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<p><b>July 6-7</b></p>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<p>Wet Lab:</p>
<li>Took pDawn-mCherry time course</li>
<li>Sterilized incubator and TC hood</li>
<li>Moved lab stuff to small room</li>
<li>Redesigned primers for plsr & egfp</li>
&nbsp;&nbsp;<p>Dry Lab:</p>
Contacted FDA contacts for human practices

Revision as of 11:09, 15 September 2012

Penn 2012 iGEM Wiki

June 2012 Notebook

Week 1

June 6th

  • Set up some lab equipment
  • Autoclaved for a while
  • Organized biobrick stuff
  • Called Vinoo about DNA planning

June 7th

  • Transformed Cph8, pLsr, and LuxS
  • Placed order with Vinoo
  • Developed idea using PGY/PCN system to activate a gene

Week 2

June 11th


Wet Lab

  • PCR'd mCherry from NAS157
  • Ran 1% Gel and purified product

Dry Lab

  • Designed primers for LsR promoter
  • Meeting with Dr. Sarkar

June 12th


Wet Lab

  • Digested mCherry PCR product with BamHI and NotI
  • Column purified mCherry and ligated into NAS152 backbone
  • Transformed NAS152-mCherry into DH5alpha
  • Poured 25 LB-Kan plates

Dry Lab

  • Research more information about bacterial drug delivery system
  • More research into biofilm project

June 14th


Wet Lab

  • Fill in later....

Dry Lab

  • Met with Dr. Goulian, obtained pDawn and pDusk
  • Identified inaK as a surface display gene we can use

Week 3

June 18th


Wet Lab

  • Miniprep pDawn and pDusk
  • Test cut pDawn and pDusk with XmaI, analytical gel was correct
  • Prep cut pDawn and pDusk with BamHI and NotI, gel purified

Dry Lab

  • Ordered and picked up PCR purification kit from cell center
  • Additional orders through cell center
  • Designed primers for one of Peter's components (forgot which)

June 20


Wet Lab

  • Picked 2 colonies of pDawn-mCherry, innoculated in 5 mL of LB and 50 ug/mL of Kan
  • PCR purified fragments (Peter), then ran gel?

Dry Lab

  • Researched DARPin binding domains and linkers
  • Finalized some biobrick orders
  • Finalized synthesis order (minus linker)

Week 4

June 22


Wet Lab

  • Ashwin - Repeated miniprep on pDawn and did test cut
  • Peter - Miniprepped pet26b and digested with BglII and EcorRI
  • Avin - Miniprepped pet26b, made glycerol stock and digested with BamH1 and Not1

Dry Lab

  • Avin - Finalized and sent in synthesis order (still awaiting order confirmation)

June 25


Wet Lab

  • Ashwin/Avin - Column purification, ligation, and transformation of Pet26b-mCherry
  • Peter -run gel of eGFP/plsr ligation

Dry Lab

  • Avin - Sent in final gene synthesis order
  • Mike - reviewed pDawn protocol, reviewed TetR sequences
  • Peter- Order restriction enzymes from cell center

June 26


Wet Lab

  • Avin - Picked colonies for Pet26b-mCherry and pJT106b
  • Mike/Ashwin - Plated pJT122

Dry Lab

  • Everyone - Brainstormed human practices, Wiki design

June 27


Wet Lab:

  • Miniprepped pet26b-mCherry and pDawn-mCherry
  • Test cut pet26b-mCherry with HindIII and ClaI (picture temporarily saved in MEAM folder of pqiao account), bands looked okay, chose C2 for remainder of experiments and made a glycerol stock, transformed both pet26b-mCherry and pDawn-mCherry into BL21(DE3)- Gold (10 ul cells, ~1ng DNA) Plated 200 ul and 20 ul
  • Inoculated colonies for pJT122, pJT106b, PhyB (BBa), PIF3 (BBa), and Cph8 (BBa)

Dry Lab:

  • Started exploring possible wiki designs and coding

June 28


Wet Lab:

  • Miniprepped pJT122, pJT106b, PhyB, PIF3, Cph8, made glycerol stocks
  • Picked colonies for pET26b-mCherry and pDawn-mCherry, innoculated, grew up, then diluted Measured OD along the way

Dry Lab:

  • Set up light and dark incubators

June 29


Wet Lab:

  • Tested pDawn-mCherry and pET-mCherry, pDawn-mCherry expressed mCherry only after light induction
  • Nanodropped pJT122, pJT106b, PhyB, PIF3, Cph8
  • Performed digest of pET-26b, eGFP, and plsr
  • Spread Biobrick shipment on Amp plates (lsrR, lsrK)

Dry Lab:

  • Opened Bio-Rad shipments

July 2012 Notebook

Week 5

July 2


Wet Lab:

  • Transformed ho1 and pcyA BioBricks
  • Peter: ligations

Dry Lab:

  • Contacted labs for JT2 and pPL-PCB
  • Worked on Human Practices

July 3


Wet Lab

  • Nothing to be done for drug delivery

Dry Lab

  • Avin - digital schematic, helped with primers, read human practices bacterial therapy stuff
  • Mike - talked to Dan, developed cloning strategy for getting Cph8 into the pDawn backbone, started primer design

July 5


Wet Lab

  • Picked colonies of ho1 and pcyA
  • Inoculated pDawn-mCherry cells for timecourse

Dry Lab

  • worked on primer design/cloning strategy and talked to Dan
  • worked on schematic and wiki
  • worked on human practices

July 6-7


Wet Lab:

  • Took pDawn-mCherry time course
  • Sterilized incubator and TC hood
  • Moved lab stuff to small room
  • Redesigned primers for plsr & egfp

Dry Lab:

  • Contacted FDA contacts for human practices

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8