GATC* preparation of pcDNA5-FT, pOG44 and ordered primers based on requirements of GTAC==Virus=====<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-07</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: Primer design -Cloning: Sortase-Tag an VP2 + PCR for VP2 with Kozak-sortase_tag-myc_tag </p><b>Investigators:</b> Kathi, Laura, Tobias, Xenia <br><b>Aim:</b> Primer design of VP2 region <br><b>Materials:</b>* Vector:P10_pSB1C3_001_CMV_DARPin_ML_VP2/3_587KO_6xHis* Sortase-sequence: amino acid sequence: LTAPG translated to gene sequence: CTTACAGCCCCAGGA* restriction sites: NgoMIV<br><b>Method:</b> Geneious <br><b>Results:</b><br>* f_Primer_preNgoMIV+SortaseMotiv1+VP2* r_Primer_VP2_1<br><b>Further tasks:</b>*check the primer<b>Changes:</b><br>* primer for cmv region:* include restriction sites SpeI and XbalI, remove NgoMIV===<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-14</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Primer design - Cloning: Sortase-Tag an VP2 + PCR for VP2 with Kozak-sortase_tag-myc_tag </p><b>Investigators:</b> Kathi, Laura, Tobias, Xenia <br><b>Aim:</b>Change primer of 2012-06-07, generate primers for the cmv region + cmv-suffix with SpeI restriction site, include XbalI restriction site in VP2-prefix include myc-tag<br><b>Materials:</b>* Vector:P10_pSB1C3_001_CMV_DARPin_ML_VP2/3_587KO_6xHis* Sortase-sequence: amino acid sequence: LTAPG translated to gene sequence: CTTACAGCCCCAGGA* Kozak-sequence: gccgcc* restriction sites: SpeI and XbalI <br><b>Method:</b> Geneious <br><b>Results:</b>* f_Primer_preXba1 with overhang of: kozak+SortaseMotiv1+myc-tag+VP2 (forward primer)* r_Primer_VP2_1 (reverse primer)* f_Primer_XbaI+cmv (forward primer)* r_Primer_CMV+suf (reverse primer)* location: directory: VIRUS/complete<br><b>Further tasks:</b><br>* control* improvements* order===<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-19</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: Primer design - Cloning: Sortase-Tag linked on VP2 + PCR for VP2 with Kozak-sortase_tag-myc_tag</p><b>Investigators:</b> Kathi, Laura, Tobias, Xenia <br><b>Aim:</b> change primers of 2012-06-14<br><b>Materials:</b>* vector:P10_pSB1C3_001_CMV_DARPin_ML_VP2/3_587KO_6xHis* sortase-sequence: amino acid sequence: LTAPG translated to gene sequence: CTTACAGCCCCAGGA* kozak-sequence: gccgcc* restriction sites: SpeI and XbalI<br><b>Method:</b>Geneious<br><b>Results:</b>* f_Primer_preXba1 with overhang: kozak+SortaseMotiv1+myc-tag+VP2 (forward primer)* r_Primer_VP2_1-Temp. 80.3 °C (reverse primer)* f_Primer_XbaI+Überhang_cmv (forward primer)* r_Primer_CMV+suf (reversed)+ overhang (reverse primer)* location: directory: VIRUS/complete <br><b>Further tasks:</b><br>* control* improvements===<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-22</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: Primer design - Cloning: Sortase-Tag an VP2 + PCR for VP2 with Kozak-sortase_tag-myc_tag</p><b>Investigators:</b> Kathi, Laura, Tobias, Xenia <br><b>Aim:</b>* change primer of 2012-06-19* trim primer: r_Pst_Primer_VP2_1+overhang-to reduce temperature uo to 68 °C* remove primers for cmv region<br><b>Materials:</b>* Vector: p10_pSB1C3_001_CMV_DARPin_ML_VP2/3_587KO_6xHis* Sortase-sequence: amino acid sequence: LTAPG translated to gene sequence: CTTACAGCCCCAGGA* Kozak-sequence: gccgcc* restriction sites: XbaI in forward primer for VP2 region<br><b>Method:</b>Geneious <br><b>Results:</b>* prf_XbaI_kozak_SortaseMotivN_myc_VP2 (forward primer)* prr_VP2_PstI_Temp68 (reverse primer)* location: directory geneious VIRUS/complete<br><b>Further tasks:</b><br>* control of the primer===<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-28</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: TAE-buffer</p><b>Investigator:</b>Xenia<br><b>Aim:</b> TAE-buffer(50x)- 1l <br><b>Materials:</b> <br>242 g tris base <br>57.1 mL glacial acetic acid <br>100 mL 0.5 M EDTA <br>add 1 L Millipore -water<br><b>Further tasks:</b>*Agarose gel electrophoresis===<p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-29</p>===<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: Primer solution</p><b>Investigator:</b>Kathi <br><b>Aim:</b> primer solution in 100 µM <br><b>Materials:</b>* prr_VP2_PstI_Temp68 ad 394 µL Aqua dest* prf_XbaI_kozak_SortaseMotivN_myc_VP2 ad 178 µL Aqua dest<br><b>Results:</b>* prf_XbaI_kozak_SortaseMotivN_myc_VP2 --> c=100 µM* prr_VP2_PstI_Temp68 --> c=100 µM<b>Further tasks:</b>* PCR
<h2><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=1" title="Edit section: AID-Group">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="AID-Group">AID-Group</span></h2>
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=2" title="Edit section: 1st Labday 2012-06-09">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="1st_Labday_2012-06-09"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">1st Labday 2012-06-09</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Planing the wildtype AID construct (BBa_K929000)</p>
<p><b>Investigators:</b> Tom S., Chris, Basia, Rico, Mario, Kevin <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Aim:</b> planing the construction of the wildtype AID in pSB1C3<br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Material:</b> Genious <br />
</p><p><br />
<ul><li> pSB1C3 with CMV -&gt; (cut with SpeI and PstI) 2715 bp (CMV insert+backbone) + 18 bp (rest)
<ul><li> pSB1A3 with AID -&gt; (cut with XbaI and PstI) 626 bp (AID insert) + 2061 bp (backbone)
<ul><li> pSB1C3 with hGH -&gt; (cut with XbaI and PstI) 505 bp (hGH insert) + 2053 bp (backbone)
<p><a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php/File:UP12_WildtypAID.JPG" class="image" title="AID_Wirkorte"><img alt="AID_Wirkorte" src="/iGEM/wiki2011/images/thumb/7/72/UP12_WildtypAID.JPG/300px-UP12_WildtypAID.JPG" width="300" height="332" /></a>
