Brief Introduction
The word “iGemcyclopedia” is a fusion of two words “iGEM” and “encyclopedia”, which means that this dictionary is trying to provide as more information as possible about iGEM, especially the projects of all teams
Why is it developed?
As we all know, there are many complicated concepts and projects in the synthetic biology field. For some undergraduates, they may just know a little about the concepts related to bi-stable, optical sensor and genetic machine before entering the field. As a result, it will consume a long time and a hard work to turn herself or himself from an amateur into a professional who can understand the concepts and make use of them.
Consequently, we want to “synthesize” a completely new “pathway” for those beginners who are interested in the synthetic biology, to feel more and learn more, to touch the spirit of iGEM
Secondly, there’re so many iGEM teams in the history and will be more in the future, which means there will have thousands of wikis and papers to read every year for each person. And among them, many wikis might not be so reader-friendly. Therefore a better pattern than wiki is needed to develop recently.
Thirdly, while almost every year iGEMers attend to the lectures in the jamboree, reading the wikis, getting to know what other teams did in this year, they must have lots of new ideas and creative thoughts over these things. And we think the compilation of this dictionary could be a good way to save and keep their ideas, criticizes, and thinking on the recent works.
In a word, iGemcyclopedia was born to simplify, to help, and to inspire.
How it is developed?
The dictionary is made by us iGEMers from Fudan_D team.
That means every entry is written by us undergraduates, by the classic way – reading the wikis and papers, and then compiling each entry. It is becaus reading wiki, understand and figure out the spirit of it is still impossible for artificial intelligence nowadays that we must do these by ourselves rather than by any software or programs.
Furthermore, since iGEMers always read wikis, articles, and reports, we want to run the iGemcyclopedia in the strategy of Wikipedia in the near future – to allow every iGEMers be able to read and edit it; as a result, iGemcyclopedia could become a community where we learn and share.
The Target Audience
The target audiences are as listed as the following:
1st. Those laymen who want to learn about iGEM and synthetic biology as soon as possible after she or he has read the some general introduction, and before she or he has start to search the recent articles and reports on journals.
2nd. Designers who want to know whether her or his idea is innovative in a short time rather than reading every team’s wiki.
3rd. iGEMers who want to learn more about some perspectives of iGEM – such as the popular standard parts, popular system design, popular questions iGEMers want to answer, and the culture of iGEM.
4th. iGEMers who may have a problem in reading certain wiki and other related materials.
Q:What is the difference between the iGemcyclopedia and the database of parts? Since we can search promoters, proteins and other parts from database conveniently, why do we need such a dictionary?
A:First of all, the iGemcyclopedia provides not only the information of standard parts, but also entries which show the ideas, concepts, project designs and all the other goods in the history of iGEM.
As a result, the advantage of iGemcyclopedia is obvious:
The database is not satisfactory and user-friendly enough when we have a good idea and need to find probable parts, or when we want to acquire the experience of the usage of certain parts; While in the iGemcyclopedia, the related works, which cannot be found in majority of the general databases, will be shown as an example to help us understood the usage of this promoter or protein – just like illustrative sentences in the Longman dictionary to help readers to acquire the skill to utilize this word or expression.
Moreover, while everyone wants his or her idea got from the brainstorming to be a really innovative one, s/he may sadly finds out it is just some old stories which has been studied years ago after working on it for a period. In the past, it was likely to happen since no database can help you to make a conclusion, but this time, with the iGemcyclopedia, you can get some advices from those entries about projects and concepts, helping you to decide to work on this idea or not.
Q:Though iGemcyclopedia sounds wonderful, it must have some disadvantages or shortcomings. So in which case it cannot provide enough information for the users?
A:For designers, if they want to get the sequence information etc. of a certain gene, they had better search the database. Although iGemcyclopedia is trying to show every corners of iGEM, it cannot replace the database. In fact , we want this to make up for the disadvantages of the database and to help iGEMers have a better experience with it
Q:How to use iGemcylopedia?
A:All the information is illustrate by entries.
The entries are arranged in alphabetical order.
The entries are designed as the following:

An example is shown as the following: