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- | MediaWiki:Print.css
| |
- | /*Ensure that the Sitenotice is above the body content*/
| |
| | | |
- | #bodyContent {
| |
- | z-index: 98;
| |
- | }
| |
- | #siteNotice {
| |
- | z-index: 99;
| |
- | }
| |
- |
| |
| |
- | /* http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CSS_Dropdowns#Adding_it_to_your_site */
| |
- |
| |
- | div#siteNotice {
| |
- | width:100%; /* makes the entire box full width */
| |
- | float:left; /*makes the entire box enclose the list */
| |
- | font-size:1.3em; /* SET FONT-SIZE HERE */
| |
- | background-color:#FFFFFF; /* colors the background behind the box*/
| |
- | a:link {color: #FFFFFF;}
| |
- | background:#a0e37d; /* BACKGROUND COLORS FOR ENTIRE BOX */
| |
- | margin:7px -2px -2px -2px;
| |
- | padding:0;
| |
- | }
| |
- | div#siteNotice li {
| |
- | float:left; /* causes the list to align horizontally instead of stack */
| |
- | position:relative; /* positioning context for the absolutely positioned drop-down */
| |
- | list-style-type:none; /* removes the bullet off each list item */
| |
- | background-color:#a0e37d; /*sets the background of the menu items */
| |
- |
| |
- | margin: -4px 0 0 0; /*Brings the menu items up */
| |
- | padding:0 6px; /*creates space each side of menu item's text */
| |
- | }
| |
- | div#siteNotice li:first-child {
| |
- | -moz-border-radius-topleft: .5em;
| |
- | padding-bottom:1px; /*to fix from rounded edge */
| |
- | border-top-left-radius: .5em;
| |
- | /* REMOVED: border-left:1px solid #002bb8; the first vertical line on the menu */
| |
- | }
| |
- | div#siteNotice li:last-child {
| |
- | -moz-border-radius-topright: .5em;
| |
- | border-top-right-radius: .5em;
| |
- | padding-bottom:1px; /*to fix from rounded edge */
| |
- | }
| |
- | div#siteNotice li:hover {
| |
- | background-color:#202020; /*Background of the menu items when hovered over */
| |
- | }
| |
- | div#siteNotice a {
| |
- | display:block; /*makes list items in drop down highlight and wrapped lines indent correctly */
| |
- | color:#ff321a; /* sets the LINK TEXT color */
| |
- | text-decoration: none; /* removes underline */
| |
- | }
| |
- |
| |
- | /* the horizontal menu ends here */
| |
- | /* the drop-down starts here */
| |
- | div#siteNotice ul li ul {
| |
- | margin:0; /* prevents the TEMP value inheriting from the horizontal menu */
| |
- | position:absolute; /* positions the drop-down ul in relation to its relatively positioned li parent */
| |
- | width:10em; /*sets the width of the menu - in combo with the li's 100% width, makes the menu stack*/
| |
- | left:-1px; /*aligns the drop exactly under the menu */
| |
- | }
| |
- | div#siteNotice ul li ul li {
| |
- | margin: -1px 0 0 0; /* prevents the margin value inheriting from the horiz menu + bring menu items up */
| |
- | width:100%; /* makes the list items fill the list container (ul) */
| |
- |
| |
- | list-style-type:none; /* removes the bullet off each list item */
| |
- | list-style-image:none; /* removes the bullet off each list item */
| |
- | padding:0 0 1px;
| |
- | -moz-border-radius-topright: 0;
| |
- | -moz-border-radius-topleft: 0;
| |
- | -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 0;
| |
- | -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 0;
| |
- | border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
| |
- | border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
| |
- | border-top-left-radius: 0;
| |
- | border-top-right-radius: 0;
| |
- | }
| |
- | div#siteNotice ul li ul li:last-child {
| |
- | -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 1em;
| |
- | -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 1em;
| |
- | -moz-border-radius-topleft: 0;
| |
- | -moz-border-radius-topright: 0;
| |
- | border-bottom-right-radius: 1em;
| |
- | border-bottom-left-radius: 1em;
| |
- | border-top-left-radius: 0;
| |
- | border-top-right-radius: 0;
| |