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Further tasks:</b>
<ul><li> practice part
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Planing the modified AID construct (BBa_K929002)</p>
<p><b>Investigators:</b> Tom S., Chris, Basia, Rico, Mario, Kevin <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Aim:</b> planing the modified AID with Kozak sequence, NLS and without NES, Primer design<br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Material:</b> Genious <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Results:</b> <br />
</p><p><a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php/File:UP12_superAID.JPG" class="image"><img alt="UP12 superAID.JPG" src="/iGEM/wiki2011/images/thumb/a/a7/UP12_superAID.JPG/300px-UP12_superAID.JPG" width="300" height="322" /></a>
<ul><li> reverse primer without NES
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Further tasks:</b>
<ul><li> design of the forward primer
<ul><li> design of the practice part
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=3" title="Edit section: 2012-06-24">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-24"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-24</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: Preparation of overnight culture of <i>E. coli</i> strain XL-1 Blue</p>
</p><p>Basia <br />
</p><p>preparation of competent cells of <i>E. coli</i> strain XL-1 Blue
</p><p><br />
</p><p>LB Medium, Tetracycline, XL-1 Blue stock
</p><p><br />
</p><p>Competent <i>E. coli</i> -&gt; Standard protocols
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Results:</b><br />
</p><p>culture grew
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Further tasks:</b><br />
</p><p>further preparation of competent cells with MgCl2 and CaCl2.<br />
</p><p><br />
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=4" title="Edit section: 2012-06-25">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-25"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-25</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: making competent XL1 Blue <i>E. coli</i></p>
</p><p>Sascha, Maria, Tarek, Chris <br />
</p><p>get competent <i>E. coli</i> Xl1 Blue
</p><p><br />
</p><p>CaCl2, Glycerol, overnight culture
</p><p><br />
</p><p>Competent <i>E. coli</i> -&gt; Standard protocols
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Results:</b><br />
<ul><li> ca. 80 (100 µL) Stocks frozen competent <i>E. coli</i> XL1 Blue
<ul><li> location: competent <i>E. coli</i> Xl1 Blue in -80°C Freezer
<p><b>Further tasks:</b><br />
<ul><li> testing ability for transformation of competent cells
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=5" title="Edit section: 2012-06-27">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-27"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-27</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: Picking clones/start overnight culture: AID(BBa_K103001); start overnight culture with pcdna5/ftr
</p><p>Chris, Mario <br />
</p><p>Picking clones/start 5 mL culture: 2 * 5 mL, 1*20 mL for Miniprep AID(BBa_K103001) &amp; glycerolstock; 1 * 5 mL (Plasmid Sascha:pcdna5/frt) per competent cell line ("good", "bad" and "AG")
</p><p><br />
</p><p><i>E. coli</i> colonies from agar-plates (antibiotic: Amp), test tubes+ 5 mL LB+1:1000 AMP, 37 °C shaker
</p><p><br />
</p><p>picking clones, inoculate in 5 mL fresh LB-media with Ampicilin (1:1000), incubation over night
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Results:</b><br />
</p><p>ready for Miniprep: 2*5 mL and 1*20 mL <i>E. coli</i> XL1 with AID(BBa_K103001); 1 * 5 mL (Plasmid Sascha:pcdna5/frt) per competent cell line ("good", "bad" and "AG")
<ul><li> location: incubator 37 °C<br />
<p><b>Further tasks:</b><br />
<ul><li>Preparation of glycerol stocks (one of XL1 with AID (BBa_K103001), one of XL1 with pcdna5/frt)
<ul><li>Miniprep Thursday 28.06.2012
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=6" title="Edit section: 2012-06-28">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-28"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-28</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: MiniPrep of AID(BBa_K103001) and pcdna5/frt + preparation of cryostocks of the cells</p>
<p><b>Investigators:</b>Basia <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p>Miniprep &amp; glycerol stock AID(BBa_K103001); Miniprep and cryostock of pcdna5/frt per competent cell line ("good", "bad" and "AG")
</p><p><br /><br />
</p><p>Cells grown in test tubes, Miniprep Kit, glycerin, centrifuge
</p><p><br /><br />
</p><p>Glycerol stock: 500 µL of 100&nbsp;% Glycerin + 500 µL of the liquid overnight culture
</p><p>MiniPrep: according to the manual
</p><p><br /><br />
</p><p><b>Results:</b><br />
</p><p>ready plasmids AID(BBa_K103001) and pcdna5/frt per competent cell line ("good", "bad" and "AG")
<ul><li> location: Plasmids: AID(BBa_K103001)- 4th drawer in the -20 °C freezer, pcdna5/frt per competent cell line ("good", "bad" and "AG")-2nd drawer in the -20 °C freezer
<p>Glycerolstocks-box in -80 °C freezer marked with the green tape with a label(BM 28.6.2012, iGEM, AID, pcdna5/FRT)
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Further tasks:</b><br />
</p><p>Gel electrophoresis for AID to check if it is intact.
<h2><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=7" title="Edit section: Antikörper">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="Antik.C3.B6rper">Antikörper</span></h2>
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=8" title="Edit section: 2012-06-11">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-11"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">2012-06-11</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Culture of CHO-Flp-In Cells</p>
