Team:Buenos Aires/Team/Members


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| style="width: 75%;" | '''María Alejandra Parreño - Biology Student'''
| style="width: 75%;" | '''María Alejandra Parreño - Biology Student'''
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|I'm a Biology Sciences major, with specification in the Genetics and Evolution fields (until I present my licentiate thesis). Within the vast field of Biology, i like ALL study subjects, but my specialty at the moment Biological Ecology of Populations (previously known as Population Genetics). Since 2009, I work in conserving the genetic variability of fruit flies which are a plague in Latin America, and I also do so with other insects with economical importance.
|Within the vast field of Biology, i like ALL study subjects, but my specialty at the moment Biological Ecology of Populations (previously known as Population Genetics). Since 2009, I work in conserving the genetic variability of fruit flies which are a plague in Latin America, and I also do so with other insects with economical importance.
I have another two very strong interests: on one hand, the spread of science, and on the other, the sustainable development of societies and handling of natural and biological resources. So I try to match my academic ocupations with relevant participations in congress and with activities in these two areas.
I love competition, innovation, and challenges, which is what attracted me to participate in iGEM and test my abilities. I see an unexplored synthetic biology field in Argentina, with a great potential to solve scientific and social problems, using wits and creativity as the main tools. As a first iGEM group, we want to impulse these ideas into reality and start off with the right foot!
I have another two very strong interests: on one hand, the spread of science, and on the other, the sustainable development of societies and handling of natural and biological resources. So I try to match my academic ocupations with relevant participations in congress and with activities in these two areas.
I love competition, innovation, and challenges, which is what attracted me to participate in iGEM and test my abilities. I see an unexplored synthetic biology field in Argentina, with a great potential to solve scientific and social problems, using wits and creativity as the main tools. As a first iGEM group, we want to impulse these ideas into reality and start off with the right foot!
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| style="width: 75%;" | '''Luciano G. Morosi- Biology Student'''
| style="width: 75%;" | '''Luciano G. Morosi- Biology Student'''
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|I'm a student in the Licentiate of Biological Sciences with specifications in molecular biology and biotechnology. I am currently going through my last year, and i've been an intern in an investigation laboratory.
 From a very young age, I was passionate and interested in natural sciences, and I decided to study biology because you must have knowledge in all sciences to be able to understand it. In this way, my interest in synthetic biology comes from the fact that it is multidisciplinary, and I'm immensely attracted to the idea of being able to create biological systems – or based in biological parts- that are innovative, which carry out specifically designed actions, using and creating standarized and combined parts. I'm not only attracted to science, but also literature, theater, music and sports: for a very long time I participated in gymnastics and swimming, and I still do the latter. I love to write, I feel comfortable writing social, political and cultural papers, and also stories.
| I am currently going through my last year, and i've been an intern in an investigation laboratory.
 From a very young age, I was passionate and interested in natural sciences, and I decided to study biology because you must have knowledge in all sciences to be able to understand it. In this way, my interest in synthetic biology comes from the fact that it is multidisciplinary, and I'm immensely attracted to the idea of being able to create biological systems – or based in biological parts- that are innovative, which carry out specifically designed actions, using and creating standarized and combined parts. I'm not only attracted to science, but also literature, theater, music and sports: for a very long time I participated in gymnastics and swimming, and I still do the latter. I love to write, I feel comfortable writing social, political and cultural papers, and also stories.
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| style="width: 75%;" | '''Manuel Giménez - Computer Science Student'''
| style="width: 75%;" | '''Manuel Giménez - Computer Science Student'''
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|I'm a computer science major, and I'm writing my licentiate thesis on building a tool to automatically reason about regulations. Yes yes, nothing relates to biology. Weird, right? Nevertheless, I've always had an interest for this discipline, mainly molecular biology. When I found out about the existance of iGEM – a couple of months ago- I said ''we have to assemble a team in Argentina''. Coincidence or not, a week later I got an email inviting me to be a part of the first Argentinian iGEM team, and now I find myself taking my first steps in synthetic biology as a member of iGEM BsAs. I'm mainly interested in the engineering vision that synthetic biology has, and I believe from the computer science standpoint, I have several ideas I can bring to this new subject. I love scientific dissemination and teaching; I consider myself a straightforward communicator, and my natural way of working is in groups. I'm part of a political movements in my university, and I try to make my passing through this world the most transforming and engaging possible.
| I'm writing my licentiate thesis on building a tool to automatically reason about regulations. Yes yes, nothing relates to biology. Weird, right? Nevertheless, I've always had an interest for this discipline, mainly molecular biology. When I found out about the existance of iGEM – a couple of months ago- I said ''we have to assemble a team in Argentina''. Coincidence or not, a week later I got an email inviting me to be a part of the first Argentinian iGEM team, and now I find myself taking my first steps in synthetic biology as a member of iGEM BsAs. I'm mainly interested in the engineering vision that synthetic biology has, and I believe from the computer science standpoint, I have several ideas I can bring to this new subject. I love scientific dissemination and teaching; I consider myself a straightforward communicator, and my natural way of working is in groups. I'm part of a political movements in my university, and I try to make my passing through this world the most transforming and engaging possible.

