(*NOT Sensor*) directive sample 43200.0 1000 (*43200 seconds*) directive plot q (*plot fluorescent output as free quencher*) rate slow = 0.0000000001; (*for leak reactions*) rate fast = 0.000005; (*for seesawing reaction*) init g_o 100.0 (*gate-output*) | init rox_q 150.0 (*reporter*) | init mrna 20.0 (*input mRNA, binds competitively to sensor*) | init f 1000.0 (*fuel*) | init s 35.0 (*sensor, reacts with gate-output*) | g_o + s ->{fast} g_s + o | g_s + o ->{fast} g_o + s | s + mrna ->{fast} s_mrna | rox_q + o ->{fast} rox_o + q | rox_o + q ->{slow} rox_q + o | g_o + f ->{slow} g_f + o | g_f + o ->{slow} g_o + f | g_s + f ->{fast} g_f + s | g_f + s ->{fast} g_s + f