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Imaging B. Subtilis and its spores


To complete this protocol you will need:

  • 5% malachite green
  • 0.5% safarinin O
  • A Bunsen burner and/or heatblock
  • slides
  • A high quality fluorescence microscope, preferably confocal

NOTE: BE vary careful when preparing and handling dies. They get EVERYWHERE!!!!! and NEVER. LEAVE.


Note: It is best to carry out the following procedure in a petri dish and on top of paper to catch any dye.

  • Spread around 100ul liquid culture of your cells/spores on a glass slide. Try and do this evenly so as not to leave splodges
  • Fix culture with heat from 500C heatblock or bunsen flame
  • Add around 50ul malachite green directly to your culture.
  • Allow this to fix for five minutes either on a 500C heatblock or with periodic heating from a bunsen flame. This step must not be rushed as the malachite green needs to penetrate the thick spore membrane.
  • Wash off the dye (apply water away from culture and use fingers to move slide around, releasing dye from underneath), initially draining waste into a specific die waste container but once it is dilute enough, the die can be washed down the sink.
  • Apply 50ul safarinin O. Allow time to fix but this is not as critical as for the malachite green.
  • Wash of VERY WELL
  • Apply 10-20ul high concentration gylcerol (>50%) to your culture and fix with cover slip.
  • Image under microscope.
  • Malachite green should fluoresce with far red excitation and show the spores
  • Safarinin O should fluoresce with 490nm excitation and 590nm emission and show vegetative cells.

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