Revision as of 14:13, 21 September 2012



Basas2012-Vero.jpg Veronica Parasco - Physics Student
I guess I like to study too much, or the stress and making summaries. I'm about to finish my Licentiate in Physics, when I started to think about what was next, I realized that several of the decision I made took me closer to other career fields. So here I am, learning biology and opening new doors.

Bsas2012-mario.jpg Mario J. Rugiero - Chemistry and Computer Sciece Student
Initially, the iGEM grabbed my attention through its idea of free thought and colaboration, which I consider should be general rule if we want society to progress. Even though my career choice seems remotely related to synthetic biology, curiosity moves me to learn a little bit about everything, which is never a bad idea.

I'd like to see that this initiative will bring together all the synthetic biology investigation groups in Argentina because I see in this discipline an opportunity to develop and resolve many local, and very important, problems.

Bsas2012-ale.jpg María Alejandra Parreño - Biology Student
Within the vast field of Biology, i like ALL study subjects, but my specialty at the moment Biological Ecology of Populations (previously known as Population Genetics). Since 2009, I work in conserving the genetic variability of fruit flies which are a plague in Latin America, and I also do so with other insects with economical importance.

I have another two very strong interests: on one hand, the spread of science, and on the other, the sustainable development of societies and handling of natural and biological resources. So I try to match my academic ocupations with relevant participations in congress and with activities in these two areas.
I love competition, innovation, and challenges, which is what attracted me to participate in iGEM and test my abilities. I see an unexplored synthetic biology field in Argentina, with a great potential to solve scientific and social problems, using wits and creativity as the main tools. As a first iGEM group, we want to impulse these ideas into reality and start off with the right foot!

Bsas2012-lucho.jpg Luciano G. Morosi- Biology Student
I am currently going through my last year, and i've been an intern in an investigation laboratory.
 From a very young age, I was passionate and interested in natural sciences, and I decided to study biology because you must have knowledge in all sciences to be able to understand it. In this way, my interest in synthetic biology comes from the fact that it is multidisciplinary, and I'm immensely attracted to the idea of being able to create biological systems – or based in biological parts- that are innovative, which carry out specifically designed actions, using and creating standarized and combined parts. I'm not only attracted to science, but also literature, theater, music and sports: for a very long time I participated in gymnastics and swimming, and I still do the latter. I love to write, I feel comfortable writing social, political and cultural papers, and also stories.

Bsas2012-manu.jpg Manuel Giménez - Computer Science Student
I'm writing my licentiate thesis on building a tool to automatically reason about regulations. Yes yes, nothing relates to biology. Weird, right? Nevertheless, I've always had an interest for this discipline, mainly molecular biology. When I found out about the existance of iGEM – a couple of months ago- I said we have to assemble a team in Argentina. Coincidence or not, a week later I got an email inviting me to be a part of the first Argentinian iGEM team, and now I find myself taking my first steps in synthetic biology as a member of iGEM BsAs. I'm mainly interested in the engineering vision that synthetic biology has, and I believe from the computer science standpoint, I have several ideas I can bring to this new subject. I love scientific dissemination and teaching; I consider myself a straightforward communicator, and my natural way of working is in groups. I'm part of a political movements in my university, and I try to make my passing through this world the most transforming and engaging possible.