- | padding-right:1px; /*to fix from rounded edge */
| |
- | }
| |
- | div#siteNotice ul li ul li:first-child {
| |
- | border-top:1px solid #069; /*the top edge of the dropdown */
| |
- | -moz-border-radius-topleft: 0;
| |
- | border-top-left-radius: 0;
| |
- | }
| |
- | /* make the drop-down display as the menu is rolled over */
| |
- |
| |
- | div#siteNotice ul li ul {display:none;} /* conceals the drop-down when menu not hovered */
| |
- |
| |
- | div#siteNotice ul li:hover ul {display:block; } /* shows the drop-down when the menu is hovered */
| |
- |
| |
- | /* pop-out starts here */
| |
- | body div#siteNotice ul li ul li ul {
| |
- | visibility:hidden; /* same effect as display:none in this situation */
| |
- | top:-1px;
| |
- | left:10em;
| |
- | }
| |
- | div#siteNoticeul li ul li:hover ul {visibility:visible;} /* same effect as display:block in this situation */
| |
- |
| |
- | /* second level popouts start here*/
| |
- |
| |
- | div#siteNotice ul li ul li:hover ul li ul {visibility:hidden;}
| |
- |
| |
- | div#siteNotice ul li ul li ul li:hover ul {visibility:visible;} /* same effect as display:block in this situation */
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | /* third level popouts start here
| |
- | I haven't tested this */
| |
- |
| |
- | div#siteNotice ul li ul li ul li:hover ul li ul {visibility:hidden;}
| |
- |
| |
- | div#siteNotice ul li ul li ul li ul li:hover ul {visibility:visible;} /* same effect as display:block in this situation */
| |
- |
| |
- | /* THE HACK ZONE - */
| |
- |
| |
- | /* hack for IE (all flavors) so the menu has a vertical line on the left */
| |
- |
| |
- | * html div#siteNotice ul {
| |
- | float:left; /* makes the ul wrap the li's */
| |
- | /* REMOVED: border-left:1px solid #002bb8; /* adds the rightmost menu vertical line to the ul */
| |
- | margin-left:15px; /* IE doubles the given value above - why? */
| |
- | }
| |
- | /* add a top line to drops and pops in IE browsers - can't read :first-child */
| |
- |
| |
- | * html div#siteNotice ul li ul {
| |
- | /* REMOVED: border-top:1px solid #002bb8;*/
| |
- | border-left:0px; /* stops the drop inheriting the ul border */
| |
- | }
| |
- | /* the Tantek hack to feed IE Win 5.5-5.0 a lower value to get the pop-out to touch the drop-down */
| |
- |
| |
- | * html div#siteNotice ul li ul li ul {
| |
- | left:9.85em;
| |
- | voice-family: "\"}\"";
| |
- | voice-family:inherit;
| |
- | left:10em;
| |
- | }
| |
- | /* and the "be nice to Opera" rule */
| |
- | html>body div#siteNotice ul li ul li ul {
| |
- | left:10em;
| |
- | }
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | /* an Opera-only hack to fix a redraw problem by invisibly extending the ul */
| |
- | /* the first-level drop stays open for 100px below the bottom but at least it works */
| |
- | /* this can be reduced to as little as 22px if you don't have pop-outs */
| |
- | /* the pop-out menu stays open for 22px below the bottom but at least it works
| |
- |
| |
- | Not Tested!! */
| |
- | @media all and (min-width: 0px){
| |
- | body div#siteNotice ul li ul {padding-bottom:200px;}
| |
- | body div#siteNotice ul li ul li ul {padding-bottom:22px;}
| |
- | body div#siteNotice ul li ul li ul li ul li:hover {visibility:visible;} /* same effect as display:block in this situation */
| |
- | }
| |
- |
| |
- | /*end Opera hack */
| |
- |
| |
- | /* end of hack zone */
| |
- |
| |
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | /* finally after feeding values to all others, we deal with MAc5 IE */
| |
- | /* IE5 Mac can't do drop-downs so we need to present the info in a different way*/
| |
- | /* we present the drop down choices in a row and never show any second-level drops */
| |
- | /* this stylesheet is read by IE5 Mac only - hack omits 'url' and leave no space between @import and ("
| |
- | Not Tested!!*/
| |
- | @import("/wiki/skins/common/dropdown/ie51_menu_hack.css");
| |
| |