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*Autoclaved 500 mL LB Broth for scale up of luxS (Plate 3 Well 2H, pSB1A2), plsr (Plate 2 Well 14H in pSB1A2 resistance to Amp)
*Autoclaved 500 mL LB Broth for scale up of luxS (Plate 3 Well 2H, pSB1A2), plsr (Plate 2 Well 14H in pSB1A2 resistance to Amp)
*Added iGEM logo to wiki
*Added iGEM logo to wiki
*Resuspended available biobricks luxS & plsr (resuspended in 10uL ddH<sub>2</sub>O)
*Resuspended DNA transformed into DH5α (40uL DH5α+2uL DNA) & plated on LB plates w/ 15 uL of 100 mg/mL Amp spread on surface
*Requested lsrR & lsrK from iGEM HQ
*iGEM Wiki now split into two separate Notebooks
*Plenty of colonies, too many to count(TMTC) grew from plsr & luxS transformation from 6/7/12
**Selected one colony each
**Grew in 10 mL LB+Amp (100 ug/mL)
*Contacted researchers for V. harveyi bioassay & lysostaphin, V. harveyi must be purchased through ATCC ($300), lysostaphin obtained thru MTA.
*~2mL of LB evaporated during incubation
*Cells spun down @ 5000 rpm for 10 min
*Miniprepped 4x Lysis into 1 column
*[plsr]=112 ng/uL
*[luxS]=114 ng/uL

Latest revision as of 23:45, 9 June 2012

June 6th, 2012

[ Wikipedia Cheat Sheet]



  • Set up equipment
  • Autoclaved 2x 1L Sterile ddH2O
  • Autoclaved 500 mL LB Broth for scale up of luxS (Plate 3 Well 2H, pSB1A2), plsr (Plate 2 Well 14H in pSB1A2 resistance to Amp)
  • Added iGEM logo to wiki