Bsas2012-alan.jpg Alan Bush - M.Sc. in Biology
Soy licenciado en ciencias biológicas y actualmente estoy realizando mi doctorado en biología. Mi tema de estudio se enmarca en la “biología de sistemas”, que es una área de estudio que pretende dar una visión más cuantitativa e integradora de la biología molecular, utilizando herramientas de modelado matemático. Está relacionada con la biología sintética ya que usa el mismo tipo de herramientas y organismos modelos. Sin embargo el enfoque es radicalmente diferente; mientras que la biología de sistemas pretende estudiar cómo funcionan las células, el objetivo de la biología sintética es diseñar y generar “dispositivos biológicos” con comportamientos predeterminados. Es justamente este cambio de enfoque lo que me motivó a ser coordinador del equipo iGEM de la UBA, me fascina la idea de usar lo que sabemos para desarrollar dispositivos útiles que ayuden a solucionar problemas concretos.

Bsas2012-german.jpg German Sabio - M.Sc. in Biology
Soy una persona extremadamente curiosa y desde siempre tuve una pasión por todos los “bichos” (concepto altamente académico y muy complejo, básicamente encaja desde células y virus hasta mamíferos y aliens) y como es que funciona la “vida”. Una licenciatura en ciencias biológicas no me brindo todavía la respuesta pero mantuvo mi curiosidad aplacada durante algunos años y me brindo una gran diversidad de herramientas para seguir generando nuevas preguntas.

Actualmente trabajo en una rama de la biología que estudia el desarrollo de los seres vivos: Como es que, a partir de una célula o un grupo de células parecidas se desarrolla un organismo. Mi disciplina de Doctorado es la biología de sistemas que básicamente estudia diferentes áreas de la biología buscando tendencias matemáticas y así prediciendo (o, en realidad, modelando) diferentes sistemas vivos. La biología sintética seria la otra cara de la moneda: Mientras que la biología de sistemas trata de encontrar y definir los mecanismos de la naturaleza para entender como funcionan, la biología sintética trata de reproducir o generar nuevos sistemas de novo con una función predeterminada. Me interesa mucho esta oportunidad de participar en un equipo iGEM no solo por la cantidad de herramientas que presenta si no que es bueno e interesante armar un grupo y discutir y laburar juntos.


Bsas2012-nacho.jpg Ignacio E. Sánchez - M.Sc. in Chemistry and Ph.D. in Biophysics
Soy un bioinformático español radicado en la Argentina. Antes fui un biofísico en formación en el norte de Europa y antes de eso un químico fascinado por las biomoléculas. En el día a día estudio virus oncogénicos en el Laboratorio de Fisiología de Proteínas del Departamento de Química Biológica.

La biología sintética me parece una excelente oportunidad para que los países en vías de desarrollo adquieran nuevas capacidades en biotecnología. Por ese motivo me uní al Dr. Nadra en 2011 para promover la formación de biólogos sintéticos argentinos. Hasta ahora, la experiencia está resultando altamente divertida y gratificante.

Bsas2012-alenadra.jpg Alejandro D. Nadra - M.Sc. in Biology and Ph.D. in Chemistry
Soy licenciado en biología (2001) y doctor en química (2005). Mis temas de interés son estructura/función/plegamiento de proteínas y su interacción con ácidos nucleicos. También hemoproteínas, evolución y biología sintética, entre otros. Hice un postdoc en el grupo de modelado molecular de la FCEyN y otro en el programa de biología de sistemas del Centro de Regulación Genómica de Barcelona. Comencé a ser docente de la FCEN en el 2000 y actualmente soy JTP en el departamento de química biológica e investigador del CONICET. Además soy miembro del Laboratorio de Bioquímica Estructural, departamento de Química Biológica.

Dada la vacancia de la Biología Sintética en Argentina, desde el 2011 esamos impulsando el área junto con Ignacio Sánchez. En este esfuerzo, hemos organizado el primer curso de posgrado sobre la temática en 2011, y organizamos un curso con destacados referentes internacionales en abril de 2012. Estoy convencido que desde mi posicion y dada mi formacion puedo ser un impulsor de la Biología Sintética y comenzar con la formación de Biólogos Sintéticos de pura cepa. Creo que las competencias iGEM son una excelente herrameienta para la educación motivacion de los estudiantes. Estoy convencido de que desde Argentina podemos aportar al area y estar a la par de los equipos de estudiantes de cualquier parte del mundo. Si bien disponemos de menos recursos y fondos, esta falencia se compensa con una enorme motivación y creatividad.