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Laurence Van Melderen's lab works on toxin/antitoxin systems in E.coli. She also works on the bacterium physiology, but has never used the integron. She advised the team on the design of the experiments and with her knowledge of microcins, but did not help with the wetlab activity, except through advices.

Dimitri Gillis works on protein stability and various simulations of protein interactions. He helped with the model through advice, but did not participate directly in its developement.

Vanwalleghem Gilles works on host-pathogen interaction in T.brucei infections. He lended his expertise in iGEM organization and synthetic biology approach.

The host lab lended his rooms and equipement.

The wetlab team was responsible for all the experiments presented on this wiki and the instructors and host lab only gave advices or lended technical expertise to help overcome the problems faced by the team.