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<h2>Research Of Bacteria targeting cancer therapy</h2>
<div class="entry-content clearfix">
<p><h6>Bacteria targeting cancer therapy: Salmonella typhimurium-VNP20009 with its unique characteristic of accumulating in nutrient-rich or hypoxic tissues can be adapted to tumor targeted therapy. However, recent researches revealed that S. typhimurium can survive in other normal tissues, resulting in damage or inflammatory response.
Our project aims to improve the therapeutic property of S. typhimurium by modifying its amino acids-synthesizing genes and screen highly tumor-targeted strains. Then we standardize them to construct a general element used specifically in hypoxic tissues.
The hypoxic feature in the core areas of tumors made it possible for S. typhimurium to target tumors specifically.  Our goal is to screen the anaerobic promoter that can express efficiently in S. typhimurium and ligate it with genes of anti-cancer drugs. The double properties of the strains and promoters enable anti-cancer drugs to express specifically in tumors, fulfilling our goal of decreasing toxic and side effects of the drugs.</h6></p>
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<li class='clearfix'><img class='left' alt='Quality Coding and Validation' src='' /><h5><a href="">Quality </a></h5><p>We have try our best to do</p></li>
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<li class='clearfix'><img class='left' alt='Coming to WordPress' src='' /><h5><a href="">spirit</a></h5><p>We Love IGEM</p></li>
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        <h4>此页面上的内容需要较新版本的 Adobe Flash Player。</h4>
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<div id="text-4" class="widget widget_text"><h3 class="widgettitle">A peaceful day with a peaceful mind</h3> <div class="textwidget"><p>This is a day. A special but normal day. A special but normal day born with happiness & upset</p>
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Latest revision as of 01:56, 9 September 2012

IGEM Wikis Of NanJing BIO Team

    • promo01

    Research Of Bacteria targeting cancer therapy

    Bacteria targeting cancer therapy: Salmonella typhimurium-VNP20009 with its unique characteristic of accumulating in nutrient-rich or hypoxic tissues can be adapted to tumor targeted therapy. However, recent researches revealed that S. typhimurium can survive in other normal tissues, resulting in damage or inflammatory response. Our project aims to improve the therapeutic property of S. typhimurium by modifying its amino acids-synthesizing genes and screen highly tumor-targeted strains. Then we standardize them to construct a general element used specifically in hypoxic tissues. The hypoxic feature in the core areas of tumors made it possible for S. typhimurium to target tumors specifically. Our goal is to screen the anaerobic promoter that can express efficiently in S. typhimurium and ligate it with genes of anti-cancer drugs. The double properties of the strains and promoters enable anti-cancer drugs to express specifically in tumors, fulfilling our goal of decreasing toxic and side effects of the drugs.

    • Fast Turnaround

      Easy to the overhand difficult to master

    • Sure to be a favorite

      Thanks, visitors!

    • Quality Coding and Validation

      We have try our best to do

    A peaceful day with a peaceful mind

    This is a day. A special but normal day. A special but normal day born with happiness & upset