- Our team pushed forward an experiment while making trial and error every day.
Creating parts of Methylation
Creating parts of Tar
- Date:9/13 PCR and Colony PCR
- Date:9/14 Electrophoretic confirmation
- Date:9/15 Restriction enzyme processing
- Date:9/16 Electrophoresis of the restriction enzyme processing product and Restriction enzyme processing
- Date:9/17 Refinement of DNA and Ligation,Transformation
- Date:9/18 Making of a master plate and Preculture,Recultivation
- Date:9/19 Colony PCR and Electrophoresis
- Date:9/20 Ligation and Transformation
- Date:9/21 Inoculation
- Date:9/22 Making of a master plate and Colony PCR,Electrophoresis,Preculture
- Date:9/23 Electrophoretic confirmation and Electrophoresis of the PCR
- Date:9/24 Miniprep and Electrophoresis
- Date:9/25 PCR of the miniprep product and Electrophoresis
Creating parts of EnvZ
- Date:9/10 Design of the primer and PCR,Elecrtophoresis,Miniprep
- Date:9/13 PCR and Elecrtophoresis
- Date:9/18 Design of the primer
- Date:9/19 PCR and Elecrtophoresis
- Date:9/20 Restriction enzyme processing
- Date:9/21 Ligation
- Date:9/23 PCR
- Date:9/24 The refinement of DNA and Restriction enzyme processing,Ligation
- Date:9/25 Transformation
- Date:9/26 Liquid culture
Creating parts of Azurin
Creating parts of Tar methylation region
- Date:8/9 Colony PCR
- Date:8/11 The purified DNA
- Date:8/13 Confirmed of electrophoresis by PCR product and Ligation of the TA vector
- Date:8/14 Transformation
- Date:8/25 Miniprep
- Date:8/30 Electrophoresis,Refinement of DNA,PCR,Nanodrop
- Date:9/1 Miniprep,PCR,Elecrtophoresis
- Date:9/2 Meeting
- Date:9/5 Miniprep,Nanodrop
- Date:9/6 Miniprep,PCR,Electrophoresis
- Date:9/10 Colony PCR,Refinement of DNA,c,Miniprep
- Date:9/11 Primer design
- Date:9/12 Miniprep,Ligation
- Date:9/13 Electrophoresis,Refinement of DNA
- Date:9/14 Colony PCR
- Date:9/15 Ligation
- Date:9/16 PCR,Ligation
- Date:9/17 PCR,Ligation
- Date:9/19 Ligation
- Date:9/20 Enzyme inactivation,Ligation
- Date:9/22 Transformation,Colony PCR,Electrophoresis,Miniprep
- Date:9/23 Colony PCR,Electrophoresis,Streak
- Date:9/25 Colony PCR
Creating parts of azurin
- Date:8/16 Colony PCR,Ligation
- Date:8/18 Colony PCR
- Date:8/20 DNA extraction and purification of P.aeruginosa
- Date:8/30 Electrophoresis,Refinement of DNA,PCR
- Date:9/1 Electrophoresis
- Date:9/3 Ligation,Transformation,PCR,Nanodrop