<p><b>Investigators:</b> Stefan, Tarek <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Aim:</b> Thawing of CHO-Flp-In Cells <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Date/Time:</b> 2012-06-11,11-20:00 <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Materials:</b><br />
<ul><li> Cryostock of CHO-Flp-In Cells
<ul><li> Complete Medium (Ham´s F12 + 10% FBS + 1% Pen/Strep + 2 mM L-Glutamin)
<ul><li> Zeocin
<ul><li> 75 cm² culture flask
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Method:</b><br />
</p><p>Growth and Maintenance of Flp-In Cell Lines (Invtrogen):
<ul><li> incubation of thawed cells in 12 ml complete medium without Zeocin for 3h
<ul><li> change of medium (get rid of DMSO) and incubation overnight 37°C , 5% CO2
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Results:</b><br />
<ul><li> 1x 75cm² culture flask with attached cells
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Further tasks:</b><br />
<ul><li> change medium against medium with 100 µg/ml Zeocin (done on 2012-06-12)
<ul><li> change medium after 2-3 days (done on 2012-06-14)
<ul><li> get the cells to 80-90% confluence (daily check) for splitting
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=9" title="Edit section: 2012-06-13">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-13"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">2012-06-13</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Plasmid DNA Purification</p>
<p><b>Investigators:</b> Kerstin, Maria<br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Aim:</b> Purification of Plasmids pFRT/lacZeo,pcDNA5/FRT, pOG44<br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Date/Time:</b> 2012-06-13,12:00-14.00 <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Materials:</b> Macherey-Nagel Purification Kit<br />
<ul><li> E.coli XL-1 blue culture transformed with pFRT/lacZeo, pcDNA5/FRT, pOG44
<ul><li> 2 clones of each plasmid
<ul><li> 2 ml of each culture taken
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Method:</b> Plasmid purification (Miniprep)<br />
</p><p>Protocol-at-a-glance (Macherey-Nagel)
<ul><li> pellet of 2 ml from each culture
<p>variation: centrifugation steps 1 min instead of 30 sec
</p><p><br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Results:</b><br />
</p><p>Plasmids pFRT/lacZeo, pcDNA5/FRT, pOG44<br />
<ul><li> location: freezer -20°, Box2
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Further tasks:</b><br />
<ul><li> measurement of DNA concentration
<ul><li> control with restriction digest
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=10" title="Edit section: 2012-06-15">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-15"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">2012-06-15</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Culture of CHO-Flp-In Cells</p>
<p><b>Investigators:</b> Tarek <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Aim:</b> Splitting of CHO-Flp-In Cells <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Date/Time:</b> 2012-06-15, 14-16:00 <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Materials:</b><br />
<ul><li> 1 x 75 cm² flask with confluent CHO-Flp-In Cells
<ul><li> 8 x 75 cm² culture flasks
<ul><li> complete Medium with Zeocin
<ul><li> PBS
<ul><li> Trypsin/EDTA
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Method:</b><br />
</p><p>Growth and Maintenance of Flp-In Cell Lines (Invitrogen):
<ul><li> remove medium and wash the cells with 10 ml PBS
<ul><li> Add 2 ml Trypsin/EDTA solution (ca. 3 min ´til the cells detached)
<ul><li> Add 8 ml of complete medium (+Zeocin), and briefly resuspend the cells
<ul><li> 1 x 2 ml of the cellsuspension in 13 ml complete medium (1:5 splitting)
<ul><li> 7 x 1 ml of the cellsuspension in 14 ml complete medium (1:10 splitting)
<ul><li> incubation 37°C, 5% CO2
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Results:</b><br />
<ul><li> 1 x 1:5 CHO-Flp-In Cells
<ul><li> 7 x 1:10 CHO-Flp-In Cells
<p><b>Further tasks:</b><br />
<ul><li> get the cells to 90% confluence
<ul><li> freezing cells
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=11" title="Edit section: 2012-06-19">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-19"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">2012-06-19</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Culture of CHO-Flp-In Cells</p>
<p><b>Investigators:</b> Stefan, Tarek <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Aim:</b> Freezing and passaging cultured CHO-Flp-In Cells <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Date/Time:</b> 2012-06-19, 10-12:00 <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Materials:</b><br />
<ul><li> confluent CHO-Flp-In Cells
<ul><li> Complete Medium
<ul><li> Freezing Medium (90% Complete Medium + 10% DMSO)
<ul><li> PBS
<ul><li> Trypsin/EDTA
<ul><li> Neubauerzählkammer
<ul><li> Falcon-tubes (15ml + 50ml)
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Method:</b><br />
</p><p>Growth and Maintenance of Flp-In Cell Lines (Invitrogen);
</p><p>Freezing Cells:
<ul><li> prepare 20 ml of Freezing medium; label cryovials
<ul><li> trypsinate the cells (like 2012-06-15); 5 x 75 cm² flasks
<ul><li> counting the cells in Neubauerzählkammer = 2,3 x 10e6/ml = 2,3 x 10e7/flask = 5 Cryostocks per flask á 4,6 x 10e6 cells (min 3 x 10e6 cells/ml)
<ul><li> centrifugate the cells in two 50 ml falcon tubes (á 25 ml) and aspirate off the medium
<ul><li> resuspend the cellpellets in 10 ml freezing medium
<ul><li> add 1 ml cell suspension into one cryovial (x20)
<ul><li> place the vials in a styroporbox and freeze them in -80°C Freezer
<ul><li> passaging cells (2 x 75 cm² flasks) was done like on 2012-06-15
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Results:</b><br />
<ul><li> 19 cryovials with CHO-Flp-In Cells
<ul><li> 2 x 1:10 CHO Flp-In Cells
