Protocol: Gel electrophoresis
Agarose concentration depends on the size of the DNA to be run. We will mostly use 1%.
VOL is the desired volume of gel in ml:
1kb ladder bands
- Add 0.01*VOL g of agarose to a clean glass bottle.
- Pour VOL/50 ml of 50xTAE in a graduated cylinder. Fill up to VOL ml with di water.
- Add the resulting VOL ml of 1xTAE to the glass bottle with agarose.
- Microwave, at 7, the bottle (loose cap!) until it boils.
- Carefully remove bottle (can be super heated!) and check for the total absence of particles. Microwave again if needed.
- Prepare a gel box, with comb, and fill it up with the agarose solution (maybe not the whole solution is needed).
- Add 0.05 µl per ml of gel in the box of Red Gel (it's in the iGEM drawer) and stirr until disolved.
- Wait until cold and solidified.
- Carefully remove comb.
- Place the box in the electrophoresis chamber.
- Fill up the electrophresis chamber with 1x TAE buffer.
- Add blue dye to the DNA samples (6x loading buffer, that is 10 µl in 50 µl of DNA solution).
- Inject 30 µl of ladder marker in the first well (that's 1 µg of DNA).
- Inject 60 µl of each DNA solution in the other wells.
- Set voltage to 70-90 V and run for 30-40 min (DNA travels from - to +).
Preparing the ladder:
- get 1kb ladder DNA from the freezer (500 µg/ml).
- for 30 charges, 30 µl per charge, we need 900 µl:
- 60 µl of 1kb ladder DNA
- 150 µl of dye (6x loading buffer)
- 690 µl of water