Team:Colorado State/Team


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        <h1>This is the Team Page</h1>
        <p>Duis nonsequ ismodol et oreetuer iril dolore facidunt, vulluptat volore consecte dolesed dolor velit ver adionse ot magnisc illandi et gniamet, vendre feum veniamc onullutpatin hent ipit wisi esse dolesting ero dunt utpatin vel ipit, quation ullum aut prat. Am autet, quatet nos od minci euip enim deles sequisl et ullutat augait facilla ad ea autpatie eui blan henim adte facip eugait lametue rostis nonsenibh exeriliquat incin heniam, secte at dolesequat nulla facilit la consectet nim iusto dunt utpatin vel ipit, quation magnis do et nit augiatie erat.</p>
<h1>Title goes here</h1>
        <p>Duis nonsequ ismodol et oreetuer iril dolore facidunt, vulluptat volore consecte dolesed dolor velit ver adionse ot magnisc illandi et gniamet, vendre feum veniamc onullutpatin hent ipit wisi esse dolesting ero dunt utpatin vel ipit, quation ullum aut prat. Am autet, quatet nos od minci euip enim deles sequisl et ullutat augait facilla ad ea autpatie eui blan henim adte facip eugait lametue rostis nonsenibh exeriliquat incin heniam, secte at dolesequat nulla facilit la consectet nim iusto dunt utpatin vel ipit, quation magnis do et nit augiatie erat.</p>
<h1>Title goes here</h1>
        <p>Duis nonsequ ismodol et oreetuer iril dolore facidunt, vulluptat volore consecte dolesed dolor velit ver adionse ot magnisc illandi et gniamet, vendre feum veniamc onullutpatin hent ipit wisi esse dolesting ero dunt utpatin vel ipit, quation ullum aut prat. Am autet, quatet nos od minci euip enim deles sequisl et ullutat augait facilla ad ea autpatie eui blan henim adte facip eugait lametue rostis nonsenibh exeriliquat incin heniam, secte at dolesequat nulla facilit la consectet nim iusto dunt utpatin vel ipit, quation magnis do et nit augiatie erat.</p>
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|CSU RAM<br>You can write a background of your team here.  Give us a background of your team, the members, etc.  Or tell us more about something of your choosing.
|[[Image:Colorado_State_team.png|right|frame|Your team picture]]
|align="center"|[[Team:Colorado_State | Team Colorado_State]]
<!--- The Mission, Experiments --->
== '''Who we are''' ==
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*'''Advisor 1''': June Medford
*''' Advisor 2''':    Brian Searcy
*'''Advisor 3''':      Erica Suchman
*'''Advisor 4''':  Lucas Argueso
*'''Advisor 5''':      Chris Strickland
*'''Student 1''':    Dave Packard
*'''Student 2''':    Guy Stewart
*'''Student 3''':  Ryan Clouse
*'''Student 4''':    Steven Denham
*'''Student 5''':  Ethan Ho
Image:Colorado_State_Team_member_1.png|Brian Searcy
Image:Colorado_State_Team_member_2.png|Erica Suchman
Image:Colorado_State_Team_member_3.png|Chris Strickland
Image:Colorado_State_Team_member_4.png|Dave Packard
Image:Colorado_State_Team_member_5.png|Guy Stewart
Image:Colorado_State_Team_member_6.png|Ryan Clouse
Image:Colorado_State_Team_member_7.png|Steven Denham
Image:Colorado_State_Team_member_7.png|Ethan Ho
== '''What we did...''' ==
(Provide proper attribution for all work)
== '''Where we're from''' ==
<p style="text-shadow:4px 4px 8px green;">Colorado State University (Fort Collins, CO)</p>
<p style="text-shadow:4px 4px 8px red;">Brian Searcy:
  Born in Pasadena, CA and raised in Western Massachusetts, Brian has lived all over the U.S. Mostly in coastal regions.</p>
<p style="text-shadow:4px 4px 8px blue;">Ryan Clouse:
  Born in Chandler, AZ and raised in northern Phoenix. Moved to Colorado Springs, CO at age 13.</p>
<p style="text-shadow:4px 4px 8px purple;">Dave Packard:
  Born in West Valley, Utah and raised in the Salt Lake area.  Moved to Parker, CO at age 10.</p>
<p style="text-shadow:4px 4px 8px orange;">Guy Stewart:
  Born and raised in Springfield, IL.</p>
<p style="text-shadow:4px 4px 8px yellow;">Steven Denham
  Born in Pueblo, CO. Moved to Greeley, CO at age 2.</p>
<p style="text-shadow:4px 4px 8px teal;">Ethan Ho
  Born in Corvallis, OR.  Moved to Fort Collins, CO at age 13.</p>
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Revision as of 17:14, 18 July 2012

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This is the Team Page

Duis nonsequ ismodol et oreetuer iril dolore facidunt, vulluptat volore consecte dolesed dolor velit ver adionse ot magnisc illandi et gniamet, vendre feum veniamc onullutpatin hent ipit wisi esse dolesting ero dunt utpatin vel ipit, quation ullum aut prat. Am autet, quatet nos od minci euip enim deles sequisl et ullutat augait facilla ad ea autpatie eui blan henim adte facip eugait lametue rostis nonsenibh exeriliquat incin heniam, secte at dolesequat nulla facilit la consectet nim iusto dunt utpatin vel ipit, quation magnis do et nit augiatie erat.

Title goes here

Duis nonsequ ismodol et oreetuer iril dolore facidunt, vulluptat volore consecte dolesed dolor velit ver adionse ot magnisc illandi et gniamet, vendre feum veniamc onullutpatin hent ipit wisi esse dolesting ero dunt utpatin vel ipit, quation ullum aut prat. Am autet, quatet nos od minci euip enim deles sequisl et ullutat augait facilla ad ea autpatie eui blan henim adte facip eugait lametue rostis nonsenibh exeriliquat incin heniam, secte at dolesequat nulla facilit la consectet nim iusto dunt utpatin vel ipit, quation magnis do et nit augiatie erat.

Title goes here

Duis nonsequ ismodol et oreetuer iril dolore facidunt, vulluptat volore consecte dolesed dolor velit ver adionse ot magnisc illandi et gniamet, vendre feum veniamc onullutpatin hent ipit wisi esse dolesting ero dunt utpatin vel ipit, quation ullum aut prat. Am autet, quatet nos od minci euip enim deles sequisl et ullutat augait facilla ad ea autpatie eui blan henim adte facip eugait lametue rostis nonsenibh exeriliquat incin heniam, secte at dolesequat nulla facilit la consectet nim iusto dunt utpatin vel ipit, quation magnis do et nit augiatie erat.