Template:12SJTU js

From 2012.igem.org

(Difference between revisions)
(Created page with "<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> /** * Sliderman.js * Version: 1.3.7 * Author: Taras Ozarko (tozarko@gmail.com) * * (c) 2010-2011 Devtrix. All rights reserved. http:...")
(Replaced content with "<html> <head> <script src="http://igem.bio-x.cn/home/style/sliderman.1.3.7.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> </head> </html>")
Line 1: Line 1:
<script type="text/javascript">
<script src="http://igem.bio-x.cn/home/style/sliderman.1.3.7.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>
* Sliderman.js
* Version: 1.3.7
* Author: Taras Ozarko (tozarko@gmail.com)
* (c) 2010-2011 Devtrix. All rights reserved. http://www.devtrix.net/sliderman/
var Sliderman = new function(){
var Sliderman = this;
function foreach(o, f){for(var k in o) if(o.hasOwnProperty(k) && f(k,o[k],o)) return;}
function is_array(a){return a && a.constructor == Array;}
function is_string(a){return typeof(a) == 'string';}
function is_function(a){return typeof(a) == 'function';}
function now(){return (new Date()).getTime();}
function this_blur(){this.blur();}
function random(l){
if(l == 0) return;
else if(l == 1) return 0;
r = Math.round(Math.random()*(l+1));
if(r > 0 && r < l+1) r--;
else r = random(l);
return r;
function addElementEvent(o,e,f){
var of = o[e];
var f2 = function(){of();f();}
o[e] = !is_function(of) ? f : f2;
var _loadImage = [];
function loadImage(s,f,always_show_loading){
var i_onload = function(){_loadImage[s]=true;if(f)f(s);}
var l = function(){if(_loadImage[s]){if(f)f(s);}else{var i=newElement('IMG');i.onload=i_onload;new function(){i.src=s;};}}
if(always_show_loading) setTimeout(l, typeof(always_show_loading) == 'number' ? always_show_loading : 1000);
else l();
function array_copy(a){
if(is_array(a)) var r = [];
else var r = {};
foreach(a, function(i){r[i] = typeof(a[i]) != 'object' ? a[i] : array_copy(a[i]);});
return r;
function eq(a, b){
return String(a).replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '').toLowerCase() == String(b).replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '').toLowerCase();
function array_search(arr, a, b){
var result = false;
foreach(arr, function(i){
if(eq(arr[i], b)){
result = i;
return true;
foreach(arr, function(i){
if(eq(arr[i][a], b)){
result = i;
return true;
return result;
function validateOption(a, b){
b = b.split(',');
var result;
foreach(b, function(i){
result = b[i];
if(eq(a, b[i])) return true;
return result;
var setOpacity;
function setOpacityInit(){
if(setOpacity) return;
var p, b = document.body, s = b.style;
if(is_string(s.opacity)) p = 'opacity';
  else if(is_string(s.MozOpacity)) p = 'MozOpacity';
  else if(is_string(s.KhtmlOpacity)) p = 'KhtmlOpacity';
  else if(b.filters && navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE ([\d.]+);/)[1]>=5.5) p = 'filter';
  if(p == 'filter'){
setOpacity = function(style, v){
if(v > 1) v = 1;
else if(v < 0) v = 0;
  style[p] = "alpha(opacity=" + Math.round(v*100) + ")";
}else if(p){
setOpacity = function(style, v){
if(v > 1) v = 1;
else if(v < 0) v = 0;
  style[p] = v.toFixed(2);
}else setOpacity = ef
function setStyle(style, property, value){
if(is_string(value)) style[property] = value;
else if(property == 'clip') style[property] = 'rect('+Math.round(value[0])+'px, '+Math.round(value[1])+'px, '+Math.round(value[2])+'px, '+Math.round(value[3])+'px)';
else if(property == 'opacity') setOpacity(style, value);
else style[property] = Math.round(value)+'px';
function setStyles(style, properties){
foreach(properties, function(property){
setStyle(style, property, properties[property]);
function hide(style){style.display = 'none';}
function show(style){style.display = '';}
function newElement(tagName, styles){
var e = document.createElement(tagName);
if(styles) setStyles(e.style, styles);
return e;
var definedObjects = [];
