

Revision as of 14:00, 25 July 2012 by Khadijaouadi (Talk | contribs)




[!mainPage Amy Congdon] has acted as our team artist and has designed our logos as well as helping with the design and production of our video and various pieces of equipment for our human outreach work.

[ Bioline] and their representative, Josh Wright, have been extremely supportive in offering us a discount from their catalogued products as well as donating plasmid isolation mini kits, PCR gel clean-up kits and enzymes.

[ Promega] have been extremely supportive in offering us a discount from their catalogued products as well as donating PCR gel clean-up kits and DNA purification mini-preps.

Sebastian Runkel a PhD student at the University of East Anglia whose research involves nitric oxide and who gave as an in-depth presentation on nitric oxide and how to work with it. His experience and advice has proven invaluable to our own project.

[ STAR Radio 107.9/1 FM] allowed us interview time on their radio show to discuss the iGEM competition, synthetic biology, and the future applications of this branch of science. They gave us a lengthy slot on the show and helped us promote the competition and synthetic biology as a whole.