<p><b>Further tasks:</b><br />
<ul><li> reactivate one cryostock
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=12" title="Edit section: 2012-06-20">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-20"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">2012-06-20</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Culture of CHO-Flp-In Cells</p>
<p><b>Investigators:</b> Tarek <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Aim:</b> Reactivate/Thawing CHO-Flp-In Cryostock <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Date/Time:</b> 2012-06-20, 12-13 <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Materials:</b><br />
<ul><li> Cryostock of CHO-Flp-In Cells
<ul><li> Complete Medium (Ham´s F12 + 10% FBS + 1% Pen/Strep + 2 mM L-Glutamin)
<ul><li> Zeocin
<ul><li> 75 cm² culture flask
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Method:</b><br />
</p><p>Growth and Maintenance of Flp-In Cell Lines (Invitrogen):
</p><p><br />changes to 2012-06-11:
<ul><li> resuspend the thawed cells in 12 ml complete medium and centrifugate (to save 3h), 250 g, 5 min, RT
<ul><li> aspirate off the medium
<ul><li> resuspend the cells in complete medium (5ml)
<ul><li> place the resuspended cells in a culture flasks with 10ml complete medium + 15 µl Zeocin
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Results:</b><br />
<ul><li> 1 x 75 cm² flasks with reactivated crystock of CHO-Flp-In Cells
<p><b>Further tasks:</b><br />
<ul><li> change medium
<ul><li> get reactivated cryostock to confluence
<ul><li> splitting cells
<ul><li> freeze second charge of cells
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=13" title="Edit section: 2012-06-22">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-22"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">2012-06-22</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Culture of CHO-Flp-In Cells</p>
<p><b>Investigators:</b> Tarek <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Aim:</b> Splitting Cells for 2nd freezing charge <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Date/Time:</b> 2012-06-22, 15-16:00 <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Materials:</b><br />
<ul><li> confluent CHO-Flp-In Cells (reactivated cryostock)
<ul><li> 5 x 75 cm² culture flasks
<ul><li> complete medium + Zeocin
<ul><li> PBS
<ul><li> Trypsin/EDTA
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Method:</b><br />
</p><p>like 2012-06-15
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Results:</b><br />
<ul><li> 5 x 75 cm² CHO-flp-In Cells
<p><b>Further tasks:</b><br />
<ul><li> get cells 90% confluence
<ul><li> freeze cells
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=14" title="Edit section: 2012-06-22">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-22_2"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">2012-06-22</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Planning the antibody construct</p>
<p><b>Investigators:</b> Maria, Sascha <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Aim:</b> Draft for gene construct, searching appropriate Fc-part <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Date/Time:</b> 2012-06-22, 14:00 - 16:30 <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Materials:</b><br />
<ul><li> Databases
<ul><li> Paper
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Method:</b><br />
</p><p>reviewing of sequences
</p><p><br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Results:</b><br />
<ul><li> nucleotide sequence of human C-kappa1 gene
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Further tasks:</b><br />
<ul><li> further search for sequences
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=15" title="Edit section: 2012-06-27">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-27_2"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);">2012-06-27</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Planning the antibody construct</p>
<p><b>Investigators:</b> Sascha, Maria <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Aim:</b> Draft for gene construct <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Date/Time:</b> 2012-06-28,17:30-23:45 <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Materials:</b><br />
<ul><li> Databases
<ul><li> Geneious
<ul><li> Paper
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Method:</b><br />
</p><p>Planning and reviewing of sequence
</p><p><br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Results:</b><br />
<ul><li> antibody construct with exon/intron structure
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Further tasks:</b><br />
<ul><li> meeting with Dr. Kappel (Monday) and Prof. Lenhard (Wednesday) for clarification of exon/intron structure
<ul><li> further control
<ul><li> ordering of gene synthesis
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Primer-Design for GATC-sequencing of pcDNA5-FRT and pOG44; vectors for stable transfection</p>
<p><b>Investigators:</b> Sascha, Maria, Tarek <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Aim:</b> Primer-Design for pcDNA5-FRT and pOG44 <br />
</p><p><br />
</p><p><b>Materials:</b><br />
<ul><li> lablife: sequences of invitrogen vectors pcDNA5-FRT and pOG44
<ul><li> Oligocalc to calculate Tm of primers based on GATC-requirements
<ul><li> Geneious
<p><b>Results:</b><br />
<ul><li> forward-primer for CMV-promotor in pcDNA5-FRT and pOG44
<ul><li> reverse-primer for pcDNA5-FRT in hygromycin at N-terminus
<ul><li> reverse-primer for pOG44 in N-terminus of flp-gene
<p><br />
</p><p><b>Further tasks:</b><br />
<ul><li> ordering of primers at GATC
<ul><li> preparation of pcDNA5-FT, pOG44 and ordered primers based on requirements of GTAC
<h2><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=16" title="Edit section: Virus">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="Virus">Virus</span></h2>
