Team:Queens Canada/Javascript/Init


Revision as of 03:49, 25 September 2012 by P.tsang (Talk | contribs)

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

   /*define easing you can omit this if
   you don't want to use the easing plugin*/

jQuery.easing.def = "easeInOutBack";

   /* create the span tht will be animated across the menu*/
   /* declare our many variables for easy ref*/
       var $span = $('');
       $span.insertBefore($("#menu ul"));
       var $menu_link = $('#menu li a:not(".linkfix")'),
       $hovered =  $('#menu a.hovered'),/**/
       $hovered_pos = $hovered.position('#menu');/*position of hovered menu item*/
       /* declare our many colors that can confuse a chameleon*/
       var $colour_arr = ['#fbb92e','#f8d52f','#b4f62f','#54f7a8','#3ff7f3','#3a97fa','#6835f9','#d544f6','#f650ab'];
       /*iterate through all menu links and apply colors to border top */
   /* all the magic happens here*/
   function init () {
       if($hovered_pos) {
               var index = 0;
               /* search for the selected menu item*/
               for(k=0; k<$menu_link.length; k++) {
                   if($($menu_link[k]).hasClass('hovered')) {
                       index = k;
       /*mouseenter funtion*/
           function( intIndex ){
               $(this).on (
                           var x = $(this).position('#menu');
                           x = x.left;
                               left: x
       /* mouseout function*/
           function( intIndex ){
               $(this).on (
                       var x = -100;
                       if($hovered_pos) {
                           x = $hovered_pos;
                           var index = 0;
                           for(l=0; l<$menu_link.length; l++) {
                               if($($menu_link[l]).hasClass('hovered')) {
                                   index = l;
                               left: x
   /* call init our function*/