function defineObject(t, o){
if(!is_array(definedObjects[t])) definedObjects[t] = [];
var n = -1, i;
if(i = array_search(definedObjects[t], 'name', o.name)) n = i;
}else o.name = 'Sliderman-nameless-object-'+definedObjects[t].length;
if(n >= 0) definedObjects[t][n] = o;
else definedObjects[t].push(o);
Sliderman.easing = function(e){defineObject('easing', e);}
Sliderman.order = function(e){defineObject('order', e);}
Sliderman.effect = function(e){defineObject('effect', EffectObject(e));}
function getDefinedObjects(t){
return definedObjects[t];
function getDefinedObject(t, n){
var a = getDefinedObjects(t), i;
return is_array(a) && (i = array_search(a, 'name', n)) ? a[i] : false;
var _EffectObject = 0;
function EffectObject(a){
if(typeof(a) != 'object') a = {};
if(!a.name) a.name = 'Sliderman-nameless-effect-'+_EffectObject++;
a.interval = parseInt(a.interval) || 40; a.duration = parseInt(a.duration) || 200; a.delay = parseInt(a.delay) || 0;
a.cols = parseInt(a.cols) || 1; a.rows = parseInt(a.rows) || 1; a.count = a.cols*a.rows;
a.top = a.top ? true : false; a.right = a.right ? true : false; a.bottom = a.bottom ? true : false; a.left = a.left ? true : false;
a.fade = a.fade ? true : false; a.zoom = a.zoom ? true : false; a.move = a.move ? true : false, a.chess = a.chess ? true : false;
a.easing = getDefinedObject('easing', a.easing) ? a.easing : 'swing';
a.order = getDefinedObject('order', a.order) ? a.order : 'random'; a.order_cache_id = [a.order, a.cols, a.rows, a.road, a.reverse].join(',');
a.cache_id = [a.interval, a.duration, a.delay, a.top, a.right, a.bottom, a.left, a.fade, a.zoom, a.move, a.chess, a.order_cache_id].join(',');
a.cacheId = function(){return a.cache_id + (a.order == 'random' ? now() : '');}
a.frames_count = Math.round(a.duration/a.interval); a.easingArr = getEasing(a);
a.P = []; a.pieces = function(w,h){w /= a.cols; h /= a.rows; var wh = w+'x'+h; if(!a.P[wh]){a.P[wh] = {width: w, height: h};
for(var c = 0; c < a.cols; c++) for(var r = 0; r < a.rows; r++) a.P[wh][r+','+c] = [r*h, c*w+w, r*h+h, c*w];
}return a.P[wh];}
return a;
function slideContainer(slidesContainer, display){
var container = newElement('div', {width: display.width, height: display.height, position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, overflow: 'hidden'});
return container;
var EffectsArr = [];
function Effects(parameters){
var effect = parameters.effect, display = parameters.display;
if(parameters.contentmode) effect.zoom = false;
var cr, piece, r, image, startStylesArr = [], AnimateArr = [], needAnimate = [], AnimateItemsArr = [], styleStart, styleEnd, styleDif;
var container = slideContainer(parameters.container, display);
var pieces = effect.pieces(display.width, display.height);
var e_top, e_bottom, e_left, e_right;
var effectsOptStr = effect.cacheId();
var frameN;
var orderArr = getOrder(effect);
startStylesArr = EffectsArr[effectsOptStr].startStylesArr;
AnimateArr = EffectsArr[effectsOptStr].AnimateArr;
needAnimate = EffectsArr[effectsOptStr].needAnimate;
for(r = 0; r < effect.rows; r++) for(c = 0; c < effect.cols; c++){cr = r+','+c;
if(effect.chess && orderArr[cr] % 2 == 1){
e_top = effect.bottom; e_bottom = effect.top;
e_left = effect.right; e_right = effect.left;
e_top = effect.top; e_bottom = effect.bottom;
e_left = effect.left; e_right = effect.right;
styleStart = {top: 0, left: 0, opacity: 1, width: display.width, height: display.height, overflow: 'hidden'};
styleEnd = array_copy(styleStart); piece = array_copy(pieces[cr]);
if(effect.fade) styleStart.opacity = 0;
if(e_top && e_bottom) piece[0] = piece[2] = (piece[0] + piece[2]) / 2;
else if(e_top) piece[2] -= pieces.height;
else if(e_bottom) piece[0] += pieces.height;
if(e_left && e_right) piece[1] = piece[3] = (piece[1] + piece[3]) / 2;
else if(e_left) piece[1] -= pieces.width;
else if(e_right) piece[3] += pieces.width;
styleStart.left = pieces[cr][3];
styleStart.top = pieces[cr][0];
if(e_left && e_right) styleStart.left += pieces.width / 2;
else if(e_right) styleStart.left += pieces.width;
else if(!e_left) styleStart.left = 0;
if(e_top && e_bottom) styleStart.top += pieces.height / 2;
else if(e_bottom) styleStart.top += pieces.height;
else if(!e_top) styleStart.top = 0;
if(e_left || e_right) piece[1] = piece[3] = 0;
if(e_top || e_bottom) piece[0] = piece[2] = 0;
styleStart.width = e_left || e_right ? 0 : display.width;
styleStart.height = e_top || e_bottom ? 0 : display.height;
styleStart.top = parseInt(styleStart.top)-pieces.height;
piece[0] += pieces.height; piece[2] += pieces.height;
styleStart.top = parseInt(styleStart.top)+pieces.height;
piece[0] -= pieces.height; piece[2] -= pieces.height;
styleStart.left = parseInt(styleStart.left)-pieces.width;
piece[1] += pieces.width; piece[3] += pieces.width;
styleStart.left = parseInt(styleStart.left)+pieces.width;
piece[1] -= pieces.width; piece[3] -= pieces.width;
styleStart.clip = piece;
styleEnd.clip = pieces[cr];
styleDif = [];
foreach(styleEnd, function(property){
if(styleStart[property].toString() != styleEnd[property].toString()){
styleDif[property] = [];
if(property == 'clip'){
foreach(styleStart[property], function(n){
styleDif[property][n] = styleEnd[property][n] - styleStart[property][n];
}else styleDif[property] = styleEnd[property] - styleStart[property];
needAnimate[cr] = true;
startStylesArr[cr] = styleStart; AnimateArr[cr] = [];
if(effect.delay) for(var n = 0; n < Math.round(orderArr[cr]*effect.delay/effect.interval); n++) AnimateArr[cr].push(null);
if(!needAnimate[cr]) AnimateArr[cr].push({display: ''});
else for(frameN = 1; frameN <= effect.frames_count; frameN++){
var style_c = [];
if(frameN == effect.frames_count) style_c = styleEnd;
foreach(styleDif, function(property){
value = [];
if(property == 'clip'){
foreach(styleDif[property], function(n){
value[n] = styleStart[property][n]+styleDif[property][n]*effect.easingArr[frameN]
}else value = styleStart[property]+styleDif[property]*effect.easingArr[frameN]
style_c[property] = value;
EffectsArr[effectsOptStr] = {startStylesArr: startStylesArr, AnimateArr: AnimateArr, needAnimate: needAnimate};
for(r = 0; r < effect.rows; r++) for(c = 0; c < effect.cols; c++){cr = r+','+c;
image = newElement('DIV', startStylesArr[cr]);
image = newElement('IMG', startStylesArr[cr]);
image.src = parameters.src;
var style = image.style;
style.position = 'absolute';
AnimateItemsArr[cr] = style;
if(!needAnimate[cr]) hide(AnimateItemsArr[cr]);
var time_s = now();
var framesCountAll = 1;
foreach(AnimateArr, function(index){framesCountAll = Math.max(AnimateArr[index].length, framesCountAll);});
var AnimateItem, AnimateItemsComplete = [], timerFuncStatus = true, timerFunc = function(){
var frameC = Math.ceil((now() - time_s) / effect.interval);
frameC = frameC >= framesCountAll ? framesCountAll-1 : frameC-1;
foreach(AnimateArr, function(index){
AnimateItem = frameC > AnimateArr[index].length-1 ? AnimateArr[index].length-1 : frameC;
if(AnimateArr[index][AnimateItem] && !AnimateItemsComplete[index+','+AnimateItem]){
setStyles(AnimateItemsArr[index], AnimateArr[index][AnimateItem]);
AnimateItemsComplete[index+','+AnimateItem] = true;
if(frameC == framesCountAll-1){
if(effect.count > 1){
container.innerHTML = '';
if(parameters.contentmode) container.appendChild(parameters.src);
else container.innerHTML = '<img src="'+parameters.src+'" width="'+display.width+'" height="'+display.height+'" />';
timerFuncStatus = false;
return timerFuncStatus;
var animateInterval = setInterval(function(){
if(!timerFunc()) clearInterval(animateInterval);
}, effect.interval);
function getOrder(effect){
var a = [], o, m = 0;
if(effect.count > 1){
o = getDefinedObject('order', effect.order);
if(!is_array(o.cache)) o.cache = [];
if(o.nocache || !o.cache[effect.order_cache_id]){
a = o.method(effect);
foreach(a, function(i, v){m = Math.max(m, v);});
foreach(a, function(i){a[i] = m - a[i];});
o.cache[effect.order_cache_id] = a;
a = o.cache[effect.order_cache_id];
}else a['0,0'] = 0;
return a;
function getEasing(effect){
var o = getDefinedObject('easing', effect.easing), i, c = effect.frames_count;
if(!is_array(o.cache)) o.cache = [];
o.cache[c] = [];
for(i = 1; i <= c; i++) o.cache[c][i] = o.method(i/c);
return o.cache[c];
Sliderman.slider = function(parameters){
var Slider = {}, current = null, previous = null, EffectN = 0, nextIndex = null, prevImg, status = 'free', isHover = false, images = [], descriptions = [], links = [], ef = function(){};
var events = parameters.events, eventCall = events ? function(e){if(events[e] && is_function(events[e])) events[e](Slider);} : ef;
var contentmode = parameters.contentmode;
var effects = [];
var effectsNames = [];
var addEffect = function(e){
e = e.split(',');
if(e.length == 1){
var globalEffect = getDefinedObject('effect', e[0]);
if(globalEffect) addEffect(globalEffect);
}else for(var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) addEffect(e[i]);
}else if(e){
e = EffectObject(e);
var effectsId = array_search(effects, 'name', e.name);
if(!effectsId) effectsId = effects.length;
effects[effectsId] = array_copy(e);
var getEffect = function(){
var n = 0;
if(effects.length > 1){
case 'slides': n = current % effectsNames.length; break;
case 'effects': n = EffectN % effectsNames.length; break;
n = random(effectsNames.length);
return effects[array_search(effects, 'name', effectsNames[n])];
if(!is_array(parameters.effects)) parameters.effects = [parameters.effects];
for(var i = 0; i < parameters.effects.length; i++) addEffect(parameters.effects[i]);
}else parameters.effects = [];
effects = array_copy(getDefinedObjects('effect'));
for(var i = 0; i < effects.length; i++) effectsNames.push(effects[i].name);
var display = parameters.display || {};
display.width = parameters.width;
display.height = parameters.height;
var loading = display.loading || {};
var description = display.description || null;
var navigation = display.navigation || null;
var buttons = display.buttons || null;
Slider.random = function(){
var r = random(images.length);
return images.length > 1 && r == current ? Slider.random() : Slider.go(r);
Slider.next = function(){
var r = Slider.go(current === null ? 0 : current + 1);
if(display.loop && r){
if(autoplayCount+1 >= images.length*display.loop) autoplay = ef;
return r;
Slider.prev = function(){
var r = Slider.go(current === null ? -1 : current - 1);
if(display.loop && r) autoplayCount--;
return r;
Slider.go = function(index){
index = (images.length + index) % images.length;
if(status != 'free') nextIndex = index;
if(status != 'free' || current == index) return autoplay(true) && false;
previous = current;
current = index;
if(contentmode) doEffect(images[current]);
else loadImage(images[current], doEffect, display.always_show_loading);
return true;
Slider.get = function(a){
case 'length': return images.length; break;
case 'current': return current; break;
case 'previous': return previous; break;
case 'images': return images; break;
case 'links': return links; break;
case 'descriptions': return descriptions; break;
var autoplayStatus = 'stop';//play,pause,stop
Slider.play = function(){if(!display.autoplay) return;
if(autoplayStatus != 'play'){
var s = autoplayStatus == 'stop';
autoplayStatus = 'play';
if(s) (display.random ? Slider.random : Slider.go)(0);
else autoplay(true);
Slider.pause = function(){if(!display.autoplay) return;
if(autoplayStatus == 'pause') Slider.play();
else if(autoplayStatus == 'play'){
autoplayStatus = 'pause';
Slider.stop = function(){if(!display.autoplay) return;
autoplayStatus = 'stop';
current = null;
previous = null;
nextIndex = null;
EffectN = 0;
if(display.first_slide) displayFirstSlide();
Slider.start = function(){if(!display.autoplay) return;
var removePrevImg = function(){
if(prevImg && status == 'free'){
prevImg = null;
function displayFirstSlide(){
var c = slideContainer(imagesCont, display);
if(parameters.contentmode) c.appendChild(images[0]);
else c.innerHTML = '<img src="'+images[0]+'" width="'+display.width+'" height="'+display.height+'" />';
EffectN = 1;
previous = null;
current = 0;
function update(){
descriptionShow(); linkUpd(); navigationUpd();
var styleDef = {width: display.width, height: display.height, position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, display: 'block'};
var mainCont = document.getElementById(parameters.container);
function addElementEventOnmouseover(){isHover = true;
if(buttons && buttons.hide) show(buttonsCont.style);
if(description && description.hide && !contentmode) show(descriptionCont.style);
if(display.pause) autoplay(false);
addElementEvent(mainCont, 'onmouseover', addElementEventOnmouseover);
function addElementEventOnmouseout(){isHover = false;
if(buttons && buttons.hide) hide(buttonsCont.style);
if(description && description.hide && !contentmode) hide(descriptionCont.style);
if(display.pause) autoplay(true);
addElementEvent(mainCont, 'onmouseout', addElementEventOnmouseout);
var maps = document.getElementsByTagName('MAP');
for(var i = 0; i < mainCont.childNodes.length; i++) if(mainCont.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1){
if(contentmode) images.push(mainCont.childNodes[i].cloneNode(true));
case 'A':
var img = mainCont.childNodes[i].getElementsByTagName('IMG');
links[images.length-1] = mainCont.childNodes[i];
}else descriptions[images.length-1] = mainCont.childNodes[i];
case 'IMG':
if(mainCont.childNodes[i].useMap && maps.length) for(var m = 0; m < maps.length; m++){
if(maps[m].name && mainCont.childNodes[i].useMap.replace(/^[^#]*#/, '') == maps[m].name) links[images.length-1] = maps[m];
case 'MAP': continue; break;
default: descriptions[images.length-1] = mainCont.childNodes[i];
if(!contentmode) for(var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) loadImage(images[i]);
var sliderCont = newElement('DIV', {width: display.width, height: display.height, position: 'relative'}); mainCont.appendChild(sliderCont);
var imagesCont = newElement('DIV', styleDef); sliderCont.appendChild(imagesCont);
partsCont = sliderCont;
if(contentmode) var linkUpd = ef;
var lnk = newElement('DIV', styleDef); partsCont.appendChild(lnk);
var linkUpd = function(){
lnk.innerHTML = ''; value = links[current];
if(value.tagName == 'MAP'){
var a = newElement('IMG', styleDef);
a.src = images[current]; a.useMap = '#'+value.name;
var a = newElement('A', styleDef);
a.href = value.href; a.target = value.target;
setStyles(a.style, {opacity: 0, background: '#000000'});
a.onfocus = this_blur;
if(contentmode) var showLoading = ef;
var loadingCont = newElement('DIV'); partsCont.appendChild(loadingCont);
var loadingBgStyle = array_copy(styleDef);
loadingBgStyle.background = loading.background;
if(loading.opacity) loadingBgStyle.opacity = loading.opacity;
loadingCont.appendChild(newElement('DIV', loadingBgStyle));
var loadingImgStyle = array_copy(styleDef);
loadingImgStyle.background = 'url('+(loading.image)+') no-repeat center center';
loadingCont.appendChild(newElement('DIV', loadingImgStyle));
var showLoading = function(a){
if(a) show(loadingCont.style);
else hide(loadingCont.style);
status = a ? 'loading' : 'free';
var descriptionShow;
if(description && !contentmode){
var descriptionCont = newElement('DIV'); partsCont.appendChild(descriptionCont);
if(description.hide) hide(descriptionCont.style);
var descriptionStl = {position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden', textAlign: 'left'};
if(!description) description = [];
description.position = validateOption(description.position, 'top,left,right,bottom')
descriptionStl.background = description.background || 'white';
descriptionStl.opacity = description.opacity || 0.5;
descriptionStl.width = description.position == 'top' || description.position == 'bottom' ? display.width : description.width || display.width*0.2;
descriptionStl.height = description.position == 'left' || description.position == 'right' ? display.height : description.height || display.height*0.2;
descriptionStl[description.position == 'bottom'?'bottom':'top'] = 0;
descriptionStl[description.position == 'right'?'right':'left'] = 0;
var descBg = newElement('DIV', descriptionStl); descriptionCont.appendChild(descBg);
descriptionStl.opacity = 1; descriptionStl.background = '';
var desc = newElement('DIV', descriptionStl); descriptionCont.appendChild(desc);
function descriptionShow(){
desc.innerHTML = '';
setStyle(descriptionCont.style, 'visibility', 'hidden');
var value = descriptions[current];
setStyle(descriptionCont.style, 'visibility', 'visible');
value = value.cloneNode(true);
if(isHover) show(descriptionCont.style);
}else descriptionShow = ef
var buttonsCont = newElement('DIV'); partsCont.appendChild(buttonsCont);
if(buttons.hide) hide(buttonsCont.style);
var btnPrev = newElement('A'); buttonsCont.appendChild(btnPrev);
btnPrev.href = 'javascript:void(0);';
var btnNext = btnPrev.cloneNode(true); buttonsCont.appendChild(btnNext);
btnPrev.onfocus = this_blur;
btnNext.onfocus = this_blur;
btnPrev.onclick = Slider.prev;
btnNext.onclick = Slider.next;
if(buttons.prev.label) btnPrev.innerHTML = is_string(buttons.prev.label) ? buttons.prev.label : 'prev';
if(buttons.prev.label) btnNext.innerHTML = is_string(buttons.next.label) ? buttons.next.label : 'next';
if(buttons.prev.className) btnPrev.className = buttons.prev.className;
if(buttons.next.className) btnNext.className = buttons.next.className;
if(buttons.opacity || buttons.prev.opacity) setOpacity(btnPrev.style, buttons.opacity || buttons.prev.opacity);
if(buttons.opacity || buttons.next.opacity) setOpacity(btnNext.style, buttons.opacity || buttons.next.opacity);
var navigationUpd;
var navigationCont = document.getElementById(navigation.container);
var a;
a = newElement('A');
if(navigation.prev.label) a.innerHTML = is_string(navigation.prev.label) ? navigation.prev.label : 'Prev';
if(navigation.prev.className) a.className = navigation.prev.className;
a.href = 'javascript:void(0);';
a.onfocus = this_blur;
a.onclick = Slider.prev;
var navigationLinks = [];
function a_onclick(){Slider.go(this.id.replace(parameters.container+'_SliderNavigation', ''));};
for(var i = 0; i < images.length; i++){
a = newElement('A');
if(navigation.label) a.innerHTML = is_string(navigation.label) ? navigation.label : i+1;
if(navigation.className) a.className = navigation.className;
a.href = 'javascript:void(0);';
a.id = parameters.container+'_SliderNavigation'+i;
a.onfocus = this_blur;
a.onclick = a_onclick;
a = newElement('A');
if(navigation.next.label) a.innerHTML = is_string(navigation.next.label) ? navigation.next.label : 'Next';
if(navigation.next.className) a.className = navigation.next.className;
a.href = 'javascript:void(0);';
a.onfocus = this_blur;
a.onclick = Slider.next;
function navigationUpd(){
for(var i = 0; i < navigationLinks.length; i++) navigationLinks[i].className = navigationLinks[i].className.replace(/\bactive\b/g, '');
if(navigationLinks[current]) navigationLinks[current].className += ' active';
}else navigationUpd = ef
var autoplayCount = 0;
var autoplayTimeout;
var autoplay = function(a){
autoplayTimeout = null;
if(a && !(isHover && display.pause) && autoplayStatus == 'play') autoplayTimeout = setTimeout(display.random ? Slider.random : Slider.next, display.autoplay);
}else var autoplay = ef
var doEffect = function(src){
if(autoplayStatus == 'stop') autoplayStatus = 'pause';
showLoading(false); status = 'busy'; update();
Effects({effect: getEffect(), display: display, container: imagesCont, src: src, callback: function(img){
status = 'free'; autoplay(true);
prevImg = img;
if(autoplayStatus == 'stop') removePrevImg();
else if(nextIndex !== null){
nextIndex = null;
}, contentmode: contentmode});
onmousewheel = function(d){
if(d > 0) Slider.prev();
else if(d < 0) Slider.next();
return true;
function wheel(event){
var d = 0;
if(!event) event = window.event;
d = event.wheelDelta/120;
if(window.opera) d = -d;
}else if(event.detail) d = -event.detail/3;
if(d && onmousewheel(d)){
if(event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
event.returnValue = false;
}else addElementEvent(mainCont, 'onmousewheel', wheel);
if(display.first_slide) displayFirstSlide();
if(typeof(display.autostart) == 'undefined' || display.autostart) Slider.play();
return Slider;
/* predefined easing functions */
Sliderman.easing({name: 'none', method: function(x){return x;}});
Sliderman.easing({name: 'swing', method: function(x){return -Math.cos(x*Math.PI)/2 + 0.5;}});
Sliderman.easing({name: 'wave', method: function(t){return ((Math.cos((1-t)*3*Math.PI+2*Math.PI))*0.5+0.5+t)/2;}});
Sliderman.easing({name: 'bounce', method: function(t){return 1 - Math.abs(Math.cos((1-t)*(2.5+t*t*3)*Math.PI+0.5*Math.PI)*(1-t));}});
/* predefined order functions */
Sliderman.order({name: 'straight', method: function(e){
var cols = e.cols, rows = e.rows, road = e.road, count = e.count;
var a = [], i = 0, c = 0, r = 0, cl = cols - 1, rl = rows - 1, il = count - 1, cr;
for(r = 0; r < rows; r++) for(c = 0; c < cols; c++){cr = r+','+c;
case 'BL': a[cr] = il-(c*rows+(rl-r)); break;
case 'RT': a[cr] = il-(r*cols+(cl-c)); break;
case 'TL': a[cr] = il-(c*rows+r);
case 'LT': a[cr] = il-(r*cols+c); break;
case 'BR': a[cr] = c*rows+r; break;
case 'LB': a[cr] = r*cols+(cl-c); break;
case 'TR': a[cr] = c*rows+(rl-r); break;
default: a[cr] = r*cols+c; break;//'RB'
return a;
Sliderman.order({name: 'swirl', method: function(e){
var cols = e.cols, rows = e.rows, road = e.road, count = e.count;
var a = [], i = 0, c = 0, r = 0, cl = cols - 1, rl = rows - 1, il = count - 1, cr;
var courses, course = 0;
case 'BL': c = cl; r = 0; courses = ['r+', 'c-', 'r-', 'c+']; break;
case 'RT': c = 0; r = rl; courses = ['c+', 'r-', 'c-', 'r+']; break;
case 'TL': c = cl; r = rl; courses = ['r-', 'c-', 'r+', 'c+']; break;
case 'LT': c = cl; r = rl; courses = ['c-', 'r-', 'c+', 'r+']; break;
case 'BR': c = 0; r = 0; courses = ['r+', 'c+', 'r-', 'c-']; break;
case 'LB': c = cl; r = 0; courses = ['c-', 'r+', 'c+', 'r-']; break;
case 'TR': c = 0; r = rl; courses = ['r-', 'c+', 'r+', 'c-']; break;
default: c = 0; r = 0; courses = ['c+', 'r+', 'c-', 'r-']; break;//'RB'
i = 0;
while(i < count){
cr = r+','+c;
if(c >= 0 && c < cols && r >= 0 && r < rows && typeof(a[cr]) == 'undefined') a[cr] = i++;
else switch(courses[course++%courses.length]){case 'c+': c--; break; case 'r+': r--; break; case 'c-': c++; break; case 'r-': r++; break;}
switch(courses[course%courses.length]){case 'c+': c++; break; case 'r+': r++; break; case 'c-': c--; break; case 'r-': r--; break;}
return a;
Sliderman.order({name: 'snake', method: function(e){
var cols = e.cols, rows = e.rows, road = e.road, count = e.count;
var a = [], i = 0, c = 0, r = 0, cl = cols - 1, rl = rows - 1, il = count - 1, cr;
var courses, course = 0;
case 'BL': c = cl; r = 0; courses = ['r+', 'c-', 'r-', 'c-']; break;
case 'RT': c = 0; r = rl; courses = ['c+', 'r-', 'c-', 'r-']; break;
case 'TL': c = cl; r = rl; courses = ['r-', 'c-', 'r+', 'c-']; break;
case 'LT': c = cl; r = rl; courses = ['c-', 'r-', 'c+', 'r-']; break;
case 'BR': c = 0; r = 0; courses = ['r+', 'c+', 'r-', 'c+']; break;
case 'LB': c = cl; r = 0; courses = ['c-', 'r+', 'c+', 'r+']; break;
case 'TR': c = 0; r = rl; courses = ['r-', 'c+', 'r+', 'c+']; break;
default: c = 0; r = 0; courses = ['c+', 'r+', 'c-', 'r+']; break;//'RB'
i = 0;
while(i < count){cr = r+','+c;
if(c >= 0 && c < cols && r >= 0 && r < rows && typeof(a[cr]) == 'undefined'){a[cr] = i++;
switch(courses[course%courses.length]){case 'c+': c++; break; case 'r+': r++; break; case 'c-': c--; break; case 'r-': r--; break;}
switch(courses[course++%courses.length]){case 'c+': c--; break; case 'r+': r--; break; case 'c-': c++; break; case 'r-': r++; break;}
switch(courses[course++%courses.length]){case 'c+': c++; break; case 'r+': r++; break; case 'c-': c--; break; case 'r-': r--; break;}
return a;
Sliderman.order({name: 'straight_stairs', method: function(e){
var cols = e.cols, rows = e.rows, road = e.road, count = e.count;
var a = [], i = 0, c = 0, r = 0, cl = cols - 1, rl = rows - 1, il = count - 1, cr;
case 'BL': case 'TR': case 'TL': case 'BR': var C = 0, R = 0; break;
case 'LB': case 'RT': case 'LT': case 'RB': default: road = 'RB'; var C = cl, R = 0; break;
c = C; r = R;
while(i < count){cr = r+','+c;
if(road.indexOf('T') == 1 || road.indexOf('R') == 1) a[cr] = il - i++;
else a[cr] = i++;
case 'BL': case 'TR': c--; r++; break;
case 'TL': case 'BR': c++; r--; break;
case 'LB': case 'RT': c--; r--; break;
case 'RB': case 'LT': default: c++; r++; break;
if(c < 0 || r < 0 || c > cl || r > rl){
case 'BL': case 'TR': C++; break;
case 'LB': case 'RT': case 'TL': case 'BR': R++; break;
case 'RB': case 'LT': default: C--; break;
if(C < 0 || R < 0 || C > cl || R > rl){
case 'BL': case 'TR': C = cl; R++; break;
case 'TL': case 'BR': R = rl; C++; break;
case 'LB': case 'RT': R = rl; C--; break;
case 'RB': case 'LT': default: C = 0; R++; break;
if(R > rl) R = rl; else if(R < 0) R = 0; else if(C > cl) C = cl; else if(C < 0) C = 0;
r = R; c = C;
return a;
Sliderman.order({name: 'square', method: function(effect){
var cols = effect.cols || 1, rows = effect.rows || 1, arr = [], i = 0, c, r, dc, dr, cr;
dc = cols < rows ? (rows-cols)/2 : 0; dr = cols > rows ? (cols-rows)/2 : 0; cr = Math.round(Math.max(cols/2, rows/2)) + 1;
for(c = 0; c < cols; c++) for(r = 0; r < rows; r++) arr[r+','+c] = cr - Math.min(c+1+dc, r+1+dr, cols-c+dc, rows-r+dr);
return arr;
Sliderman.order({name: 'rectangle', method: function(effect){
var cols = effect.cols || 1, rows = effect.rows || 1, arr = [], i = 0, c, r, cr;
cr = Math.round(Math.min(cols/2, rows/2)) + 1;
for(c = 0; c < cols; c++) for(r = 0; r < rows; r++) arr[r+','+c] = cr - Math.min(c+1, r+1, cols-c, rows-r);
return arr;
Sliderman.order({name: 'random', method: function(effect){
var a = [], tmp = [], r, c, i;
for(r = 0; r < effect.rows; r++) for(c = 0; c < effect.cols; c++) tmp.push(r+','+c);
tmp.sort(function(a,b){return Math.random() > 0.5;});
for(i = 0; i < effect.count; i++) a[tmp[i]] = i;
return a;
name: 'circle', method: function(effect){
  var cols = effect.cols || 1, rows = effect.rows || 1, arr = [], i = 0, c, r;
  var hc = cols/2-0.5, hr = rows/2-0.5;
for(c = 0; c < cols; c++) for(r = 0; r < rows; r++) arr[r+','+c] = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(c-hc, 2)+Math.pow(r-hr, 2)));
return arr;
name: 'cross', method: function(effect){
  var cols = effect.cols || 1, rows = effect.rows || 1, arr = [], i = 0, c, r;
  var hc = cols/2-0.5, hr = rows/2-0.5;
for(c = 0; c < cols; c++) for(r = 0; r < rows; r++) arr[r+','+c] = Math.round(Math.min(Math.abs(c-hc), Math.abs(r-hr)));
return arr;
name: 'rectangle_cross', method: function(effect){
  var cols = effect.cols || 1, rows = effect.rows || 1, arr = [], i = 0, c, r;
  var hc = cols/2-0.5, hr = rows/2-0.5, cr = Math.max(hc, hr)+1;
for(c = 0; c < cols; c++) for(r = 0; r < rows; r++) arr[r+','+c] = Math.round(cr-Math.max(hc-Math.abs(c-hc), hr-Math.abs(r-hr)))-1;
return arr;
/* predefined effects */
Sliderman.effect({name: 'fade', fade: true, duration: 400});
Sliderman.effect({name: 'move', left: true, move: true, duration: 400});
Sliderman.effect({name: 'stairs', cols: 7, rows: 5, delay: 30, order: 'straight_stairs', road: 'BL', fade: true});
Sliderman.effect({name: 'blinds', cols: 10, delay: 100, duration: 400, order: 'straight', right: true, zoom: true, fade: true});
Sliderman.effect({name: 'rain', cols: 10, delay: 100, duration: 400, order: 'straight', top: true, fade: true});

Revision as of 03:48, 7 September 2012