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=17" title="Edit section: 2012-06-07">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-07"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-07</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: Primer design -Cloning: Sortase-Tag an VP2 + PCR for VP2 with Kozak-sortase_tag-myc_tag </p>
<p><b>Investigators:</b> Kathi, Laura, Tobias, Xenia <br />
<b>Aim:</b> Primer design of VP2 region <br />
<ul><li> Vector:P10_pSB1C3_001_CMV_DARPin_ML_VP2/3_587KO_6xHis
</li><li> Sortase-sequence: amino acid sequence: LTAPG translated to gene sequence: CTTACAGCCCCAGGA
</li><li> restriction sites: NgoMIV<br />
<p><b>Method:</b> Geneious <br />
<b>Results:</b><br />
<ul><li> f_Primer_preNgoMIV+SortaseMotiv1+VP2
</li><li> r_Primer_VP2_1<br />
<p><b>Further tasks:</b>
<ul><li>check the primer
<p><b>Changes:</b><br />
<ul><li> primer for cmv region:
</li><li> include restriction sites SpeI and XbalI, remove NgoMIV
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=18" title="Edit section: 2012-06-14">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-14"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-14</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;">Topic: Primer design - Cloning: Sortase-Tag an VP2 + PCR for VP2 with Kozak-sortase_tag-myc_tag </p>
<p><b>Investigators:</b> Kathi, Laura, Tobias, Xenia <br />
Change primer of 2012-06-07, generate primers for the cmv region + cmv-suffix with SpeI restriction site, include XbalI restriction site in VP2-prefix include myc-tag<br />
<ul><li> Vector:P10_pSB1C3_001_CMV_DARPin_ML_VP2/3_587KO_6xHis
</li><li> Sortase-sequence: amino acid sequence: LTAPG translated to gene sequence: CTTACAGCCCCAGGA
</li><li> Kozak-sequence: gccgcc
</li><li> restriction sites: SpeI and XbalI <br />
<p><b>Method:</b> Geneious <br />
<ul><li> f_Primer_preXba1 with overhang of: kozak+SortaseMotiv1+myc-tag+VP2 (forward primer)
</li><li> r_Primer_VP2_1 (reverse primer)
</li><li> f_Primer_XbaI+cmv (forward primer)
</li><li> r_Primer_CMV+suf (reverse primer)
</li><li> location: directory: VIRUS/complete<br />
<p><b>Further tasks:</b><br />
<ul><li> control
</li><li> improvements
</li><li> order
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=19" title="Edit section: 2012-06-19">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-19_2"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-19</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: Primer design - Cloning: Sortase-Tag linked on VP2 + PCR for VP2 with Kozak-sortase_tag-myc_tag</p>
<p><b>Investigators:</b> Kathi, Laura, Tobias, Xenia <br />
</p><p><b>Aim:</b> change primers of 2012-06-14<br />
<ul><li> vector:P10_pSB1C3_001_CMV_DARPin_ML_VP2/3_587KO_6xHis
<ul><li> sortase-sequence: amino acid sequence: LTAPG translated to gene sequence: CTTACAGCCCCAGGA
<ul><li> kozak-sequence: gccgcc
<ul><li> restriction sites: SpeI and XbalI<br />
<p><b>Method:</b>Geneious<br />
<ul><li> f_Primer_preXba1 with overhang: kozak+SortaseMotiv1+myc-tag+VP2 (forward primer)
<ul><li> r_Primer_VP2_1-Temp. 80.3 °C (reverse primer)
<ul><li> f_Primer_XbaI+Überhang_cmv (forward primer)
<ul><li> r_Primer_CMV+suf (reversed)+ overhang (reverse primer)
<ul><li> location: directory: VIRUS/complete <br />
<p><b>Further tasks:</b><br />
<ul><li> control
<ul><li> improvements
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=20" title="Edit section: 2012-06-22">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-22_3"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-22</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: Primer design - Cloning: Sortase-Tag an VP2 + PCR for VP2 with Kozak-sortase_tag-myc_tag</p>
<p><b>Investigators:</b> Kathi, Laura, Tobias, Xenia <br />
<ul><li> change primer of 2012-06-19
<ul><li> trim primer: r_Pst_Primer_VP2_1+overhang-to reduce temperature uo to 68 °C
<ul><li> remove primers for cmv region<br />
<ul><li> Vector: p10_pSB1C3_001_CMV_DARPin_ML_VP2/3_587KO_6xHis
<ul><li> Sortase-sequence: amino acid sequence: LTAPG translated to gene sequence: CTTACAGCCCCAGGA
<ul><li> Kozak-sequence: gccgcc
<ul><li> restriction sites: XbaI in forward primer for VP2 region<br />
<p><b>Method:</b>Geneious <br />
<ul><li> prf_XbaI_kozak_SortaseMotivN_myc_VP2 (forward primer)
<ul><li> prr_VP2_PstI_Temp68 (reverse primer)
<ul><li> location: directory geneious VIRUS/complete<br />
<p><b>Further tasks:</b><br />
<ul><li> control of the primer
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=21" title="Edit section: 2012-06-28">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-28_2"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-28</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: TAE-buffer</p>
<p><b>Investigator:</b>Xenia<br />
</p><p><b>Aim:</b> TAE-buffer(50x)- 1l <br />
</p><p><b>Materials:</b> <br />
</p><p>242 g tris base <br />
</p><p>57.1 mL glacial acetic acid <br />
</p><p>100 mL 0.5 M EDTA <br />
</p><p>add 1 L Millipore -water<br />
</p><p><b>Further tasks:</b>
<ul><li>Agarose gel electrophoresis
<h3><span class="editsection">[<a href="/iGEM/wiki2011/index.php?title=UP12_labjournal_june&amp;action=edit&amp;section=22" title="Edit section: 2012-06-29">edit</a>]</span> <span class="mw-headline" id="2012-06-29"><p style="background-color: rgb(240, 20, 70);"> 2012-06-29</p></span></h3>
<p style="background-color: rgb(238, 221, 130); font-weight: bold;"> Topic: Primer solution</p>
<p><b>Investigator:</b>Kathi <br />
</p><p><b>Aim:</b> primer solution in 100 µM <br />
<ul><li> prr_VP2_PstI_Temp68 ad 394 µL Aqua dest
<ul><li> prf_XbaI_kozak_SortaseMotivN_myc_VP2 ad 178 µL Aqua dest<br />
<ul><li> prf_XbaI_kozak_SortaseMotivN_myc_VP2 --&gt; c=100 µM
<ul><li> prr_VP2_PstI_Temp68 --&gt; c=100 µM
<p><b>Further tasks:</b>
<ul><li> PCR

