

Revision as of 11:30, 13 July 2012 by Nie1234567 (Talk | contribs)
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<style type="text/css">

/* - - - - - - CSS Document - - - - - - - - - Title : SS Author :

Created : 3/16/07 Description: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */

/* ----- add selectors here for font sizing ----- */ add selectors here {font-size: 77%} /* =10 */ add selectors here {font-size: 85%} /* =11 */ add selectors here {font-size: 92%} /* =12 */ add selectors here {font-size: 100%} /* =13 */ add selectors here {font-size: 107%} /* =14 */

  1. mainNav li a em, h4 {font-size: 114%} /* =15 */

add selectors here {font-size: 122%} /* =16 */ add selectors here {font-size: 129%} /* =17 */ add selectors here {font-size: 136%} /* =18 */ add selectors here {font-size: 144%} /* =19 */ h2 {font-size: 152%} /* =20 */ add selectors here {font-size: 159%} /* =21 */ add selectors here {font-size: 167%} /* =22 */ add selectors here {font-size: 174%} /* =23 */ add selectors here {font-size: 182%} /* =24 */ add selectors here {font-size: 189%} /* =25 */ add selectors here {font-size: 197%} /* =26 */

/* ----- base links ----- */ a:hover {color:#004882;outline:none;font-weight:bold;} a:active {color:#009BC0;outline:none;text-decoration: none;font-weight:bold;} a:focus{color:#009BC0;outline:none;text-decoration: none;font-weight:bold;}

focus { -moz-outline-style: none; }

/* ----- random base styles and styles used in conjunction with javascript ----- */ .clearfloatNoHeight {clear: both; line-height: 0; height: 0; width:0; display: block; overflow:hidden;} .clearfloat {clear: both; display: block;} .floatRight{float:right;} .floatLeft{float:left;} img{border:none;} p{line-height:1.4em; margin:0 0 7px 0; text-align:left;} .displayNone{display:none;} .displayBlock{display:block;} hr{border-top: 1px dashed #BFBFBF;border-right: none;border-bottom: none;border-left: none;*margin-top:-3px;} ul, ol {

list-style-position:inside;} fieldset{border:none;padding:0;margin:0} .txtCenter{text-align:center;}

/* ----- base h's ----- */ h1{float:left;width:360px;padding-bottom:10px;*padding-bottom:0px;} h1 a{ width:360px; height:46px; text-indent:-999em; background-image: url(/images/logoPlaceHolder.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; display:block; } h2{color:#666; margin:10px 0 10px 0;*margin:0px 0 10px 0;} h3{} h4{ padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } h5{color:#C36615;} h6{}

/* = #mainNav2 & #mainNav3 & #mainNav4 & #mainNav5

  1. mainNav{clear:both}
  2. mainNav li{

height:71px; list-style:none; float:left; background-color:#EBEBEB; background-image: url(images/navBtn.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right top; }

  1. mainNav li.current{

background-color:#C36615; background-image: url(images/navCurrentBtn.gif); }

  1. mainNav li.lastDone{

background-color:#7C8437; background-image: url(images/navLastDoneBtn.gif); }

  1. mainNav li.done{

background-color:#7C8437; background-image: url(images/navDoneBtn.gif); }

  1. mainNav li a, #mainNav li a:link, #mainNav li a:visited, #mainNav li a:hover, #mainNav li a:active {

color:#ccc; }

  1. mainNav li.lastDone a, #mainNav li.lastDone a:link, #mainNav li.lastDone a:visited, #mainNav li.lastDone a:hover, #mainNav li.lastDone a:active, #mainNav li.current a, #mainNav li.current a:link, #mainNav li.current a:visited, #mainNav li.current a:hover, #mainNav li.current a:active, #mainNav li.done a, #mainNav li.done a:link, #mainNav li.done a:visited, #mainNav li.done a:hover, #mainNav li.done a:active {

color:#fff; }

  1. mainNav li.done a:hover, #mainNav li.lastDone a:hover {

color:#FFFF99; cursor:hand; }

  1. mainNav li a em{

width:150px; display:block; margin:6px 0 0 10px; font-style:normal; font-weight:bold; }

  1. mainNav li a span{

width:140px; display:block; margin-left:10px; font-weight:normal; }

  1. mainNav li.mainNavNoBg{

background-image:none; }

  1. mainNav li a{

height:71px; display:block; }

/* #mainNav.fiveStep */

  1. mainNav.fiveStep li{width:182px;}
  2. mainNav.fiveStep li a{width:182px;}

/* #mainNav.fourStep */

  1. mainNav.fourStep li{width:227px;}
  2. mainNav.fourStep li.mainNavNoBg{width:229px;}
  3. mainNav.fourStep li a{width:227px;}

/* #mainNav.threeStep */

  1. mainNav.threeStep li{width:303px;}
  2. mainNav.threeStep li.mainNavNoBg{width:304px;}
  3. mainNav.threeStep li a{width:303px;}

/* #mainNav.twoStep */

  1. mainNav.twoStep li{width:455px;}
  2. mainNav.twoStep li a{width:455px;}

  1. wizardpanel {

background-color: #F5F5F5; margin:5px;display:none; }

  1. wizardcontent {

height:300px }

  1. wizardconten a{ f}
  2. wizardwrapper{width:980px;}

/* BUTTONS */ .buttons{margin:10px;clear:both} .next {float:right} .previous {float:left} <style>