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                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed semper metus eu dui rutrum sed fringilla mauris mattis. In quis ipsum eu purus accumsan tempor. Nulla ipsum nibh, aliquet at faucibus sit amet, suscipit nec erat. Ut in tincidunt risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla facilisi. Sed vulputate lacinia ante, non tincidunt orci feugiat ac. Nulla cursus turpis non orci aliquam faucibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.<br><br>
<h3>How effective is endolysin at killing a C.diff?</h3><br><br>
Pellentesque dictum semper blandit. Nunc non tellus tellus, at sodales enim. Nam porttitor nisi ligula, et venenatis lacus. Quisque in sem nec justo lacinia dignissim. Proin ac augue id turpis cursus iaculis. Phasellus tincidunt scelerisque erat sed tempus. Suspendisse venenatis vulputate mi. Mauris blandit adipiscing odio, ac tincidunt felis tempus ac.<br><br>
Different Endolysin concentrations can have different effects on the survival of C.diff cells. It is important therefore to understand how much endolysin is required to control C.diff population and how can this concentration be obtained from our newly engineered E.coli. In this section we present mathematical models and quantative analyses that quantify the effect of Endolysin on a C.diff population, Models were constructed using data that have been collected over summer, but we have also exploited data from the literature.<br><br>
First, we used data from“Molecular Characterization of a Clostridium difficile Bacteriophage and Its Cloned Biologically Active Endolysin” where the size of the C.diff population is measured (optical density, OD) as a function of the Endolysin concentration, E(μg/ml) and the time, t(mins) during which C.diff is exposed to Endolysin.<br><br>
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Donec eu ante nec est malesuada gravida et non nisi. Nunc posuere cursus magna. Proin eu turpis est. Donec et velit ac dolor luctus laoreet. Proin pulvinar velit vitae libero sagittis aliquet auctor justo iaculis. Quisque in eros at leo tempus tincidunt. Ut blandit sapien et quam venenatis feugiat. Maecenas commodo pellentesque metus, vitae rhoncus lorem pulvinar vel. Suspendisse gravida, purus eu aliquam tincidunt, magna eros scelerisque elit, ut faucibus erat justo eu orci. Sed placerat nunc nec leo imperdiet lacinia. Mauris porta dignissim cursus.         

Revision as of 21:09, 24 September 2012

How effective is endolysin at killing a C.diff?

Different Endolysin concentrations can have different effects on the survival of C.diff cells. It is important therefore to understand how much endolysin is required to control C.diff population and how can this concentration be obtained from our newly engineered E.coli. In this section we present mathematical models and quantative analyses that quantify the effect of Endolysin on a C.diff population, Models were constructed using data that have been collected over summer, but we have also exploited data from the literature.

First, we used data from“Molecular Characterization of a Clostridium difficile Bacteriophage and Its Cloned Biologically Active Endolysin” where the size of the C.diff population is measured (optical density, OD) as a function of the Endolysin concentration, E(μg/ml) and the time, t(mins) during which C.diff is exposed to Endolysin.