Revision as of 14:06, 18 September 2012

[edit] AID-Group


1st Labday 2012-06-09

Topic: Planing the wildtype AID construct (BBa_K929000)

Investigators: Tom S., Chris, Basia, Rico, Mario, Kevin

Aim: planing the construction of the wildtype AID in pSB1C3

Material: Genious


  • pSB1C3 with CMV -> (cut with SpeI and PstI) 2715 bp (CMV insert+backbone) + 18 bp (rest)
  • pSB1A3 with AID -> (cut with XbaI and PstI) 626 bp (AID insert) + 2061 bp (backbone)
  • pSB1C3 with hGH -> (cut with XbaI and PstI) 505 bp (hGH insert) + 2053 bp (backbone)


Further tasks:

  • practice part

Topic: Planing the modified AID construct (BBa_K929002)

Investigators: Tom S., Chris, Basia, Rico, Mario, Kevin

Aim: planing the modified AID with Kozak sequence, NLS and without NES, Primer design

Material: Genious


UP12 superAID.JPG

  • reverse primer without NES

Further tasks:

  • design of the forward primer
  • design of the practice part



Topic: Preparation of overnight culture of E. coli strain XL-1 Blue




preparation of competent cells of E. coli strain XL-1 Blue


LB Medium, Tetracycline, XL-1 Blue stock


Competent E. coli -> Standard protocols


culture grew

Further tasks:

further preparation of competent cells with MgCl2 and CaCl2.



Topic: making competent XL1 Blue E. coli


Sascha, Maria, Tarek, Chris


get competent E. coli Xl1 Blue


CaCl2, Glycerol, overnight culture


Competent E. coli -> Standard protocols


  • ca. 80 (100 µL) Stocks frozen competent E. coli XL1 Blue
  • location: competent E. coli Xl1 Blue in -80°C Freezer

Further tasks:

  • testing ability for transformation of competent cells



Topic: Picking clones/start overnight culture: AID(BBa_K103001); start overnight culture with pcdna5/ftr


Chris, Mario


Picking clones/start 5 mL culture: 2 * 5 mL, 1*20 mL for Miniprep AID(BBa_K103001) & glycerolstock; 1 * 5 mL (Plasmid Sascha:pcdna5/frt) per competent cell line ("good", "bad" and "AG")


E. coli colonies from agar-plates (antibiotic: Amp), test tubes+ 5 mL LB+1:1000 AMP, 37 °C shaker


picking clones, inoculate in 5 mL fresh LB-media with Ampicilin (1:1000), incubation over night


ready for Miniprep: 2*5 mL and 1*20 mL E. coli XL1 with AID(BBa_K103001); 1 * 5 mL (Plasmid Sascha:pcdna5/frt) per competent cell line ("good", "bad" and "AG")

  • location: incubator 37 °C

Further tasks:

  • Preparation of glycerol stocks (one of XL1 with AID (BBa_K103001), one of XL1 with pcdna5/frt)
  • Miniprep Thursday 28.06.2012



Topic: MiniPrep of AID(BBa_K103001) and pcdna5/frt + preparation of cryostocks of the cells



Miniprep & glycerol stock AID(BBa_K103001); Miniprep and cryostock of pcdna5/frt per competent cell line ("good", "bad" and "AG")


Cells grown in test tubes, Miniprep Kit, glycerin, centrifuge


Glycerol stock: 500 µL of 100 % Glycerin + 500 µL of the liquid overnight culture

MiniPrep: according to the manual


ready plasmids AID(BBa_K103001) and pcdna5/frt per competent cell line ("good", "bad" and "AG")

  • location: Plasmids: AID(BBa_K103001)- 4th drawer in the -20 °C freezer, pcdna5/frt per competent cell line ("good", "bad" and "AG")-2nd drawer in the -20 °C freezer

Glycerolstocks-box in -80 °C freezer marked with the green tape with a label(BM 28.6.2012, iGEM, AID, pcdna5/FRT)

Further tasks:

Gel electrophoresis for AID to check if it is intact.

