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<link type="text/css" href="basecss?action=raw" rel="stylesheet" />
<link type="text/css" href="basecss?action=raw" rel="stylesheet" />
<link type="text/css" href="sunburstcss?action=raw" rel="stylesheet" />
<link type="text/css" href="sunburstcss?action=raw" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="jit?action=raw"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="toolscripts?action=raw"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="toolscripts?action=raw"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
  var ua = navigator.userAgent,
      iStuff = ua.match(/iPhone/i) || ua.match(/iPad/i),
      typeOfCanvas = typeof HTMLCanvasElement,
      nativeCanvasSupport = (typeOfCanvas == 'object' || typeOfCanvas == 'function'),
      textSupport = nativeCanvasSupport
        && (typeof document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d').fillText == 'function');
  //I'm setting this based on the fact that ExCanvas provides text support for IE
  //and that as of today iPhone/iPad current text support is lame
  labelType = (!nativeCanvasSupport || (textSupport && !iStuff))? 'Native' : 'HTML';
  nativeTextSupport = labelType == 'Native';
  useGradients = nativeCanvasSupport;
  animate = !(iStuff || !nativeCanvasSupport);
var Log = {
  elem: false,
  write: function(text){
    if (!this.elem)
      this.elem = document.getElementById('log');
    this.elem.innerHTML = text;
 + = (500 - this.elem.offsetWidth / 2) + 'px';
function visualization(number){
json = JSON.parse(unescape($(':input[name=json'+number+']').val()))
    //init data
    //init Sunburst
    var sb = new $jit.Sunburst({
        //id container for the visualization
        injectInto: 'infovis',
        //Distance between levels
        levelDistance: 90,
        //Change node and edge styles such as
        //color, width and dimensions.
        Node: {
          overridable: true,
          type: useGradients? 'gradient-multipie' : 'multipie'
        //Select canvas labels
        //'HTML', 'SVG' and 'Native' are possible options
        Label: {
          type: labelType
        //Change styles when hovering and clicking nodes
        NodeStyles: {
          enable: true,
          type: 'Native',
          stylesClick: {
            'color': '#000000'
        //Add tooltips
        Tips: {
          enable: true,
          onShow: function(tip, node) {
            var html = "<div class=\"tip-title\">" + + "</div>";
            var data =;
            if("length" in data) {
              html += "<b>Length of feature:</b> " + data.length + "bp";
if("type" in data){
html += "<br\><b>Type of feature:</b> " + data.type;
            tip.innerHTML = html;
        //implement event handlers
        Events: {
          enable: true,
          onClick: function(node) {
            if(!node) return;
            //Build detailed information about the file/folder
            //and place it in the right column.
            var html = "<h4>" + + "</h4>", data =;
            if("dna" in data) {
              html += "<b>Sequence:</b><br /><pre>" + data.dna + "</pre>";
            $'inner-details').innerHTML = html;
            //hide tip
            //sb.rotate(node, animate? 'animate' : 'replot', {
              //duration: 1000,
              //transition: $jit.Trans.Quart.easeInOut
        // Only used when Label type is 'HTML' or 'SVG'
        // Add text to the labels.
        // This method is only triggered on label creation
        onCreateLabel: function(domElement, node){
          var labels = sb.config.Label.type,
              aw = node.getData('length');
          if (labels === 'HTML' && (node._depth < 2 || aw > 2000)) {
            domElement.innerHTML =;
          } else if (labels === 'SVG'){
if (node._depth < 2){
} else if(aw > 2000) {
        // Only used when Label type is 'HTML' or 'SVG'
        // Change node styles when labels are placed
        // or moved.
        onPlaceLabel: function(domElement, node){
          var labels = sb.config.Label.type;
          if (labels === 'SVG') {
            var fch = domElement.firstChild;
            var style =;
            style.display = '';
            style.cursor = 'pointer';
            style.fontSize = "0.8em";
            fch.setAttribute('fill', "#fff");
          } else if (labels === 'HTML') {
            var style =;
            style.display = '';
            style.cursor = 'pointer';
            style.fontSize = "0.8em";
            style.color = "#ddd";
            var left = parseInt(style.left);
            var w = domElement.offsetWidth;
            style.left = (left - w / 2) + 'px';
    //load JSON data.
    //compute positions and plot.

Revision as of 14:18, 4 September 2012

Enter your plasmid in fasta or genbank format

Enter your sensors in fasta or genbank format