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- | <meta name="description" content="Asteroids - HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript demo by Kevin Roast - an example of what can be achieved without a Flash plugin using the canvas 2D APIs" />
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- | <div class="title">Asteroids [Reloaded]</div>
| + | |
- | <div class="settings">
| + | |
- | <p class="left heading">Instructions:</p>
| + | |
- | <p>Left and Right Arrows: Rotate ship</p>
| + | |
- | <p>Up Arrow: Thrust</p>
| + | |
- | <p>SPACE: Fire main weapon(s)</p>
| + | |
- | <p>Z: Fire bomb weapon (area effect, uses energy)</p>
| + | |
- | <p>Down Arrow or SHIFT: Shield (will recharge...)</p>
| + | |
- | <p class="highlight section">S: Enable or disable sound effects</p>
| + | |
- | <p class="highlight">R: Switch between Modern and Retro graphics</p>
| + | |
- | <p class="highlight">Escape: Pause the game</p>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | <div id="results-wrapper" class="results-wrapper">
| + | |
- | <div class="results" id="results"></div>
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- | <div class="results"><a id="tweetlink" href="#" target="new">Tweet your high score...</a></div>
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- | <p class="left section"><a href="./index-debug.html">Asteroids DEBUG page</a></p>
| + | |
- | </div>
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- | <div>
| + | |
- | <p class="left"><a href="http://www.google.co.uk/chrome" target="new">Chrome</a> | <a href="http://www.apple.com/safari/download" target="new">Safari</a> | <a href="http://www.mozilla.com/firefox" target="new">FireFox</a> | <a href="http://www.opera.com/download" target="new">Opera</a> | <a href="http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/internet-explorer/products/ie/home" target="new">IE9</a></p>
| + | |
- | </div>
| + | |
- | <div>
| + | |
- | <p class="left"><a href="asteroids-src.zip">Download JavaScript source code</a></p>
| + | |
- | </div>
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- | <p class="left"><a href="../index.html">HTML5 Canvas demos and experiments</a></p>
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- | </div>
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- | <div>
| + | |
- | <p class="left" style="font-size: 0.75em;padding-top:4px">Contact me by email: kevtoast at yahoo.com</p>
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- | </div>
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- | </div>
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- | <div class="credits-wrapper">
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- | <div class="credits box-shadow">
| + | |
- | Game by Kevin Roast - written to learn the <a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-canvas-element" target="new">HTML5 Canvas API</a> while reading about the concepts in <a href="http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0123742978" target="new">this book on game maths</a>.<br>
| + | |
- | <a href="http://twitter.com/kevinroast" target="new">Follow me on Twitter</a> - Last updated: 9th December 2011
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