

(Redirected from Asia)

iGEM Europe

    The iGEM Asia Jamboree 2012 was hosted in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Poster

    About the Host

    Welcome to the HKUST

    Welcome to Hong Kong


    Everything that's happening before that you should take note of!


    Vital information to help you survive iGEM Asia...

    Nostalgic already? Click below and relive the event...


    02-01-2013: Watch video of the Fun-run Event.
    02-01-2013: Watch video of the Poster Session.
    02-01-2012: Watch video of the Opening Ceremony.
    31-10-2012: Watch video of the Award Ceremony.
    30-10-2012: Click here to see more photos in Facebook.
    15-10-2012: Click here to see iGEM Asia 2012 photos in Flickr.
    07-10-2012: Congratulations to all teams from iGEM Asia 2012!Go to the results page to see the winners!
    04-10-2012: Deadline for reserving a practice slot is Thursday 4th at 6pm (HK time). Please sign up for a time slot for the presentation rehearsals on Friday 5th October. Please see Sign Up Practice Sessions
    26-09-2012: iGEM Asia is safe. For further information about personal safety at the iGEM Asia Jamboree please visit here.
    05-10-2012: Asia Jamboree Schedule now uploaded. Check it out here.
    06-10-2012: Bio-security talk by Dr. William K.L. So, Policy & Program Specialist, WMD Directorate, Biological Countermeasures Unit FBI Headquarters USA, "Dual Responsibility: Science and Security. LTE, Saturday 1:00pm-1:45pm"
    26-09-2012: Submission deadlines for Sending Parts, Project and part documentation , including documentation for all medal criteria, BioBrick Part DNA to the Registry, Judging form and Wiki FREEZE at 11:59pm, EDT
    07-09-2012: DEADLINE for Project abstracts and Track selection
    04-09-2012: Deadline for booking your hotel room in Hong Kong at reduced rates.
    07-09-2012: Deadline changed for Regional Jamboree attendance fee , Track selection, Project abstracts, Team rosters, Safety questions
    01-08-2012: Apply for visas to US for World Jamborees (typical time for visas is 3 months), please see for further details.

    15-07-2012: Deadline for Team project descriptions due.
    30-06-2012: Latest for applying for visas to Hong Kong