Team:SUSTC-Shenzhen-A/Notebook/User Interface


Revision as of 07:33, 2 August 2012 by Pd (Talk | contribs)

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brief introduction

This part includes viewing datas by category, searching datas, bookmarks and help. Six members devided into three groups worked on it, and two of the groups were working on part category-formed-interface.


Category:Members determined to provide four kinds of showing type:parts by type;parts by function; parts by chassis and devices by type. Then members collected informations and codes ,in order to show a user friendly interface. SE:Members discussed about the searching methods and searchstring. At first a picker was chosen for user to select the searching part(part name, discription and so on), and the searching method was fuzzy search --it means if you type "BBa_" and select "part name", the program will give you a result of all the biobricks whose part name includes "BBa_". At this time, the database was the first one we got (given by another iGEM team). For its complex database structure , the keyword needed to be searched in all 13 tables.
