Team:Wageningen UR/TheConstructor


Revision as of 09:28, 20 September 2012 by Jjkoehorst (Talk | contribs)

The Constructor header.png

The Constructor

In the field of synthetic biology, engineering principles are combined with molecular biology. For the construction of parts, a repository is required and for the iGEM teams. The Registry of Standard Biological Parts is such a repository.

In 2011 an attempt was made to develop an application for the construction of parts from The Registry of Standard Biological Parts. This application was functional but could be improved in various ways. As the application was intended for offline use, the application had to be installed on every computer on where it was required. The installation procedure, including the creation of the database, took approximately 4-6 hours. If the application was installed on multiple machines simultaneously there is an opportunity that the Registry of Standard Biological Parts would not be able to cope with the requests. The main reasons for building a new application was to make it accessible for everybody via an online interface, reducing the load on the Registry of Standard Biological Parts and increase the efficiency via a better algorithm.

The iGEM Wageningen 2012 team in collaboration with iGEM Wageningen 2011 designed a completely new application with a completely new interface and made it available for online access. The application called “The Constructor” contains a better algorithm, a user-friendlier interface and is available from an online source.

The Constructor works as follows: The user defines different circuits that are going to be present within a single plasmid. The constructor then permutes all possible combinations of designed transcription units (TU) and extract parts from The Constructor Database that match any of the TUs. After the retrieval of parts, a shortest path algorithm calculates the most efficient cloning method for the construction of the TUs. A complete overview of the application flow is found in figure 1.

Figure 1: Overview of the workflow of “The Constructor”. The first step is to let the user define the circuits of interest. The constructor permutes all transcription unit arrangements (TU) as a single circuit is independent to one and another it will not have an effect on the separate components. The database is then queried with all possible TUs for the extraction of matching parts.


Our Publication

On the 4th of September we published an open access letter to the editor about The Constructor. The paper, "The Constructor: a web application optimizing cloning strategies based on modules from the registry of standard biological parts", was a result of a collaboration with the iGEM Team Wageningen of 2011 and 2012. This collaboration and the writing of the paper improved our educational experience tremendously as for most this was the first paper to be published. We are therefore also very proud to mention that this article is now categorized as highly accessed, meaning that our paper has been especially highly accessed relatively to their publication date and the journal in which it was published.


Our letter to the editor of The Constructor at the Journal of Biological Engineering.


The online application of The Constructor available for all iGEM Teams and those who are interested.


The poster of The Constructor, presented at the German Synthetic Biology Conference in May 2012 in Munich.

Source code

The source code of The Constructor. Available under the GPL license.