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Oil pollution is an increasingly grave environmental problem. Artificial hydrocarbonoclastic bacterium plays a critical role in the bioremediation of oil polluted marine systems.<br>
Since this problem has long been tricky and not solved yet, we plan to construct a complex system to degrade oil spill in Escherichia coil, which mainly consists of 3 circuits: degradation circuit, emulsification circuit and stress tolerance circuit. Moreover, there are some other assistant circuits, RBS optimizing and subsequent dehydrogenation for example.<br>
      <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
More details please see the [[Project]]<br>
<meta name="description" content=""/>
In the degradatiom circuit, we studyed two gene involes in it, P450, a cytochrome, which responsible for the medium-chain-length chain and long chain hydrocarbone. AlkB2, a Terminal Oxidase, which oxidate the hydroxy to carboxyl.<br>
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
In the emulsification circuit, one gene OPRF which encode one enzyme, that can produce the glycolipid for the emucification of the oil spill.<br>
<meta name="author" content="" />
In the sensing circuit, we found to two gene, Alks, which encodes one transcriptional factor, can sense the existence of hydrocarbon, then bind directly to the induction promoter, and the Gnt, also one transcriptional factor, can sense the level of AMP, in our project, we want to have one circuits that can sense the low energy state from saccharides, and turn on the state of using hydrocabone. <br>
<style type="text/css">
Our plane just change the forepart of the normal glucose degration sysyterm, use an hydrocarbone degradation instead, but the dowstream proceed are the same. <br>
[[File:SCU-IGEM_SPONECOR2.png|400px|right bottom]]
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[[File:SCU-IGEM_SPONECOR1.jpg|360px|left bottom]]
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Latest revision as of 02:37, 27 September 2012

Untitled Document

  • Experiment

Oil pollution is an increasingly grave environmental problem. Artificial hydrocarbonoclastic bacterium plays a critical role in the bioremediation of oil polluted marine systems.
Since this problem has long been tricky and not solved yet, we plan to construct a complex system to degrade oil spill in Escherichia coil, which mainly consists of 3 circuits: degradation circuit, emulsification circuit and stress tolerance circuit. Moreover, there are some other assistant circuits, RBS optimizing and subsequent dehydrogenation for example.
More details please see the Project
In the degradatiom circuit, we studyed two gene involes in it, P450, a cytochrome, which responsible for the medium-chain-length chain and long chain hydrocarbone. AlkB2, a Terminal Oxidase, which oxidate the hydroxy to carboxyl.
In the emulsification circuit, one gene OPRF which encode one enzyme, that can produce the glycolipid for the emucification of the oil spill.
In the sensing circuit, we found to two gene, Alks, which encodes one transcriptional factor, can sense the existence of hydrocarbon, then bind directly to the induction promoter, and the Gnt, also one transcriptional factor, can sense the level of AMP, in our project, we want to have one circuits that can sense the low energy state from saccharides, and turn on the state of using hydrocabone.
Our plane just change the forepart of the normal glucose degration sysyterm, use an hydrocarbone degradation instead, but the dowstream proceed are the same.

  • Sponsors:

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