[edit] Antikörper



Topic: Culture of CHO-Flp-In Cells

Investigators: Stefan, Tarek

Aim: Thawing of CHO-Flp-In Cells

Date/Time: 2012-06-11,11-20:00


  • Cryostock of CHO-Flp-In Cells
  • Complete Medium (Ham´s F12 + 10% FBS + 1% Pen/Strep + 2 mM L-Glutamin)
  • Zeocin
  • 75 cm² culture flask


Growth and Maintenance of Flp-In Cell Lines (Invtrogen):

  • incubation of thawed cells in 12 ml complete medium without Zeocin for 3h
  • change of medium (get rid of DMSO) and incubation overnight 37°C , 5% CO2


  • 1x 75cm² culture flask with attached cells

Further tasks:

  • change medium against medium with 100 µg/ml Zeocin (done on 2012-06-12)
  • change medium after 2-3 days (done on 2012-06-14)
  • get the cells to 80-90% confluence (daily check) for splitting



Topic: Plasmid DNA Purification

Investigators: Kerstin, Maria

Aim: Purification of Plasmids pFRT/lacZeo,pcDNA5/FRT, pOG44

Date/Time: 2012-06-13,12:00-14.00

Materials: Macherey-Nagel Purification Kit

  • E.coli XL-1 blue culture transformed with pFRT/lacZeo, pcDNA5/FRT, pOG44
  • 2 clones of each plasmid
  • 2 ml of each culture taken

Method: Plasmid purification (Miniprep)

Protocol-at-a-glance (Macherey-Nagel)

  • pellet of 2 ml from each culture

variation: centrifugation steps 1 min instead of 30 sec


Plasmids pFRT/lacZeo, pcDNA5/FRT, pOG44

  • location: freezer -20°, Box2

Further tasks:

  • measurement of DNA concentration
  • control with restriction digest



Topic: Culture of CHO-Flp-In Cells

Investigators: Tarek

Aim: Splitting of CHO-Flp-In Cells

Date/Time: 2012-06-15, 14-16:00


  • 1 x 75 cm² flask with confluent CHO-Flp-In Cells
  • 8 x 75 cm² culture flasks
  • complete Medium with Zeocin
  • PBS
  • Trypsin/EDTA


Growth and Maintenance of Flp-In Cell Lines (Invitrogen):

  • remove medium and wash the cells with 10 ml PBS
  • Add 2 ml Trypsin/EDTA solution (ca. 3 min ´til the cells detached)
  • Add 8 ml of complete medium (+Zeocin), and briefly resuspend the cells
  • 1 x 2 ml of the cellsuspension in 13 ml complete medium (1:5 splitting)
  • 7 x 1 ml of the cellsuspension in 14 ml complete medium (1:10 splitting)
  • incubation 37°C, 5% CO2


  • 1 x 1:5 CHO-Flp-In Cells
  • 7 x 1:10 CHO-Flp-In Cells

Further tasks:

  • get the cells to 90% confluence
  • freezing cells



Topic: Culture of CHO-Flp-In Cells

Investigators: Stefan, Tarek

Aim: Freezing and passaging cultured CHO-Flp-In Cells

Date/Time: 2012-06-19, 10-12:00


  • confluent CHO-Flp-In Cells
  • Complete Medium
  • Freezing Medium (90% Complete Medium + 10% DMSO)
  • PBS
  • Trypsin/EDTA
  • Neubauerzählkammer
  • Falcon-tubes (15ml + 50ml)


Growth and Maintenance of Flp-In Cell Lines (Invitrogen);

Freezing Cells:

  • prepare 20 ml of Freezing medium; label cryovials
  • trypsinate the cells (like 2012-06-15); 5 x 75 cm² flasks
  • counting the cells in Neubauerzählkammer = 2,3 x 10e6/ml = 2,3 x 10e7/flask = 5 Cryostocks per flask á 4,6 x 10e6 cells (min 3 x 10e6 cells/ml)
  • centrifugate the cells in two 50 ml falcon tubes (á 25 ml) and aspirate off the medium
  • resuspend the cellpellets in 10 ml freezing medium
  • add 1 ml cell suspension into one cryovial (x20)
  • place the vials in a styroporbox and freeze them in -80°C Freezer
  • passaging cells (2 x 75 cm² flasks) was done like on 2012-06-15


  • 19 cryovials with CHO-Flp-In Cells
  • 2 x 1:10 CHO Flp-In Cells

Further tasks:

  • reactivate one cryostock



Topic: Culture of CHO-Flp-In Cells

Investigators: Tarek

Aim: Reactivate/Thawing CHO-Flp-In Cryostock

Date/Time: 2012-06-20, 12-13


  • Cryostock of CHO-Flp-In Cells
  • Complete Medium (Ham´s F12 + 10% FBS + 1% Pen/Strep + 2 mM L-Glutamin)
  • Zeocin
  • 75 cm² culture flask


Growth and Maintenance of Flp-In Cell Lines (Invitrogen):

changes to 2012-06-11:

  • resuspend the thawed cells in 12 ml complete medium and centrifugate (to save 3h), 250 g, 5 min, RT
  • aspirate off the medium
  • resuspend the cells in complete medium (5ml)
  • place the resuspended cells in a culture flasks with 10ml complete medium + 15 µl Zeocin


  • 1 x 75 cm² flasks with reactivated crystock of CHO-Flp-In Cells

Further tasks:

  • change medium
  • get reactivated cryostock to confluence
  • splitting cells
  • freeze second charge of cells



Topic: Culture of CHO-Flp-In Cells

Investigators: Tarek

Aim: Splitting Cells for 2nd freezing charge

Date/Time: 2012-06-22, 15-16:00


  • confluent CHO-Flp-In Cells (reactivated cryostock)
  • 5 x 75 cm² culture flasks
  • complete medium + Zeocin
  • PBS
  • Trypsin/EDTA


like 2012-06-15


  • 5 x 75 cm² CHO-flp-In Cells

Further tasks:

  • get cells 90% confluence
  • freeze cells



Topic: Planning the antibody construct

Investigators: Maria, Sascha

Aim: Draft for gene construct, searching appropriate Fc-part

Date/Time: 2012-06-22, 14:00 - 16:30


  • Databases
  • Paper


reviewing of sequences


  • nucleotide sequence of human C-kappa1 gene

Further tasks:

  • further search for sequences



Topic: Planning the antibody construct

Investigators: Sascha, Maria

Aim: Draft for gene construct

Date/Time: 2012-06-28,17:30-23:45


  • Databases
  • Geneious
  • Paper


Planning and reviewing of sequence


  • antibody construct with exon/intron structure

Further tasks:

  • meeting with Dr. Kappel (Monday) and Prof. Lenhard (Wednesday) for clarification of exon/intron structure
  • further control
  • ordering of gene synthesis

Topic: Primer-Design for GATC-sequencing of pcDNA5-FRT and pOG44; vectors for stable transfection

Investigators: Sascha, Maria, Tarek

Aim: Primer-Design for pcDNA5-FRT and pOG44


  • lablife: sequences of invitrogen vectors pcDNA5-FRT and pOG44
  • Oligocalc to calculate Tm of primers based on GATC-requirements
  • Geneious


  • forward-primer for CMV-promotor in pcDNA5-FRT and pOG44
  • reverse-primer for pcDNA5-FRT in hygromycin at N-terminus
  • reverse-primer for pOG44 in N-terminus of flp-gene

Further tasks:

  • ordering of primers at GATC
  • preparation of pcDNA5-FT, pOG44 and ordered primers based on requirements of GTAC

[edit] Virus



Topic: Primer design -Cloning: Sortase-Tag an VP2 + PCR for VP2 with Kozak-sortase_tag-myc_tag

Investigators: Kathi, Laura, Tobias, Xenia
Aim: Primer design of VP2 region

  • Vector:P10_pSB1C3_001_CMV_DARPin_ML_VP2/3_587KO_6xHis
  • Sortase-sequence: amino acid sequence: LTAPG translated to gene sequence: CTTACAGCCCCAGGA
  • restriction sites: NgoMIV

Method: Geneious

  • f_Primer_preNgoMIV+SortaseMotiv1+VP2
  • r_Primer_VP2_1

Further tasks:

  • check the primer


  • primer for cmv region:
  • include restriction sites SpeI and XbalI, remove NgoMIV



Topic: Primer design - Cloning: Sortase-Tag an VP2 + PCR for VP2 with Kozak-sortase_tag-myc_tag

Investigators: Kathi, Laura, Tobias, Xenia
Aim: Change primer of 2012-06-07, generate primers for the cmv region + cmv-suffix with SpeI restriction site, include XbalI restriction site in VP2-prefix include myc-tag

  • Vector:P10_pSB1C3_001_CMV_DARPin_ML_VP2/3_587KO_6xHis
  • Sortase-sequence: amino acid sequence: LTAPG translated to gene sequence: CTTACAGCCCCAGGA
  • Kozak-sequence: gccgcc
  • restriction sites: SpeI and XbalI

Method: Geneious

  • f_Primer_preXba1 with overhang of: kozak+SortaseMotiv1+myc-tag+VP2 (forward primer)
  • r_Primer_VP2_1 (reverse primer)
  • f_Primer_XbaI+cmv (forward primer)
  • r_Primer_CMV+suf (reverse primer)
  • location: directory: VIRUS/complete

Further tasks:

  • control
  • improvements
  • order



Topic: Primer design - Cloning: Sortase-Tag linked on VP2 + PCR for VP2 with Kozak-sortase_tag-myc_tag

Investigators: Kathi, Laura, Tobias, Xenia

Aim: change primers of 2012-06-14


  • vector:P10_pSB1C3_001_CMV_DARPin_ML_VP2/3_587KO_6xHis
  • sortase-sequence: amino acid sequence: LTAPG translated to gene sequence: CTTACAGCCCCAGGA
  • kozak-sequence: gccgcc
  • restriction sites: SpeI and XbalI



  • f_Primer_preXba1 with overhang: kozak+SortaseMotiv1+myc-tag+VP2 (forward primer)
  • r_Primer_VP2_1-Temp. 80.3 °C (reverse primer)
  • f_Primer_XbaI+Überhang_cmv (forward primer)
  • r_Primer_CMV+suf (reversed)+ overhang (reverse primer)
  • location: directory: VIRUS/complete

Further tasks:

  • control
  • improvements



Topic: Primer design - Cloning: Sortase-Tag an VP2 + PCR for VP2 with Kozak-sortase_tag-myc_tag

Investigators: Kathi, Laura, Tobias, Xenia


  • change primer of 2012-06-19
  • trim primer: r_Pst_Primer_VP2_1+overhang-to reduce temperature uo to 68 °C
  • remove primers for cmv region


  • Vector: p10_pSB1C3_001_CMV_DARPin_ML_VP2/3_587KO_6xHis
  • Sortase-sequence: amino acid sequence: LTAPG translated to gene sequence: CTTACAGCCCCAGGA
  • Kozak-sequence: gccgcc
  • restriction sites: XbaI in forward primer for VP2 region



  • prf_XbaI_kozak_SortaseMotivN_myc_VP2 (forward primer)
  • prr_VP2_PstI_Temp68 (reverse primer)
  • location: directory geneious VIRUS/complete

Further tasks:

  • control of the primer



Topic: TAE-buffer


Aim: TAE-buffer(50x)- 1l


242 g tris base

57.1 mL glacial acetic acid

100 mL 0.5 M EDTA

add 1 L Millipore -water

Further tasks:

  • Agarose gel electrophoresis



Topic: Primer solution


Aim: primer solution in 100 µM


  • prr_VP2_PstI_Temp68 ad 394 µL Aqua dest
  • prf_XbaI_kozak_SortaseMotivN_myc_VP2 ad 178 µL Aqua dest


  • prf_XbaI_kozak_SortaseMotivN_myc_VP2 --> c=100 µM
  • prr_VP2_PstI_Temp68 --> c=100 µM

Further tasks:

  • PCR