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A very warm welcome to everybody! Currently, you are looking at the website of the recently by students initiated IGEM project, located at the Georg-August-University of G&ouml;ttingen!<br>
Come in, make your self comfortable and browse a bit through our page. Most likely, you will find some amazing stuff! :) <br>
Your IGEM Team 2012          <br>
PS: If you want to contact us, best use our e-mail addres<br>
<h2>Lab warming ... </h2>
Currently, we are setting up the lab, which will be our base camp for the next month. The lab is provided by one of our supporters, the Max-Plank-Institute of Bio-Physical Chemistry at the Fa&szlig;berg in G&ouml;ttingen. Now, after weeks and month of complex preparation, our actual scientific work is ready to start. All of us are very excited about that! - Your iGEM Team
A very warm welcome to everybody! Currently, you are looking at the website of the recently by students initiated IGEM project, located at the Georg-August-University of G&ouml;ttingen!<br>
Come in, make your self comfortable and browse a bit through our page. Most likely, you will find some amazing stuff! :) <br>
Your IGEM Team 2012          <br>
PS: If you want to contact us, best use our e-mail addres<br>
<h2>Lab warming ... </h2>
Currently, we are setting up the lab, which will be our base camp for the next month. The lab is provided by one of our supporters, the Max-Plank-Institute of Bio-Physical Chemistry at the Fa&szlig;berg in G&ouml;ttingen. Now, after weeks and month of complex preparation, our actual scientific work is ready to start. All of us are very excited about that! - Your iGEM Team
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<div class="floatright"><span><a href="" class="image" title="Phips the Phage"></a></span></div>
<p><font face="Lucida Sans" size="-1">Hi, I am Flash Coli! I want to show you... <a href="" title="Team:Heidelberg/Human Practice/Phips the Phage"> Flash Coli tells...</a>
<font face="Lucida Sans" size="-1">
<a name="News"></a><h2> <span class="mw-headline">News</span></h2>
<p><i>15 May 2012,</i>  <b>Der erste Entwurf der Wiki-page wird gezeigt</b>
<div class="center"><div class="floatnone"><span><a href="" class="image" title="Igem hd pic.JPG"></a></span></div></div>
<p>Dies ist ein sinnfreier Beispiel Text. Sp&auml;ter sollte hier jede Menge Inhalt stehen. F&uuml;r mehr Informationen klicke nicht <a href="" title="Team:Heidelberg/Ecolicence Song"> <b>hier</b></a>
</p><p><i>28 Oct. 2008,</i>    <b>KWS spendet Unmengen an Euronen</b>
<div class="center"><div class="floatnone"><span><a href="kws.png" class="image" title="">
<img src="kws.png" border="0" height="130" width="90"></a></span></div></div>
</p><p>Als Hauptsponsor beteiligt sich KWS-Saatgut AG an dem g&ouml;ttinger iGEM-Team. Das Team dankt!
<a name="Sponsors"></a><h2> <span class="mw-headline">Sponsoren</span></h2>
<img src="sartorius.png" alt="" border="0" width="166" height="39">
<img src="kws.png" alt="" border="0" width="90" height="130">

Revision as of 13:36, 10 June 2012

Team Goettingen - IGEM 2012

Team Göttingen


A very warm welcome to everybody! Currently, you are looking at the website of the recently by students initiated IGEM project, located at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen!

Come in, make your self comfortable and browse a bit through our page. Most likely, you will find some amazing stuff! :)

Your IGEM Team 2012
PS: If you want to contact us, best use our e-mail addres

Lab warming ...

Currently, we are setting up the lab, which will be our base camp for the next month. The lab is provided by one of our supporters, the Max-Plank-Institute of Bio-Physical Chemistry at the Faßberg in Göttingen. Now, after weeks and month of complex preparation, our actual scientific work is ready to start. All of us are very excited about that! - Your iGEM Team


A very warm welcome to everybody! Currently, you are looking at the website of the recently by students initiated IGEM project, located at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen!

Come in, make your self comfortable and browse a bit through our page. Most likely, you will find some amazing stuff! :)

Your IGEM Team 2012
PS: If you want to contact us, best use our e-mail addres

Lab warming ...

Currently, we are setting up the lab, which will be our base camp for the next month. The lab is provided by one of our supporters, the Max-Plank-Institute of Bio-Physical Chemistry at the Faßberg in Göttingen. Now, after weeks and month of complex preparation, our actual scientific work is ready to start. All of us are very excited about that! - Your iGEM Team

Hi, I am Flash Coli! I want to show you... Flash Coli tells...


15 May 2012, Der erste Entwurf der Wiki-page wird gezeigt

Dies ist ein sinnfreier Beispiel Text. Später sollte hier jede Menge Inhalt stehen. Für mehr Informationen klicke nicht hier

28 Oct. 2008, KWS spendet Unmengen an Euronen

Als Hauptsponsor beteiligt sich KWS-Saatgut AG an dem göttinger iGEM-Team. Das Team dankt!
