Team:EPF-Lausanne/Notebook/6 July 2012


Checking on cells from the 05.07.12 transfection

Cell counting.

Supernatant sample stored:

  • Well plate taken from Elisa room (CHB1374).
  • Sampled 200 µl from each of the 5 cell cultures into 5 wells.
  • Centrifuged at 1500 rpm, 3 min, in big centrifuge at the Widmer lab (between E.Coli and cell labs).
  • In Elisa room, transferred 180 µl of supernatant from each sample into row A (columns 1 to 5 correspond to sample #) into new well plate, labeled Test(050712), kept in Elisa freezer (2nd shelf).
  • Note: from now on, the plate stays out for max 10 minutes, to avoid defreezing.